All moves you learn from the levels 1-7 are custom moves; That means you are free to invent an effect for its working, following a few basic rules. Below, I'll post a small guide for you to understand how customs work:
A Crude Order of Power: moves < learning ability < racial ability < racial quest < racial move
No move can have more than two distinct effects and this may only happen if a drawback is given them. An easy way to classify moves is: Lv 1-3: basic. Lv 4-6: advanced. Lv 7 ultimate. Below, I'll post some examples of effects based off each level. The higher the level, the better the effect:
Lv 1 A note on this; remember that level 1 moves can only have an effect if a drawback is given. In that case, you can use it 5 times per battle. Common examples: Channeling: The ability to shoot energy from parts of your body other than your hands { i.e: a mouth blast } Untrackable: Will give a -0.3 penalty to the target's sight speed to spot the move. Area of Effect: Affects anything in a radius of 1 mile per 100.000 base pl. Max of 10 miles. Piercing: Will pierce through anything up to your pl / strength x1.3. If the piercing doen't work, the energy will barely burn the target. Controlling: May control the course of your blast using the movements of your hands.
Lv 2 Slicing: Will go through anything up to your pl x1.2. If the slicing doesn't work, it won't do much other than a weakened impact force. Blocking: Can block anything weaker than your proper pl / stat. Drain: Can drain 5% pl per post you hold your opponent trrough touch. Every 5% is converted in energy soruce, restoring one useage of a limited uses move of your choice { from your basic move list; doesn't include quests or abilities or the ultimate move } . Homing: Your attack naturally homes in a target. The opponent must be x1.3 times your speed to make the attack crash back on yourself. Disabling: For as long as you hold your opponent, he/she can't move. You can't use other techniques. Your strength must be greater than theirs by any amount.
Lv 3 A note on this; Effectless level 3 moves can be used 5 times a battle; With an effect it can be used 3 times per battle. Common examples: Bone Breaking: Instantly breaks a bone of a target if his strength is below yours. Depending on where you hit, it has a different effect: Head: Faints { very easy to dodge; target's speed goes to x1.5 times higher to dodge } Torso: Pl / Str defenses -20% until healed. Limbs: Using that limb will imply in damaging yourself at your own pl / str in that very same area { easy to dodge; target's speed goes to x1.3 times higher to dodge } Paralysis: Will instantly paralyze someone upon hitting: By a couple of seconds { enough for an attack to get through } : if pl is up to yours x1.3 By 1 post: if pl is up to 75% yours By 2 posts: if pl is up to 50% yours By 3 posts: { enough for an attack to get through } : if pl is up to 1/3 yours Insta-kill: Will instantly cause the death of something up to as strong as 1/3 your power level. Hard to Dodge / Block: Spd / Pl or Stat x1.3 to determine wether the target could dodge / block. Weakening Effect: May weaken a target by -25% in either his pl / stat or do -10% pl, str and spd. Won't stack cumulatively.
Lv 4 Improved Piercing: Will pierce through anything up to your pl / strength x1.5. If the piercing doen't work, the energy will barely burn the target. Improved Channeling: Can channel your energy through your whole body { i.e: make a blast comeout from your whole body, rather than your hands, eyes, mouth, etc... } Improved Untrackable: Your attack is invisible. Improved Area of Effect: Affects anything in a radius of 1 mile per 500.000 base pl. Max of 100 miles. Improved Paralysis: Will instantly paralyze someone upon hitting: By 1 posts { enough for an attack to get through } : if pl is up to yours x1.5 By 2 posts: if pl is up to 75% yours By 3 posts: if pl is up to 50% yours By 5 posts: { enough for an attack to get through } : if pl is up to 1/3 yours
Lv 5 A note on this; Effectless lv 5 moves can be used 3 times a battle; With an effect it can be used 2 times per battle. Common examples:Improved Slicing: Will go through anything up to your pl x1.3. If the slicing doesn't work, it won't do much other than a weakened impact force. Improved Blocking: Can block anything up to as strong as your proper pl / stat x1.3. Improved Drain: Can drain 5% pl per post you hold your opponent trough touch. Every 5% is converted in about 20% energy source, restoring one useage of each limited uses moves. Improved Homing: Your attack naturally homes in a target. The opponent must be x1.5 times your speed to make the attack crash on you. Improved Disabling: For as long as you hold your opponent, he / she can't move or use other techniques. You can't use other techniques.
Lv 6 Improved Bone Breaking: Instantly breaks a bone of a target if his strength is up to x1.2 times yours. Depending on where you hit, it has a different effect: Head: Faints { very easy to dodge; target's speed goes to x1.5 times higher to dodge } Torso: Pl / Str defenses -20% until healed. Limbs: Using that limb will imply in damaging yourself at your own pl / str in that very same area { easy to dodge; target's speed goes to x1.3 times higher to dodge } Improved Instakill: Will instantly obliterate all atoms of something up to as strong as 1/3 your power level. Improved Controlling: May control the course of your blast using your mind. Very Hard to Dodge / Block: Spd / Pl or Stat x1.5 to determine wether the target could dodge / block. Weakening Effect: May weaken a target by -50% in either his pl / stat or do -20% pl, str and spd. Won't stack cumulatively.
Lv 7 A note on this; it's basically an improvement of whatever effect allowed previously. They can be used once per battle and this is not subjected to increases with extra useages. Common examples: Ultimate Area of Effect: Affects anything in a radius of 1 mile per 500.000 base pl. Max of 100 miles. Ultimate Piercing: Will pierce through anything up to your pl / strength x1.8. If the piercing doen't work, the energy will barely burn the target. Ultimate Slicing: Will go through anything up to your pl x1.5. If the slicing doesn't work, it won't do much other than a weakened impact force. Ultimate Instakill: Will instantly obliterate all atoms of something up to as strong as 50% your power level. Impossible to Dodge / Block: Spd / Pl or Stat x1.8 to determine wether the target could dodge / block.
Drawbacks Reinforcing what was previously said a drawback allows the addition of a new basic effect { remembering basic effects are those from lv 1-3; and naturally, you can't add a lv 3 move to a lv 1 move, if it isn't a very extreme drawback } or the improving of an already existant effect of the move. Common examples: Death: Using the move implies in your death: The only draback that allows 2 modifications. No Damage: The move doesn't do damage. Uses a lot of Energy: Name practically says all... If lv 2: Can be used 5 times per battle. If lv 3-4: Can be used 2 times per battle. If lv 5-6: Can be used 1 times per battle. If lv 7: Can't use energy anymore. Requires Touch: Requires to be in melee range max. Requires Weapon: Requires a weapon to be performed.