Name: Kensei Muguruma
Race: Vizard { Alien }
Details: 6'0, brown eyes, silver/grey hair, 211 years old, a 69 tattoo on his chest { the "6" for his last name, "Muguruma", which uses the kanji for "6" in it; the "9" for 9th Division }
Origins: Soul Society { heaven } { Currently: Earth }
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Kensei is portrayed as a much more mature, serious, and decisive individual, though he is easily annoyed and rather temperamental, often to a fault. A skilled and respected battlefield commander, he has a rather brutal fighting style, and quite often blasts his opponents apart. When not fighting, he has a blunt and slightly aggressive attitude, trying to cheer up a tearful Hisagi in a manner reminiscent of an army drill sergeant by yelling at him to "Cheer up, dammit!!", though he seems more passive and somewhat melancholic as a Vizard. { Hisagi is one of the people from his soul reaper days }
Team: None
Health Rank: alive
Theme Song: Viva la Vada
Battle Statistics
Power Level: 5.501
-Strength: 250
-Speed: 150
-Intelligence: 50
-Sensing: 50 { Sight Speed = x1.2 Speed }
Real / BS battle Records: 000 / 000
-Wins: 000 / 000
-Draws: 000 / 000
-Losses: 000 / 000
-Kills: 000 / 000
-Deaths: 000 / 000
Powers & Abilities
Racial Ability { Acceptance of Power }: Being a Vizard, he has become accustomed to people thinking he's demonic. However, this inner hollow has a power not yet tapped, even with the final hollowfication. This ability unlocks the final power of being a vizard { 1000 word quest to unlock, strength x6.5, speed x4 } --- Pending Approval
Learning Ability { Kensei's Understanding }: Kensei's Understanding- Great Age brings with it great patience. After a fight, Kensei can analyze what happen, learn from mistakes, realize what exactly helped him in the fight, and because of this he can get a greater bonus from the fight than he would otherwise. { x1.1 gain to all trainings that involve fighting } --- Pending Approval
Learning Move { Power of Muguruma }: Described by technique --- Pending Approval
Meditation: With great age comes decent patience, and understanding of the energy within himself. Given one weeks time of staying still and pondering, his power will actually increase { x1.2 for 1 week }
Powered Up { Bankai }: Gets a bigger aura.
-Pl Required: None
-Effects: pl x2; str x1.2, spd x1.2
Transformation 1 { Bankai }: Shown in picture
-Pl Required: 100.000
-Effects: pl x5; str x1.5, spd x1.5
Transformation 2 { Hollowfication }: Shown in picture
-Pl Required: 1.000.000
-Effects: pl x15; str x3, spd x2
Transformation 3: His actual appearence changes, his body turning white with black patterns on his body, a tail now formed. Imagine the picture above with the mask seen in Transformation 2, and silver hair
-Pl Required: 4.000.000
-Effects: pl x30; str x4, spd x4
Gravity Punch { Lv 1 }: Having learned how to use his ki to generate a sense of gravity, he concentrates it to his fist, manipulating the power to suck enemies close enough to him to deliver a punch { Strength x1.1, effects anyone with a strength x1.2 his }. Can use 5 times per battle.
Quests: Kaiho, Ki Shot, Powered Up
Sensei: none
Extra Uses: none
Job: Assassin, Inventor
-Money: 0 { Banked: 450}
Items: Regular Clothes
Weapons: none
Armors: none
Housing: Sauna
Transportation: none { Upgrades: none }
Life Story
will come later, not retyping all this now lol