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The Drunken Pirate News Issue 1 - Forum
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The Drunken Pirate News Issue 1
ShinigamiDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 1:18 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Welcome to the first issue of the Drunken Pirate News, originally with only 9% booze inspired, we have jacked up the proof another 90%! Fear not, while we will cover some of the major fights and strange occurrences that happen in the universe, we will talk about them, but we will also talk about many of the wondrous drinks found in the universe that you all love to drink! And we are not talking about some prissy "Put an umbrella in the drink" drinks! REAL Drinks! Some are rumored to hold vast amounts of power! Others are just the perfect tool to get shit-faced after a long battle! Whatever you drink now, is but a pale imitation of these wondrous creations!
Be advised on the following facts! These are drinks that get many powerful warrior's drunk, so the casual drinker is best advised to avoid these drinks, death is not an uncommon effect due to the power of some of these drinks.

And now we shall start off with the first planet on our list to cover some of the greatest drinks in the universe! Our first stop is the planet konat, were today we will talk about several different drinks and the rumored effects of them.

First on our list from the kingdom of Hyrule, Hyrulian wine. This light flavorful wine is so clear that it often gets mistaken for being an empty glass and has a deceptive flavor, usually takes the drinker by surprise, deceiving them into believing that they are not drunk yet. Many Princess seeking Hero's drink this wine after finding out that their girlfriends have been kidnapped by demons, a surprisingly often occurrence in the kingdom of Hyrule.

Next is the much more famous and easy to find Majora's Fruit Nectar! This alcoholic fruit juice is specially processed in a way that makes it a dreadful 280 proof alcohol level, but still retains a sweet juice like flavor, thats all natural. The Majora's crimson nectar does get mistaken for a kids juice on occasion, but people claim to be stronger, faster, and more alert after drinking a single cup. Decide for yourself, if you chose to drink this nectar.

Then high up in the mountains lies a wondrous drink, The Sake of the Seven Sages! Brewed by seven mystics for seven years this drink is rumored to be imbued with their ancient wisdom and power, whatever the case, you would definitely be wise to try this drink!

Then head on down to the Great Forest and try some Gasha nut extract, this drinks light nutty flavor may not be to everyone's taste, but drinking this concoction is said to make you one with the great forest, a real eye opener! Although some have claimed to watch people spend hours in a drunken haze talking to squirrels and other woodland animals.

If beer is more of your drink of choice then search out Gannondorf's dark elixir. Despite the rumors that drinking this elixir has driven men mad, transformed them into demons and many other things, this ultra dark beer is perfect after a long day of fighting, or a prelude to a fight!

Finally the most powerful shot on konat, the Potion of the Triforce! This layered shot is made of equal parts Power, Wisdom and Courage! Many weak konatjin have taken a single shot of this amazing drink and defeated those more powerful then themselves.

Thats it for this week, stay alert for the next issue of the Drunken Pirate, as we talk about more drinks you will grow to love!

Added (02.28.2010, 10:51 Am)
The Drunken Pirate News Issue 2!

Welcome again to the Drunken Pirate News! This is our second issue and thanks to some customer feedback we have decided to hold off on the drink talk a bit this week.

Dragonballs News
None of the mighty Dragonball sets have become active. So the mighty Shenlong and the other dragon's will get the chance to have a nap and maybe a bubble bath.

Planetary News

Earth: On earth a warrior stands inside a dojo looking for a challange, will he find one? or will he get bored and hit a bar? In other news, the Saiyan Kamina made contact with another of his people, in fact someone who knew his father! however that meeting was short lived as the saiyan attacked him and ended up being destroyed by him. how does he feel about the matter?

New Vegeta: Not much happening on the Saiyan home planet. Only a lone warrior, Tanrou was reported doing a training.

New Namek: Appearently a namekian of the warrior clan managed to capture and defeat a saiyan warrior who had murdered a healer and attempted to destroy his village by grabbing ahold of his tail. the reason for the attack on the village was simply buisness on the saiyan's part, as most saiyan are often sent to destroy random targets as tests or jobs. what will happen to this saiyan warrior is unknown. will he be exicuted for his crimes or will he escape somehow?

Konat: on Konat, a place we just recently covered in our last issue, a swordsman is reflecting and meditating on the past, as well as training for the future.

Icer: On Icer a few bits of intresting news have been dug up. the Demon hachi has created a base for the La Ressurrección organization he has created, and already he has several members who have joined him. A potential member, a humanoid being named Chaos seeks training from him. Also a strange creature appearently made of ooze has crashlanded on a ship, slaughtering and assimilateing bits of their nature into its own being. what this creature's goals are, is currently unknown.

Yardatt: the peaceful yardattians have had pirate attacking lately, pirates they had been unable to defend against until a createing a android warrior to protect them all around the planet.

