The Dragonball RPG
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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:30 AM


Apply for jobs on the Update Board. You may have a maximum of 2 jobs at a time. And note, if you're name isn't listed under one of the jobs below, tell a manager and he will correct it.

*note the 2 jobs is overall, meaning you can have no more than 2 jobs regardless of how many characters you have.

Master: Not open, must be voted on and agreed by other masters. 500z /week.
  -Current Employees: Riano, Not Open

Banner/GFX Artist: Creates banners or graphics for characters. Must take requests on the OOC Board. Price is up to you.
  -Current Employees: Open

Strongest List Updater: You're in charge of updating the top 10 list of characters by going through their bios and stating their PL's and also the top 10 strongest members, by looking at all of each member's characters , calculating the sum of all of his/her character's PL.
 Pay is 400z / week. 
  -Current Employees: Open

News Paper: You will keep track of events and happenings on the site in a creative manner and produce a "paper." This includes the weather and full moon predictions. There may only be two news paper writers total. Pay vary from 300-400z dependign on the quality of the newspapers. Must post on The News Board
  -Current Employees: Open

Permit Coordinator: A representative of the members that is allowed to post on the permits to evaluate them. Only one person may have this job at a time. Must be unanimously voted by the Masters. Pay is 350z per week.
  -Current employees: Open

New Quests Coordinator: This job requires a person to keep an extra eye out on the way certain moves/quests are being used/abused/manipulated so that the game stays balanced. Pretty much an extra set of eyes/second opinion for the Masters. One person at a time. Pay of 300z /week.
  -Current Employees: Open

New Inventions Coordinator: This job requires a person to keep an extra eye out on the way certain items/upgrades are being used/abused/manipulated so that the game stays balanced. They may also take input from other members for ideas regarding possible new items. Pay of 300z /week.
  -Current Employees: Open

Head Assassin: You lead the assassin group and hand out missions - Pay varries per Assassin. if there is only one assasin you get paid 100, 2 assasins, you get 200, 3 assasins you get 300, 4 or more you get paid 350 per week.
  -Current Employees: Open

Assassin: You kill people after getting a mission from your head assassin. Requires a post of 500 words at the least. Pay is 300z / week.
  -Current Employees: Open

Police Chief: Hands out jobs to the police officers. Pay varries per Police Officer. if there is only one officer you get paid 100, 2 officers you get 200, 3 officers you get 300, 4 or more you get paid 350 per week.
 - Current employees: Open

Police Officer: You protect your planet in every way possible. Requires a post of 500 words at the least. Pay is 300z / week.
  -Current Employees: Open

Arena Warrior: You get paid by the number of battles you are in per week in the BS. You can be in up to 2 battles at the same time and gains 150 coins for each. Requires linking to the threads and can't be a one post only just to get payment. Credit to Zaya for this idea.
  -Current Employees: Open

Inventor: Comes up with ideas for new inventions (serious, viable inventions) and submits them to the New Inventions Coordinator. Anyone can submit ideas, but you get paid for it. 1 item/week. 250z / week. +100z bonus if your invention gets accepted.
  -Current Employees: Open

Quest Finder: Comes up with ideas for new techniques (serious, viable moves/quests) and submits them to the New Quests Coordinator. Anyone can submit ideas, but you get paid for it. 1 moves/week maximum. 250/week. +100z if your move gets accepted.
  -Current Employees: Open

Photographer: Takes/gathers photographs to help GFX artists. 50z per picture taken, max of 5 pictures per week. Post under the GFX Request.
  -Current Employees: Open

Ordinary Job: You work in whatever ordinary job you may think of. No posts required. 200z / week.
  -Current Employees: Open

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