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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:25 AM



Name: Ander
Race: Namekian  {Fighter Clan}
Details: ---
Origins: Namek
Alignment: Good
Personality: Good Natured, Happy, Loves a fight.
Health Rank: alive

Theme Song: none

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 17.289 [+500 stat pts ]
  -Strength: 100
  -Speed: 150
  -Intelligence: 100
  -Sensing: 150 { Sight Speed = x1.3 Speed }

Real / BS battle Records: 000
  -Wins: 000
  -Draws:  000
  -Losses:  000
  -Kills:  000
  -Deaths:  000

Regeneration: Ability to regrow lost limbs as long as your head is still intact. Very painful.
  -Mystic Attack: The ability to stretch their arms to long distances.
  -Namekian Fusion: Ability to touch another namekian and if it is willing to fuse, the two bodies will merge together, forming a new warrior.
- Requirements: Approval from one master, 1.000 words in the case of NPC fusion { which cannot be above your power level } and must pay 4.000¥ for NPC Fusion, as if you were buying a henchmen. Both namekians must agree with it. Can't pick with Racial Trace
    - Effect: Power levels added together
    - Limit: Once a month. If any of the fusion intergrants is above 2 mil base pl, it will be just the highest base pl x1.1.
  -Kyoudaika: The ability for nameks to massively increase in size to gain more strength. They can grow to any size, but the more they grow the bigger the target they are as well. This allows the user to increase by x1.1 their base strength, however for every 10% they add, their speed is lowered by 10% in terms of dodging an attack, to a maximum of 100% penalty on speed, where every single physical attack and every energy attack that is not blocked by a kai barrier will hit and their strength will be increased by x2.
  -Advanced Meditation: Can meditate for really long periods of time. 5 days of meditations for an increase of x1.5 to pl.

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: to be approved 

Kaiho, Flight

Sensei: none

Extra Uses:

None yet


Job: none
  -Money: 0z { Banked: 0z }
Items: none
Weapons: none
Armors: none
Housing: none
Transportation: none { Upgrades: none }
Weights: Weights

Life Story
The village Ander was born in named him the chosen warrior to protect their village from an evil that would be coming when he turned 20. From birth he has faced the harshest training possible. As soon as he was old enough, he was placed in a solitary shack so nothing could detract from his training. The time has come to put the last two years onto his training before the evil arose to take their village.

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