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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:00 AM


Name: Kunoichi, Rei

Race: human/konat-jin hybrid
Details: Appearance/Clothing: Rei's appearance can be veiw by the pic above, Age: 17, Height: 5'5", Weight: 100 lbs, Eyes: Blue, Hair: Platium Blonde/White
Origins: Earth { Currently: Konat }
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Unknown for the most part but she has shown to have a kind and cheerful personality when she's not forced to use her sword in combat then she's a force to be wreckened with.
Team: ---
Health Status: Alive

Theme Song: Varies on her mood at the time.

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 300
  -Strength: 150
  -Speed: 250
  -Intelligence: 50
  -Sensing: 50


  Spiritual Blade: When wielding a sword, may cause pl to go up by x1.3.
  Natural Senses: Konatjins have higher senses, allowing their sight speed to be always +0.2 bigger than normal { x1.4 in the start... x2 max } and allows them a x1.2 sensing in close combat. However, they are more sensitive to strong lights and sounds. They will lose both weaknesses when they reach their last transformation, though. Can't pick with Racial Trace
  Learning Ability: This ability allows smart humans to make up one ability per each 250 intelligence they have {max of 2}. Can't pick with Racial Trace
  Extreme Meditation: Ability to meditate for long periods of time. 3 days inactive, pl x1.5.

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your starting move 
Technique Name { Lv 2 }:  your lv 2 custom 
Technique Name { Lv 3 }:  your learning move 
Technique Name { Lv 4 }:  your lv 4 custom 
Technique Name { Lv 5 }:  your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 6 }:  your lv 6 custom 
Technique Name { Lv 7 }:  your ultimate move 
Racial Move:
Mystic Powers: Spiritual Blade is now at pl x1.5. Can charge your body with one element as well and create a boostless custom lv 7 move to be used with your spiritual blade, based on that element. For the element, pick one from the listed below:
-Fire; Air, Water, Earth, Ice; Thunder; Negative Energy; Positive Energy
-Requirements: a 3.000 words story describing how you you learned your race's most powerful ability. Must have a base pl of at least 5 million.

quests you completed
Racial Quest:
Legendary Sword: A special item given that only the greatest konat-jins wield. This sword is so powerful that it have uber piercing { x1.8 piercing / x1.5 slashing } and when the Spiritual Blade racial is on, the sword deals damage based off pl as well. A special effect can still be created for the sword. Only once per lifetime per character.
-Requirements: a 1.500 words story describing how you laid your hands on this special artifact.

Sensei: trainers' moves you learned

Extra Uses:
techniques you had the extra-uses through intelligence applied

Transformation: detail

Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail

Items: miscellaneous belongings
Weapons: gear used offensively
Armors: clothing any gear used for protection
Housing: housing type belongings
Transportation: what carries you around { Upgrades: gadjets bought to improve your ship }

Life Story
Rei’s Birth still unknown as to how she came to processing such a natural skill with a sword amoungst other things but her past is a mystery even to herself as she had been found by a passing swordsman durring a dark night where there had been a stain of death within the air from what she could remember but it’s unclear even to her what had happened and what lead to being found by the swordsman that had found her and ultimately raised her as his own daughter and taught her how to harness her natural gifts and talents. Though she’s never been able to fully thank him for all that he’s done for her there had always been something deep down that tended to get in the way which had been the glimpses of memory that plagues her mind every time which had been that night when she had been found. Though she’s been able to move on with her life now but parts of it still haunt her memories as she recalls a beautiful woman with snow white hair and a man with hair as black as coal appearing and disappearing off and on until she could no longer recall seeing them though she couldn’t see there faces she had assumed that the man and woman must have died somehow that night when she had been found durring some kind of fight or something at least that’s what the man who she had later eventually came to call father though he wasn’t at least by blood anyway. Though she loves the man like a father and teaching and raising her like that of a real father would. When she had been growing up around him she had learned that her father had once been a great swordsmen that had seemed have been once famus to have been a great guardian of a entire world before something had gone wrong and he was involved in great war but had seemed to have been killed or at least that’s what he had been lead to believe at first when he had eventually found himself floating in some space ship cryogenic chamber durring some astroid shower that had woke him up and eventually crashing onto a near by planet. This had been about a few years before the time when he had found rei but he’s skills had been unmatched in any form of combat that he had been faced with. She had later found out her father’s name which had been "Auron” Though it had taken sometime for her to uncover anything about him and his past even though there hadn’t been a whole lot of information that she could really track down on him anyway but she had some idea of the try of past that he had at least. Over the years of her growning up they had moved from location to location eventually as she had gotten older they had traveled a long distance through space until they had came to find this new planet home as it had been called Konat.

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