Space: Well, you know the thing about space, is that its Black. Do you know what else is black? Black holes. So when you put two and two togeather.... well, lets just say that currently there are no ships travaling in space for some reason.

Next Dimension News

all the spirits in the afterlife are surprisingly quiet at this time, so our contacts down their have nothing to report.

Added (03.07.2010, 11:31 Am)
The Drunken Pirate News Issue 3!

Dragonballs News
Much to our surprise on earth a changling woman and a android have succeeded in collecting all of the dragonballs and are prepared to make their wish. on Namek a young saiyan has already began his own quest to locate a different set of dragonballs found on that planet.

Planetary News

Earth: The changeling Snow, with the assistance of the android known by his manufacturing ID AREU (Artificial Research and Exploration Unit) 9996 have managed to collect the seven mythic dragonballs of earth and prepare to make their wish. what will it be?

New Vegeta: A search is out to find a person who stole from a prison mining transport carrying a new shipment of zenni coins. the transport was found a burned wreak, although it is unclear if the thief escaped or died. The revolt that also took place at the same location was partially successful. While many prisoners were killed, at least half a dozen men managed to escape.

New Namek: on the planet namek, the saiyan warrior Velen transformed into the dreaded oozaru form, and destroyed the namek village he was held captive in. then he forced one of the survivers to teach him how to use energy to perform different attacks and even fly. then he learned about the allmighty dragonballs and even managed to find one quite swiftly. what kind of wishs will this saiyan request? will there be any opposition to his quest?

Konat: Konat is vary still, quiet, and peaceful at the moment as no major events are to be reported.

Icer: Last issue we reported that a strange ooze-like creature crash landed on the planet Icer slaughtering several creatures and assimulating their abilities, we continue this story to report the following. Shortly after the creature crashed, the changeling lord Frieza sent his sabordinants, Zarbon and Dodoria to investigate. Once they located the creature and demanded it to identify itself, we learned that it is called Wrath. Wrath then decided to make fun of Dodoria's appearance [short, fat, and pink], causing the him to go into a fit of rage and attack. From the results of the battle so far we have learned that Wrath is a powerful opponent, and surprisingly has the ability to regenerate damage. Elsewere on the planet, the La Ressurrección organization is training the young humanoid Chaos.

Yardatt: Not much has changed since are last issue, the android, now identified as Alexander Anderson has mastered an ancient Yardatt secret, the ability to perform an Instant Transmission that he uses to protect the planet he is on from pirate invasion then he left.

Space: the Android known as Alexander Anderson appeares to be flying to earth.

Next Dimension News

all the spirits in the afterlife are surprisingly quiet at this time, so our contacts down their have nothing to report.

Added (03.14.2010, 10:18 Am)
The Drunken Pirate News Issue 4!

Well, other then a few intresting events in the universe, things are rather quiet. Hopefully action will pick up in the near future.

Dragonballs News
At least two of the Namekian Dragonballs have been found, although the third is being contested by a large demon fish. This happened shortly after the Earth dragonballs were found and used by the same group. Why this sudden rush to collect them? Will anyone attempt to interfear?

Planetary News

Earth: A strange creature has been sighted on earth, those who have seen it have claimed she is a spirit of nature ready to destroy those who would harm its creatures. however closer inspection has shown that it is just a young shapeshifting demon who has mastered many different forms recently, causing confusion among those who have caught sight of her.

New Vegeta: Not much to report here, just saiyan's being saiyans.

New Namek: Shortly after landing the ship known as the slyph on Namek, the changeling Snow, the Android AREU, and a 'human' named Ash, found the Namekian warrior Ander, who joined their crew. then the party split up and began to search for the Namekian Dragon balls, will they continue to find them unopposed or is trouble lurking up ahead?

Konat: This planet is also quiet and still. No signs of movement from the Konatjin swordsmen that was meditating on his past since we last checked. Is the man alive or dead? Hopefully we will find out soon.

Icer: Not even mourning the death of the warrior Chaos, who died during a training accident, the La Ressurreccion met the demon Akuma, who wished to join them.

Yardatt: Yardatt like konat has had no signs of movment since the android anderson left the planet. luckly the pirates have not appeared since then.

Space: Reports show that a large asteroid is on a crash course into the planet Konat, an asteroid that appearently has at least one lifeform on it! Does it carry a creature bent on destroying the planet? or is this just a random accident?

Next Dimension News
Surprisingly a new soul of special intrest has appeared in the otherworld. The Warrior Chaos who died not to long ago during a training accident. An accident that blew his entire body to bits. Chaos while unhappy about that will soon find out that he by some act of fate, has been chosen to train with one of the Kai's in the afterlife, a great honor.

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.

Message edited by Shinigami - Saturday, 2010-02-20, 11:03 PM
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