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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:35 AM



Name: Raphael
Race: Namekian { Healer Clan }
5’5, 130 lbs, green
Origins: Namek { Currently: Icer}
Alignment: Evil
Intends to see the goals of himself and his comrades to the end, but being weak he is glad to help as a healer.
Team: None
Health Rank: Alive

Theme Song: None

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 300
  -Strength: 50
  -Speed: 50
  -Intelligence: 200
  -Sensing: 100 { Sight Speed = x1.3 Speed }

Real / BS battle Records: 000 / 000
  -Wins: 000 / 000
  -Draws: 000 / 000
  -Losses: 000 / 000
  -Kills: 000 / 000
  -Deaths: 000 / 000

  -Regeneration: Ability to regrow lost limbs as long as your head is still intact. Very painful.
  -Mystic Attack: The ability to stretch their arms to long distances.

 -Namekian Fusion:
 Ability to touch another namekian and if it is willing to fuse, the two bodies will merge together, forming a new warrior. Requires a
                                    master's approval, payment of 3.000z as if you bought a hench for NPC stories an must be done once a month. Pl added together,
                                    though if done above 2 million, it will be the highest pl x1.1.

  -Kyoudaika: The ability for nameks to massively increase in size to gain more strength. They can grow to any size, but the more they grow the bigger
                         the target they are as well. This allows the user to increase by x1.1 their base strength, however for every 10% they add, their speed is
                         lowered by 10% in terms of dodging an attack, to a maximum of 100% penalty on speed, where every single physical attack and every
                         energy attack that is not blocked by a kai barrier will hit and their strength will be increased by x2.
  -Advanced Meditation: Can meditate for really long periods of time. 5 days of meditations for an increase of x1.5 to pl.

  -Healer Clan: Has the ability to heal any injuries like a senzu bean. Requires touching and a full post to work.

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your starting move


Sensei: None

Extra Uses:

None yet

Items: None
Weapons: None
Armors: None
Housing: None
Transportation: None { Upgrades: None }

Life Story
Raphael was cast out from his village in namek for being too dark of body and dark of spirit. The rather young looking namekian had migrated to many different places before landing on Icer; for a brief time on earth, on new vegeta, on konat even, then drifted to Icer. Immediately he had been bombarded with a number of cruel names and acts, though he had a deep hate for those around him he felt like the energy of the planet was right for him, something was on the planet to guide his hand. Through months of drifting from city to city, Raphael had kept a keen eye on what he was searching for, who he was searching for.

Through every day, Raphael felt he got closer to the dark force which brought him to the planet, spanning the galaxy in some kind of siren call, and while he was on icer he truly felt he had a place, even though most of his life he had such dark intentions and his family line had been anything but, he had been born a healer. There were precious few healers, and all of them stood for the moral fiber of good till the end, and rightly so, how could someone commit such great evil with healing. Throughout his life, Raphael felt like his life was a joke, a dark minded namek with such a ‘good’ power in his hands, the best he had done before was deny his aid to those who truly needed it, yet that was more an act of apathy than evil.

Soon enough, the evil namek came across the rather odd demon Hachi, he was rather neutral sounding, sometimes even sounding morally strict, but deep down the resonating call was sounding within, he was the reason Raphael travelled to Icer. Things started to clear up slowly as the namek and the demon started talking and explaining the situation they were both in. When Raphael told Hachi of his dark intentions, the demon took great interest and greater interest still when he explained the healing abilities and his lack of skill in making it work for evil. Finally, Hachi told the namek how the healing skill he was given could be used for great evil, what Raphael had always wanted.

The demon slowly explained that he would amass a number of warriors, starting with him and a saiyan he called a brother. The basic deal was that saiyans got stronger as they come back from nearly dying, and a rejuvenation tank took way too long, that was the basic, when more were amassed he was the on-site medic, which would put many an evil person back on the front lines, nothing was more evil than giving a good or innocent the illusion of hope, and then in one quick touch, snatching the very essence of hope from them. The only other stipulation for Raphael was to appear good natured and kind until the time was right, the saiyan was good himself, but rather too loyal to see Hachi was truly evil at his core, and only waited until the time was right to tell him.

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