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Hollowfication: Failed?
TenshiDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-16, 8:03 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kensei walked down the road, sighing. What a mess he was in... One hundred years ago, he was driven from the Soul Society as though he were the very hollows they'd been fighting to protect people of Earth, and for what? A mistake? Being transformed into a monster through no fault of his own. And now... Now, after years, he was finally back up to a decent power. No where NEAR what he use to have, he use to be able to summon his mask, but now... Now he was basically pathetic. And plus, another question he had. When he got to earth, he hadnt used the Hollowfication at all... And to this day, about one hundred years later, he still hadnt. Could he still do it? He wanted to test it but... He couldnt bring himself to it. He could barely handel the massive power when he was stronger, there was no way his body could take it now... But would he have a choice? If this odd energy source came closer, he'd have no choice... And whats worse, he knew this power. A hollow... Definitely.
"WRAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kensei practically jumped out of his skin. It was closer than he thought. How? Was he that out of tuned with the abilities he use to have? He use to be able how close they were, how strong. But now, he had thought this creature JUST entered the city. He was wrong. It was closer... Probobly within a block. "Fuck" he yelled, turning and running, pushing his way through crowds, trying not to draw too much attention. However, people were already looking at him funny. Most of them were in suits, ties, etc. He, however, was wearing dark green camoflauge pants, army boots and a black undershirt. He turned the corner into a park. Closed... He looked back and forth, seeing the part of the brick wall that was keeping him out he wanted. There was a slight indent, how it came to be he did not know. All he knew was it was perfect leverage. He ran up to it, placing his foot on it and pushing up, flipping so his feet were now behind him towards a tree that was also right beside it, placing his foot on it and propelling himself over the wall, rolling as he landed, standing and running. But just as soon as he started running, he stopped, cursing again. Before him was the very hollow he was running from. "Gahhh!" he complained, putting his hand on his head. "Really?" he said allowed. The hollow turned around but its head was... Gone? What the hell was this? It's large white arm reached up, clawing the air. But in the air it clawed, a black line formed, expanding as a head came out, matching the hollow perfectly and attatching itself on the empty neck.
"Hahahaha. Your so pathetic. All you did is sense my head, and hear my yell, and you ran like a wimp" the hollow said, glaring down at him. "Obviously your different from most humans, as you can see me. You must be stronger" The hollow said. "All that means is... YOU'LL BE MORE DELICIOUS" he yelled, punching down at Kensei. The hollow itself was the size of a full grown oak tree, three times as wide. It's fist alone was bigger than Kensei. The fist connected with the ground, the very earth indenting with the power. "HAHAHA, Amazing I thought you'd be atleast strong enough to give me an aching fist!" the hollow yelled, laughing. Kensei grunted, picking up the fist. "Whats this?" the creature asked, laughing. "Think you can push me off!?" he yelled, pushing down harder. Kensei grunted, pushing up, but slowly dropping. "Damniiit... I wont let trash like YOU beat me!" he yelled, pushing up. But his strength kept traveling, sending him back a little bit. Kensei stumbled, watching the hollow fall and crush everything behind it.
Kensei's hands fell, looking at his hands. "What was this...?" he asked quietly. He'd never done that before... Wierd. The hollow sat up slowly. "Obviously, you are NOT just a normal human" The creature said, laughing loudly. "No matter, you'll die just the same!" it yelled. Slowly it stood, breathing out through its odd mask. Now before the fight goes on, allow a description of the hollow.

Added (02.16.2010, 6:38 Am)
You already know its size, what you didnt know is how it looked. It's body was all white, except for its face. it was the shape of a bore, tusks coming out the sides of the mouth, the nose breathing out smoke every now and again through a way that Kensei did not know how. It's mussles were surprisingly sculpted for being a hollow, but it didnt matter. He could take this hollow, he knew it. And thats all that mattered... Kensei ran at it, leaping aside from one of it's punches and leaping into the air at the creature, punching it's gut and making it skid backwards. Kensei landed, grinning. "Your nothing!" he yelled, laughing. The hollow grunted in pain. "Why would you run in fear when you were powerful?" the hollow asked, holding its stomach. "I wasnt running in fear damnit" Kensei said, rubbing his knuckles. "I ran to get out of the range of the humans" he said. The hollow growled, blowing smoke again. This time, it shot forward faster. The smoke went everywhere, blinding Kensei. "Damnit, what is this?" he growled, waving at the air infront of him, trying to get rid of this smoke. The smoke before him was pushed away as the hollows foot shot through, connecting with Kensei's... Everything. He shot back, bouncing off the ground and slamming into the wall, breaking through it, the tree used to get him in the park stopping him. However, something happen while he was flying back. He had been concentrating energy in his hand to punch the hollow with. Determination fueld him as he concentrated the energy into a solid form, then... He propelled it forward, throwing it. Although it missed, the energy wave threw the hollow back, making it fall once more.
