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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:08 AM


Name: Kamina
Race: Saiyan
Details: 5'8''; 180 lbs; 17 years old; Blue hair; Blue eyes; Blue tattoos on the arms and back
Origins: Vegeta
Current Location: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Loud, self-confident and over the top, Kamina does not take no for an answer. He posses an incredible will power, never backing down from a challenge, even if it means that he will come in danger of losing his life. Having faith in his friends, he is prone to inspirational speeches (at least, what he thinks is inspirational) and outbursts such as "Who the hell do you think I am!?" and "Kick reason to the curb and go beyond the impossible!" Kamina also has a tendency of putting on his sunglasses whenever something is interesting, he is getting serious... or is just plain awesome. At times, he wears a cloak with his logo (a flaming skull with his sunglasses on) on the back.
Team: None
Health Rank: Alive


Theme Song - Unbreakable - Bon Jovi



Power Level: 17.153 { +500 stats to split }
Strength: 300
Speed: 500
-Sight Speed (x1.3): 200
Intelligence: 100
Sensing: 100


-Total Battles: ´ 0 / 0
-Wins: 0 / 0
-Draws: 0 / 0
-Losses: 0 / 0
-Kills: 0 / 0
-Deaths: 0 / 0



Tail: Kamina has a monkey tail, which he can use to fight. He'll be completely paralyzed if its pulled, though.
Power Growth: Kamina grows stronger after every battle he is in. The power level gain after a battle increases by x1.2
Saiyan Pride: If Kamina is pushed too far, he will momentarily gain a boost of x1.3 to his power level and all of his stats. This can only be used for a short time, however.
Battle Regeneration: If Kamina survives a near death experience, his power level will increase by x1.5.


Oozaru: At the sight of the full moon, Kamina will transform into a giant ape, if he has his tail at that point, at least. Once transformed, he will lose all control... but nonetheless, still act very much over the top, and somehow gaining a giant version of his sunglasses and cape. How? 'cus he's THAT awesome.
-Stat Boosts: pl x10, str x3, int x0.



Drill Breaker { Lv 1 }: Forming his energy into the shape of a gigantic drill, Kamina can use said drill to... well... drill. And trust me, you do NOT want to be drilled by Kamina.
-Limit: 5 times per battle
-Boost: pl x1.1
-Effect: Piercing on anyone with less than x1.3 Kamina's pl
-Drawback: Requires Touch.
Technique Name { Lv 2 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 3 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 4 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 5 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 6 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 7 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A

Extra Uses: None


Quests Techniques: Kaiho, Ki Shot, Bukujutsu, Powered Up
Sensei Moves: Kamehameha


Quests Completed: Kaiho, Ki Shot, Bukujutsu, Powered Up, The Tower and the Cat Sensei, Senzu Beams { 23 / 02 / 10 }
Sensei Training Completed: Master Roshi


Jobs: Inventor, Quest Finder
-Money: 100z { Banked: 0}
Items: Sunglasses { see pictures }, Capsule Box { 10 capsules }, Senzu Bean x2, Fishing Rod 
Weapons: None
Armor/Clothing: Gi { see pictures } ; Master Roshi's Gi
Housing: House { Upgrades: Sauna }
Transportation: None { Upgrades: None }

Kamina was, as most saiyans is, born on the planet Vegeta and then sent out to conquer a planet. Of course... Kamina was somewhat... different. Landing on the Earth (really, that place just seem to be a magnet for stuff like this, doesn't it?), Kamina was found by an old man named Oyaji and raised by him in the mountains outside of a small town (Karakara), growing up to be a wild young man, though with no knowledge of his true past.
Despite not being liked by the grown ups of the town, Kamina was beloved by the kids, often starting wild schemes, such as letting out the town's pigs and riding them through town.
Even as he tried to curb Kamina's tendencies, Oyaji could see something greater inside Kamina, and so, he pushed him on, as he discovered Kamina's dreams of going further than anyone had ever gone before. He wanted to become powerful, but not for the sake of evil or for the sake of hurting anyone... No, Kamina was nothing like that. He simply wanted to experience everything the world had to offer, and, as he put it, "Become the drill that would pierce the heavens!"
Shortly before Kamina turned 16 Oyaji died of old age, his final words to Kamina that he should pursue his dreams... and so, Kamina left Karakara to journey out into the world, his great will power pushing him, causing him to grow ever stronger as he is prepared to break through reality itself to archieve his goals!
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