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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS |
2025-01-29, 1:07 PM |
Conquest is a fun part of the game that consists in conquering areas for your team on other planets. You don't gain any of the benefits of conquests if you're not part of a team and for a team to be officialized it must be composed by 3 non-NPC members. Once a team is created, it can claim and take over areas form other planets. Once the first area has been claimed { the leader must be on the planet to do so! } you will be given for free, one Basic Base, 1 Captain and 20 Soldier henchmen and 2.000 to spend for the TEAM stuff. You don't get to keep any of the not used money, so buy all base upgrades you can! This is a one time gift, so don't expect getting it again.
Every planet has 10 areas. Each area controlled give 10% influence of the team over the planet. Every sunday, for every area you team controls, it gains 100z to be deposited in the team's treasury { can't be put in a bank; members can't use } and members get paid a wage according with their positions: - Leader: 50z per team member, +10z per area controlled - Captain: 400z per mission - Elite Soldier: 300z per mission - Soldier: 200z per mission - Trainee: 100z per mission
There are few rules you must know, though: 1. You can do Team Missions once per 15 days. 2. Missions must be given by the leader and must be 500 words long at least. 3. If the mission is done along with another member, the multi-person base bonus { x1.5 } will increas by +0.1 to maximum of x2, per 500 words you type above the minimum of 500 words. Credits go to Riano. 4. If two or more of your characters are in the same team, only one of them can get the wage payment.
Below, a table referring to the controlled areas will be posted:
Earth -A1: free -A2: free -A3: free -A4: free -A5: free -A6: free -A7: free -A8: free -A9: free -A10: free
Vegeta -A1: free -A2: free -A3: free -A4: free -A5: free -A6: free -A7: free -A8: free -A9: free -A10: free
Namek -A1: free -A2: free -A3: free -A4: free -A5: free -A6: free -A7: free -A8: free -A9: free -A10: free
Icer -A1: free -A2: free -A3: free -A4: free -A5: free -A6: free -A7: free -A8: free -A9: free -A10: La Ressurreccion
Konat -A1: free -A2: free -A3: free -A4: free -A5: free -A6: free -A7: free -A8: free -A9: free -A10: free
Yardratt -A1: free -A2: free -A3: free -A4: free -A5: free -A6: free -A7: free -A8: free -A9: free -A10: free
| Below, see an easy Team Creation form:
Team Name
Information Description: text Purpose: text Slogan: text Alignment: text Allies: text Enemies: text How to Join: text Total Power Level: text
Base Description: text -Upgrades: text -Storage Rooms: text -Armory: text -Spaceport: text -Treasure: text
Description: text
Members Leader: text -Captains: text -Elite Soldiers: text -Soldier: text -Recruits: text
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