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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:19 AM

Name: Dodoria

  -Player: That_Brazilian_Guy
Race: Demon
Details: Male gender; seems to be around his late twenties or early thirties; 5'8" ft tall and weights about 240 lbs;other details can be seen on the pic above
Origins: Icer { Currently: Icer }
Alignment: Pure evil
Personality: Brash and vulgar; thoguh he is intelligent, his anger tends to take the best of him
Team: None
Health Rank: Alive

Ki: 1.703

  -Strength: 200
  -Speed: 250
  -Intelligence: 50
  -Sensing: 0 { Sight Speed = x1.2 speed  }

Real Battle Records: 000
  -Wins: 000
  -Draws: 000
  -Losses: 000
  -Kills: 000
  -Deaths: 000

Real Battle Records: 000
  -Wins: 000
  -Draws: 000
  -Losses: 000
  -Kills: 000
  -Deaths: 000

Demon Advantage { Racial Ability }: When training in HFIL or Icer or in appropriate demonic places, gains go x1.2.

Power Source { Racial Ability }: Dodoria was born in the first week of the month and every first week of the month, for whatever thread he starts in that period, his ki, strength and speed go x1.2 times higher.

Bone Weapon; Spikes { Racial Ability }: Dodoria has natural spiky bone formations on the top of his head and forearms that can pierce the opponent like small spiked knuckes { x1.3 } . They can't slice though.

Demonic Advancement { Racial Ability }: Wehenver training under gravity, his gains go x1.2. He can also train in one level higher than the usual.

Meditation: 3 days for a x1.3 power boost.

Demon Power; Fat { Racial Quest }: Dodoria is overweight; that's visible. But apparently, he doesn't seem to have a problem with it. It only provides him advantages: 25% damage reduction { halves effectiveness of temperature based techniques } and gives a -0.3 penalty to piercing / slashing / bone breaking. Only thing that is cumulative with an armour, though is the resistance to piercing.

Dodoria Beam { Starting Move }: A basic yellow colored energy blast at x1.1 increased ki.

Quests: Kaiho, Ki Shot, Bukujutsu, Powered Up
Sensei Moves: None
Extra Uses: None

None yet...

Items: None
Weapons: None
Armours: Regular Clothes
Housing: None
Transportations: None
Weights: None

Introduction: Born in Icer, Dodoria's story doesn't differ that much from the demons in there; after the changelings went missing, they dominated the planet and spend their days being demons. Dodoria is the leader of a small group of demons in the northern region.

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