| Weapons and Armors
Dagger { 100 }: Small blade that pierces characters up to the attacker's strenght x1.2. Slicing is at x1.1.
Sword {250}:
Long blade that pierces / slashes characters up to the attacker's strenght
x1.3 / x1.2 respectively { If you have a particular style of sword, please
state it, katana, rapier, etc }.
Mace { 250 }: Allow you to shrink natural damage reduction. When 25%, it becomes 20%. 50% it becomes 25%. And so on.
Spear { 200 }:
Long blade that pierces anyone below the wielder's strength x1.5 and slashes if
the target's strenght is below user's x1.1.
Shuriken { 100 }:
Throwing star that can pierce at x1.2 strength.
Energy Sword { 1.000 }:
Handle that required useage of energy to sprout the blade. Pierces / slashes at
x1.3 and x1.2 pl, rather than str.
Gun { 1.000 }:
Ranged weapon that shoots blasts at the user's pl, if he / she uses up energy
to empower it. Else, it will shoot blasts at a fix 10.000 pl. Bullets are
slightly hard to dodge { x1.1. speed }.
Axe { 250 }: Pole
with double edges that slashes at x1.2 strength.
Knuckles { 100 }:
Allow you to shrink natural damage reduction { not armours! }. When 25%, it becomes 20%. 50% it becomes 25%. And so on.
Grenade { 100 }:
May explode at user's pl, if energy is put into it. Else, it has a fix base pl of 20.000. 1 unit for single use. The explosion is Slightly hard to block
{ x1.1}.
Specialized Weapon { 2.000 }:
A weapon designed specifically for the user, and named at their request. Can
have a simple special effect or you may make up a Learning Move { pl or str x1.3, must be an ATTACK } which you can only use with the
weapon. Though they must be agreed on by a master. It is technically
indestructable. Also inflicts a -0.5 penalty on piercing / slashing attacks
clashing with it. May pay the cost one second time in order to make the weapon
have both the special ability and the learning move. Depending on the type of
weapon, you'll get a different extra effect:
-Bladed Signature Weapons: Either Basic Piercing and Improved Slicing { x1.3 / x1.3 respectively }, or Improved Piercing and Basic Slicing { x1.5 / x1.2 respectively }, or Ultimate Piercing { x1.8 } or Ultimate Slicing { x1.5 } for free.
-Ranged Signature Weapons: Hard to dodge effect for free {
bullets / arrows / ammunition at speed x1.3 to see if it hits}; Choose either basic piercing,basic slicing or explosive type of bullet.
-Bludgeoning Signature Weapons: Brings one person's damage
reduction one stage down against the impacts of the weapon:
If 25%: nullifies
If 50%: down to 25%
If 2/3: down to 50%
Bracers { 500 }: May me used as small shields to give a -0.3 penalty on an incoming
slashing/piercing attack.
General Armour { 750 }:
Basic type of armour that blocks attacks at 50% your str and gives a 0.3
penalty to piercing moves. Stacks with clothing used along with the armor.
Saiyan Armor { 1.000 }:
Very flexible, it nullifies attacks at 50% your strength and 1/3 your pl,
giving a penalty of -0.3 to slashing / piercing attack, cumulative with basic
clothing you're using.
Saiyan Elite Armour { 1.500 }:
Looks cooler, but its more flexible and nuliffies attacks at 75% your strength
and 1/3 your pl and give a penalty of -0.3 to piercing/slashing attacks,
cumulative with whatever clothing you're using.
Specialized Armour { 5.000 }:
An armour designed specifically for the user, and named at their request. Can
have a proper Learning Ability { one that makes sense! } and it is nearly
indestructible, though attacks might be felt through it, if received at high
enough strength/power, though they will get a 25% damage reduction. Also gives
a block penalty of -0.5 on piercing / slashing attacks. Depending on the type
of armour, you'll get different str / pl protection:
Basic: Attacks at 75% str and 1/3 pl are nullified.
Resistant: Attacks at 50% str and 50% pl are nullified.