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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2025-02-01, 3:09 PM


A fierce race originating from HFIL, they have appeared around the universe, mostly centered around Icer and Konat. Though many are, not all demons are evil, many actually displaying heroic traits.

Demonic Advantage: When training in demon territory such as HFIL or demonic planets (Icer) base PL gain is boosted 20%

Power Source: There are certains periods of time in which the demon attains a greater level of power. Generally becuase of being close to his birth date... or for being around a certain phase of the moon... or evil date or whatever. When you create your demon choose either the First, the Second, the Third or the Fourth week of the month. During that week, every month, the demon will have a 20% bonus to PL, speed, and strength.

Bone Weapon: The ability to pull weapons made of bones out of your body and use them in battle {like in the Dead Zone movie}. Must choose what type as you create the character. The strength of the weapon (for breaking purposes) is the demon's current strength x1.3. This does not mean it's damage is strength x1.3.

Demonic Advancement: When training under gravity, a demon's gains are 20% higher overall (x1.2 of the overall gain, not just base). Demon's may also train in gravity one level higher than per usual.

Demonic Meditation: 3 days of meditation for a x1.3 increase to powerlevel.

Racial Quests
Demon Power: Every demon has their very own special characteristic. Describe it to us and you might get your very own one ability at racial ability level { that meaning you can't have the RA "Learning Ability" } .
  -Requirements: 1.000 words decribing how the ability manifested.

Racial Move; Dark Metamorphosis:
 In death, a demon is closest to their truest home (HFIL). Upon learning this ability, the next time the demon dies they are instantly revived. Upon revival, the demon is fully healed and gains a permanent 50% boost in powerlevel. The drawback, however, is this happens regardless of the will of the demon. It's the absolute next death after learning the technique. Once the metamorphosis is complete, you may create another Learning Ability for you.
  -Requirements: a 2.000 words story describing how you you learned your race's most powerful ability. Must have a base pl of at least
                                4 million.

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