The Dragonball RPG
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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 1:57 AM


Before joining, there are a few things that you must do first, or that are at least highly recomended. It would be a good idea to carefully read over the rules so that you have a heads up of what is and is not permitted. It is also recomended that you read over the entire tutorial and other pages involving character creation so that you have a foundation in the different aspects of the game and how to play properly. You could also look over other members' bios so that you can see what a completed and accepted character bio looks like.

In order to create your character, you must first copy the form below { highlight the content, and then press control+c } and then paste it { press control + v } on the Creation Board. Please give the staff at least two days to have your bio up before bringing up any complaints. We try our best to look over bios daily but just like everyone else we get busy with our real lives as well.

User's Nickname

{ picture go here }

Name: how your character is known

Race: choose between alien, android, changeling, demon, human, konat-jin, namekian and saiyan... or make a 2  race hybrid
Details: height; weight; age; looks; trademarks... everything you can use to describe your character
Origins: where your character was born { Currently: where your character currently can be found at the moment }
Alignment: define your character's behavior with a combination of adjectives { i.e: chaotic neutral; pure good; neutral evil, etc... }
Personality: how your character is like
Team: the team your character is associated with, if any
Health Rank: alive 

Theme Song: a song that characterizes your character or his/her attitude. or just a freaking awesome song.

Battle Statistics
Power Level: the overall fighting capabilities of your character and the power of his energy attacks; main characters start at 1.000, henchmen at 300
  -Strength: your character's offensive and defensive physical power
  -Speed: your character's aim and movement speed
  -Intelligence: mostly related to your character combat intelligence, though also affects mental powers
  -Sensing: the measurement of your character senses

Real / BS battle Records: number of times you fought in a real battle / number of times you fought in a Battle Stadium battle
  -Wins: number of times you won a real battle / number of times you won a Battle Stadium battle
  -Draws: number of times you drawed a real battle / number of times you drawed a Battle Stadium battle
  -Losses: number of times you lost a real battle / number of times you lost a Battle Stadium battle
  -Kills: number of kills you made in a real battle / number of kills youmade in a Battle Stadium battle
  -Deaths: number of times you died in a real battle / number of times you died in a Battle Stadium battle

Racials: your racial abilities

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your starting move 
Technique Name { Lv 1 }:  your lv 2 custom 
Technique Name { Lv 1 }:  your learning move 
Technique Name { Lv 1 }:  your lv 4 custom 
Technique Name { Lv 1 }:  your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }:  your lv 6 custom 
Technique Name { Lv 1 }:  your ultimate move 

quests you completed

Sensei: trainers' moves you learned

Extra Uses:
techniques you had the extra-uses through intelligence applied

Transformation: detail

Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail

Job: your character's job{s} { only the main character and two jobs at most! }
  -Money: cash you have on hands { Banked: cash you have stored in the bank } ; You start with either 2.000 coins to use whichever way you want,
                  or 1.000 to use on each of your characters , but you don't get to keep the cash that wasn't spend

Items: miscellaneous belongings
Weapons: gear used offensively
Armors: clothing any gear used for protection
Housing: housing type belongings
Transportation: what carries you around { Upgrades: bought to improve your ship }

Life Story
the background of your character. this can be long or short, but if it's too long we might paraphrase for you.


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