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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:42 AM



Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun { After one’s death, as lifeless as cold ashes, a life, returns }
Race: Crimsom Noble { Alien }
Details: height: 5'11; weight: 145; age: looks 20ish
Origins: ???l { Currently: ??? }
Alignment: Pure Evil
Personality: Intelligent, analytical, emotionally distant
Team: None
Health Rank: Alive

Theme Song: Train Search -Yoko Kanno

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 4.173
  -Strength: 100
  -Speed: 200
  -Intelligence: 150
  -Sensing: 100 { Sight Speed = x1.3 Speed }

Real / BS battle Records: 000
  -Wins: 000
  -Draws:  000
  -Losses:  000
  -Kills:  000
  -Deaths:  000

: to be approved
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: to be approved 


Sensei: none

Extra Uses:

None yet

Items: none
Weapons: none
Armors: Regular Clothes
Housing: none
Transportation: none { Upgrades: none }

Life Story
The Crimson Nobles are a race of vampiric creatures who acording to their legends were able to munipulate their own blood in combat and the more powerful of them were able to alter their form at will, almost ageless they are able to withstand massive damage in combat, although no one had seen such a thing in centuries. Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun was born from the Crimson Noble's royal bloodline fated to be their king. Nakiato was a good person despite his peoples nature, who grew in power quickly and was taught many of his peoples secrets in preperation for when he became king. That was until from the stars came a group of powerful warriors that wished to destroy them for the evils the Crimson Nobles had performed eons ago, now that they had weakened. while his people were slaughtered left and right by the great "Hero" and his compainions Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun broke one of his peoples most sacred rules. he entered the living tomb of his people's god and fed directly on the power and blood that he held until his gods death. The blood of his god awoken the dorment powers of his people once more, however the sudden infusion of power warped Nakiato's mind turning him to a man of pure evil. Once he left the tomb Nakiato quickly found the Hero and his friends standing over the remains of family, his people, and his kingdom and went mad. fueled by the power and blood of his god, Nakiato slaughtered the heros, but not before they set in motion the destruction of his world. badly injured and weakened from the battle Nakiato managed to fly off and escape where many of his newly aquired powers went dorment within him waiting for him to become strong enough to use them safely. When that happened, Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun latched onto the largest chunk of his planet he could find and went into hybernation, allowing his body and mind to heal from the damage both had sustained, although at the cost of what power he had gained already.


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