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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:28 AM


As previously explained, each trainer { or NPC sensei } will give you teach you a certain special move after you write both the quest to get to know the sensei and his personal training. These trainers are located in each planet and they are:

Master Roshi: Though a perverted old geezer, Master Roshi is recognized as the greatest human warrior to have ever lived in the planet. Giving him a porn magazine { or being a hot woman } is a good way to convince him to let you train under his tutelage. Master Roshi doesn't like the evil people.
  -Training: 1.000 words training involving going to the Training Island; a big island next to the Kame Island involving all types of tasks.
  -Technique: The Kamehameha; a powerful lv 3 energy blast at pl x1.1 that can have its course changed slightly by steering while shotoing the energy
                         wave. It's power can be improved through a small training of 250 words every level you go up after lv 3. Every improvement raises
                         the power of the kamehameha by +0.1 pl. Can use 2 times per battle.

Master Shen: Once a disciple of Mutaito along with Master Roshi, Master Shen lost the faith in good when he saw Master Mutaito die in the hands of an evil warrior many years ago. Now on the path of evil, Master Shen trains mostly assassins, to whom he teaches his very special technique, which according to him, it is much more powerful than the Kamehameha. A good way to impress him is to show your abilities. Master Shen doesn't like do-gooders.
  -Training: 1.000 words training involving straining training and sparrring with Master Shen.
  -Technique: The Dodonpa; a lv 3 yellow and purple energy blast shot through the index finger at your pl x1.3. Can be used 5 times per battle.

Lettuck: Trained and rasied under the saiyan ways, Lettcuk is one of the few { that survived to tell the story } of a selct group of saiyans that defied his brothers for not believing in their agressive ways. Once a saiyan elite, Lettuck resigned and left to live as a hermit in the mountains by himself. He doesn't like the barbaric and evil and because 99% of the saiyan race is evil, he doesn't get that much students at all. A good talk shall be a way to impress him.
  -Training: 1.500 words training focusing on the endurance, as Lettuck is a defensive move teacher.
  -Technique: The Unbreakable Stance; by standing still in one place, the user becomes a nearly impermeable to damage wall. This will protect you from
                         any attacks up to as strong as your pl and strength x1.5, but you can use it only 2 times in battle. This counts as a lv 5 technique.

Saiyan War Academy: In the saiyan academy, saiyans are taught on how to tame their rage in the Oozaru form. Not only that, to those who prove to be true worthy saiyans, they teach also a way to call upon their amazing power. Though there are several instructors in the academy, the lead sensi and the one who came up with the technique is called Bardock, though rarely he'll train someone as he is too picky when it comes to train a student. The Saiyan Academy won't take "sissy" saiyans.
  -Training: 1.500 words training involving trainings of all types in the Saiyan Academy.
  -Technique: The Power Ball; a white ball of energy of lv 5 that doesn't do damage or explode or anything; instead, it emits blutz waves, working as a
                         fake moon to induce the saiyan to transform into an Oozaru; the giant ape transformation.

Grand Elder: The Grand Elder, the namekian Guru or the Great Patriarch; whichever name you prefer to give him. Based off his ability to awake othe rpeople's power, he can teach a minor form of the Power Awakening to those he deem pure of soul. Therefore, he won't really teach anything to the impure of heart. The Grand Elder is a very simpathetic person and talking may convince him to teach you his technique.
  -Training: 1.500 words training focusing on concentration enhancement.
  -Technique: The Power Unlocking; by charging your body ands unlocking your hidden power, you can increase the power of a technique by +0.5
                         once per battle. This is a lv 5 technique. Takes the whole post to power up and shoot the blast.

Super Namek Remnant: The only super namek left on the planet, whom is hidden very well scheming plans on how to come back. Somehow, he managed to trick even the Shenlong's power and stay hidden from his magic and it is this very technique that he'll teach his students. A good way to convince him to train you is to find him. The Super Namek Remnant doesn't like do gooders.
  -Training: 1.500 words training focused on meditating and controling your ki to fool others.
  -Technique: The Supression; a lv 5 technique that tricks even the highest of the sensing capabilites, as long as the user's intelligence overcomes the
                         target's sensing. As a natural thing, he can make his power look like 50% of it's original power. If his intelligence is x1.3 times higher than
                         one's sensing, he can make his power look like merely 25% of it's original level. If his intelligence is x1.5 times higher than one's sensing
                         can completely hide his power from other people.

Zinfindel: A solitary priest that lives for his music and swordplay in the lonely mountains of Konat. If you find him and not be defeated in the first few seconds in a swrod duel with him, he'll teach you his very special technique. Zinfindel despises evil bastards like the Kashvar.
  -Training: 1.000 words training focusing on sword training and learnign to merge your soul with it.
  -Technique: The Slashing Wave; by charging your sword with energy, you are able to hurl a powerful yellow colored energy wave of lv 3that pierces
                         and slices the target at the same time at respectively x1.3 and x1.2. Must have a sword to use this technique. Pl x1.3 while in use and
                         can use it 3 times per battle max.

Jordane: The leader of the Kashvar; the evil wizard cult of Konat. When the evil within one person shows great potential, he may teach the person a powerful technique that leaves the target vulnerable to attacks.
  -Training: 1.500 words training focused on magic spells.
  -Technique: The Magic Cuffs; the user raises his hands and a blue aura surrands the target. This won't to damage, but have ultimate paralizing
                         effects. May use twice in the battle. Tis is a lv 5 tehcnique.

Fireflash: Probably the only one good alignment changeling, Fireflash's technique is directly linked to his name. He however is very mistrustful of other people for leaving amongst an entirely evil community and it is very hard to earn his turst. He hates evil people.
  -Training: 2.000 words training focusing on controlling your ki and the element of fire.
  -Technique: Generate Fire; the ability to generate fire though your hands and mold / control it { remembering fire element has an aftershock at 50%
                         original damage, which can't be blocked
} . 2 times per battle, you may also try to change the corse of an enemy's fire attack as long as
                         it's power isn't above your pl x1.3. This is a lv 7 technique.

Freezeflash: Honoring the evilness of all changelings, we have Freezeflash. Cold as only his techniques can be, he won't involve himself with hero wanabe students.
2.000 words training focusing on controlling your ki and the element of ice.
  -Technique: Generate Ice; the ability to generate ice though your hands and mold / control it { remembering ice element can freeze a person's body
                        and hold him  her within the ice, as long as the target's power is below the user's. Takes the post to get rid of the ice
} . 2 times per
                        battle, you may also try to change the corse of an enemy's ice attack as long as it's power isn't above your pl x1.3. This is a lv 7

*All senseis give a "Gi" with their emblem after you complete their training.

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