Kensei slowly stood, coughing and falling to his arms and knees. He looked up, cursing under his breath as the hollow grabbed him, lifting him into the air and launching him up. "I'LL WATCH YOU FALL TO HELL" the hollow yelled. Kensei shot up, slowing down, then sped up again. However, the speed up was towards the ground. His eyes fluttered, slowly closing. "Shit..." he opened his eyes, staring towards the ground. Really? Im going to die? Then those at the soul society will kill me... Again. I cant come back after that... Kensei cursed. Im NOT going to put up with this. This things pathetic, I cant lose to IT He shot energy through his body, the very energy he shot through him hitting the ground and... Slowing him down. The hollow was shocked. "Whats this?" it said allowed, lowing down and analyzing the fall. "You might live through the fa- WHAT?" he yelled. Kensei did made a quick grunt, his power increasing and hitting the ground below him. "I said I will not die to you" Kensei said, floating back up. "And I wont... I will kill you" he said, shooting forward and connecting his fist to the hollows stomach. "I will kill you. I cannot let myself die to the creatures I use to kill!" he yelled, punching the hollow in the stomach repeatadely. "Y-your a-a-a-a s-soul-l reaper-r-r?!" it gasped, stuttering with every punch.
"Yes, and your pathetic attempt to beat me reminded me of how to unlock some POWER" he said, yelling the word power with a final punch, the hollow dropping to it's knees, looking at the ground. "Who... Are you?" it asked. Kensei glared down. "Im Kensei... And your Soul Reaper" he said, punching it in the head, it's head caving in as it fell over dead.
(Word Count: 1322 Moves learned: Kaiho, Ki Shot, Bukujitsu and Powered Up.Pl gain: 1322x.5x1.25= 827,after using sauna. +Racial ability. 827x1.1= 909 New Pl: 1.909)

Added (02.17.2010, 5:03 Am)
Kensei strolled forward, pondering this strange coincidence that could only be his worst fear... Came true. He could not sense anything around him... He could, he could tell they were around, but... He couldn't tell who they were. He stared at a woman coming towards him. She was not very attractive, and as she got about a step away he noticed something, a black square used to carry money that women called a 'Purse', men calling a 'wallet' fell. He bent down, grabbed it, turned around and grabbed at her shoulder. "Hey, you dr'-" he paused noticing instead it was a rather large male, muscular large, not fat. "Oh, my bad" he said, going to step around. However, it wasnt quite that easy. The man stepped in his way. "What did you want small fry?" the larger, more muscular man asked.
"Okay damnit, you should get outa my way now" Kensei said, going to step around. The big man put his arm out, opening his mouth to say something before Kensei quickly sent his fist into the gut of the man, watching him crumple as he leapt over, catching up to the woman. "Hey, you dropped this" he said. She turned around and grabbed it, smiling sweetly. "Thank y-you" she said. She stuttered, but it wasn't an average stutter. Something happened... She had disappeared for a second. "What the hell...?" he asked allowed. He pulled on the wallet, but her arm didn't budge. It smiled sweetly. "Thank you" she said in the same, exact sweet voice. "My fault..." he said, letting go and turning. He had messed up... Obviously. But before him now was the same woman. Only... No, she had been the woman for a second. Now it was a man before him. His hair was black and short, slicked back by grease? Hair gel? he didnt know, but one small strand of hair fell over his forhead. The man was wearing a pure white overcoat, a black and skin tight shirt on his chest, his pants a pair of tight white slacks. "What the hell d'you want short fry?" asked Kensei.
"Simple. Your obviously stronger than the people around here... All I want is to kill you" he said. A large vain popped out on Kensei's forehead. "Who do you think you are?" he asked. The man laughed. "I think Im getting an easy win" he said, refering to the fight. "Although it IS training: Icould improve from it" he said. "You damn annoying grease monkey" Kensei snapped, punching forward. The man was gone. The building around him melted, the people disappearing in pluffs of smoke that all swirled with the liquidated building, Kensei now basically blind. "What the hell is this?!" he yelled. The mans voice laughed. It was not deep, but raspy... Would scare most. "Who do you think you are?!" Kensei yelled. "Obviously I think Im the one here to kill you... Thats all you need to know." Kensei swirled, punching forward. The smoke swirled, that he knew. But he saw nothing beyond it... But he could have sworn he sensed someone. He yelled in shock, not pain, as his arm was cut open by a blade. "hahaha, you're pathetic! You cant even tell what you sense!" he said. Kensei growled, concentrating.
Come on damnit, how did I do it? I use to be good enough back in the Soul Society. What was it I concentrated on? Not just their energy, but their urge to... YES! he thought. He turned, slamming his fist forward. Instantly the smoke cleared, the man flying out of it and skidding on the ground. Kensei's eyes widened. "Im... In the park!?" he yelled. "Yes, you are" Said the man laughing and wiping his mouth of the blood. "How... How long?" he asked. "Every since you came expecting to find a hollow" The man said, floating in the air now. "Your regaining your power... Thats good" The man in black said. "I'll be back later to see your improvement" he said. "NO, YOUR NOT GOING YET" yelled Kensei. His right fist glowed blue as the man before him started being sucked in, eyes wide as Kensei swung hard, but... His fist went right through? How? The man landed, kicking back and sending Kensei skidding forward. So it wasn't an illusion... That was the real him. "My name is Sephoroth, remember that, for next time I wont look how you expect" he said, disappearing.
(684 words typed. Learned: Sensing Training.
Pl gain total: 471)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
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