The Dragonball RPG
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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:18 AM


This page is used to provide information about the Most Wanted; the paradise of bounty hunters. True, anyone can be a bounty hunter, but it takes power and guts to go after the bounties. How much a person's head is worth depends on the laws broken by him  her:

For Good Guys
1. Save a member { 100z }
2. Save an important person { 200z }
3. Mass saving { more than 5 people } from a disaster { 500z }
5. Save an village / town / city under attack { 600-800z }
5. Save a planet from destruction { 1.000z }
6. Releases universe from tiranny { 2.500z }

For Bad Guys
1. Kill a member { 100z }
2. Kill an important person { 200z }
3. Mass killing { more than 5 people } { 500z }
5. Destroy a village / town / city { 600-800z }
5. Destroy a planet { 1.000z }
6. Take over the universe { 2.500z }

If you break the same law more than once, your bounty is increased by half of the normal ammount. Also, if the character is brought dead rather than alive to the prison, you earn half of the bounty. Captured characters are sent to a Prison Planetoid-Station through teleporters found on each planet. It is impossible to escape the cells and the ammount of time you'll spend in prison depends on laws broken:

1. 3 days
2. 5 days
3. 1 week
5. 2 weeks
5. 3 weeks
6. 1 month

Sentence stacks, but can never go over 1 month.

Our convicts are:


Laws Broken

Name { alignment }

x { x times }


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