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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:25 AM

Alexander Anderson

Name: Alexander Anderson
Race: Saiyan / Konat-jin / Android Hybrid
Details: See picture
Origins: Earth { Currently: Yardratt }
Alignment: Lawful Good
Personality: Pious, Violent, Abrasive
Team: None
Alive:  Alive

Thee Song: God's gonna cut you down' by Johnny Cash

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 962
  -Strength: 162
  -Speed: 163
  -Intelligence: 100
  -Sensing: 50

Powers & Abilities
Racial Abilities
  -Power Growth: Saiyans power increase with the battles they fight. After every battle, the pl gain is increased in x1.2.
  -Battle Regeneration: Saiyans do not have meditations, for they just can't concentrate for long times. However, whenever going through near-death
                                         damage, his power level will go x1.5. Note that going near-death isn't like "*A punch to the face*... OH! I'm near-death!". Masters
                                         shall judge if it did count as near-death. This takes the place of meditations for saiyans. Must write a story composed of at least
                                         1.000 words.

  -Spiritual Blade: When wielding a sword, may cause pl to go up by x1.3.
  -Racial Trace; Regeneration: Ability to regrow lost limbs as long as your head is still intact. Very painful.

Racial Quests
  -Android Fusion: Works like a namekian fusion, with the exception that no matter the integrants pl, their pls will always be added together. In the case
   of an NPC story fusion, it'll be pl x1.3 permanently. The merging character can be remodelled from scratch, pretty much like in the Potara Fusion, but
   there is no form of boosted customs. There is no loss of abilities, though and whatever each of the androids learned, they will carry on to the new
   entity. Requires 1.000 words story in case of NPC and must buy a henchman android. 1.000 words for each member in case of fusing with a
   member's character. This can be done once per lifetime. NOT YET

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: To be made / approved

Quest: Instant Transmission
Sensei: None
Extra Uses: None

None yet

Items: None
Weapons: None
Armors: None
Housing: None
Transportation: Spacepod { Upgrades: none }

Alexander Anderson was created on the Planet Yardrat, after a Vicious attack by Space Pirate's reduced a village to dust. The Pirate's had picked the village, since it was the smallest one on the Planet, and had the lowest power level of all. They killed many of the Inhabitants, and the few that survived only did so by fleeing to other ones, or hiding in underground bunker's when the Pirates arrived. By the time the Pirate's left, they had looted nearly everything that was not bolted down, and left their fingerprints on nearly door, item that was bolted down that they attempted to steal, and all the Vault's in the bank. Some of the few thing's that were not stolen was a Cloning Chamber, and a Chemistry Station that was stuck in a Laboratory of a Enterprising young Human by the name of Johan who had immigrated to the planet because of its peaceful nature, and serenity. He had begun to think about the need for someone or something to protect the planet, and began to formulate a plan. He would begin to collect fragments of bio-material that the space pirate's left, and create a defender based on them. He created two prototypes, One which had the Appearance of an Angel(Anderson), and One with the Appearance of a Demon(Which will be posted later, as another henchmen). The Angel was dubbed Alexander, and later its name was expanded to Alexander Anderson, or AA. He was created to be the ultimate Defender of Yardrat, and to Mete out justice and fight those who would harm the weak across the cosmos. His first stages of life were shaken, as his body matured, and he was groomed into his position, Johan passed away, and he was taken away from the Laboratory where his Brother was forming. He was outcast from the Village without Johan's protection, and lived in the wild for a while, with nothing but the clothes on his back, several books taken from Johan's Library, and a bag of food. A Week later, as his food began to run low, Space Pirate's began another raid on the village. As Smoke began to rise on the Horizon, Anderson began to stroll into the Village, and fought each of the Space Pirate's, until he forced them to retreat from the planet. Two of them attempted to remain and fight, and even managed to remove one of Anderson's Arms with a Blast of Ki. However, their Victory was short lived, as Anderson's arm began to reform at the base, and extend itself. His face was clearly in pain as it happened, and the fit of rage that it threw him in made his power spike, and he rushed the Pirate, and ripped him into two pieces. From there, the other began to make a run for it, only for Anderson to chase down the fleeing pirate, and penetrate his back with Anderson's fist. With the Space Pirate's gone for the time being, Anderson decided to begin his journey to destroy all of those who were out to harm the Weak, and Good of the Universe, and mete out justice to the Wicked, and Impure of Heart.  


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