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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:15 AM


Name: Trunks Briefs
Alias: Toran
Age: 22
Hair: Lavender
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 193lbs
Race: Alien
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral - Good
Quiet, cold, dismissive. Toran has seen too many things to get worked up over someone’s strength or even their actions. When fighting he prefers to keep a cool head and finish as quickly as possible to waste as little energy as possible.
Origins: Earth {Currently: }
Health status: Alive

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 1.000
Strength: 100
Speed: 200
Intelligence: 100
Sensing: 100
Available stats: 0

Racials: Learning Ability: Create a learning ability for your char; no intelligence required.
Learning Move: Pl x1.3 for one attack (5 times per battle)
Meditation: One Week inactive, pl x1.2
Racial Ability: Transformations (based on Henshin)

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 2 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 3 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 4 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 5 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 6 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A
Technique Name { Lv 7 }: N/A
-Limit: N/A
-Boost: N/A
-Effect: N/A
-Drawback: N/A


Other Quests:

~.: Alien Racial Quest:.~
Legendary Sword: A special item given that only the greatest konat-jins wield. This sword is so powerful that it have uber piercing { x1.8 piercing / x1.5 slashing } and when the Spiritual Blade racial is on, the sword deals damage based off pl as well. A special effect can still be created for the sword. Only once per lifetime per character.
-Requirements: a 1.000 words story describing how you laid your handson this special artifact.
~~~ Alien Racial Move:
Ultimate Power: Saiyan's have fighting in their blood; it is probably the thing they love most in the entire world. Because of this factor, they are able to create a second ultimate move { pl x2 } when they reach 4.000.000.
-Requirements: a 2.000 words story descibing how you you learned your race's most powerful ability. Must have a base pl of at least 4 million.

Extra Uses: techniques you had the extra-uses through intelligence applied


Giji super saiyan: 1000 word quest [b]{Locked}[/b]
Many have attempted to become a super saiyan before they where strong enough, the majority having failed, some however have found this strange form, the stage just before a super saiyan. Though due to the extreme circumstances generally surrounding the super saiyan transformation and the vast ki needed, this form is extremely wasteful and ineffective, giving the user momentary gain before burning them out. Toran however discovered a way around this fatal flaw and use this stage to its full potential. Instead of trying to push himself past this stage and to the super saiyan level, he supresses and focuses the vast amounts of Ki unlocked though this form, wasting very little, while gaining huge benefits.
Physical changes: Hair standing on end due to surging Ki. Gentle white aura with slight traces of gold.
Lv 1 - x1.5 pl; str x1.25 {Locked}
Lv 2 - x2 pl; str x1.5 {Locked}
Lv 3 - x3 pl; str x2 {Locked}
Lv 4 - x4 pl; str x2.5, spd x1.5 {Locked}
Lv 5 - x5 pl; str x3.5, spd x1.5 {Locked}
Lv 6 - x6 pl; str x3.5, spd x2.5 {Locked}

Full power super saiyan: 1000 word quest [b]{Locked}[/b]
Toran has adopted a rather strange "Less is more" philosophy as demonstrated in his last transformation. Following this, He was able to unlock the full power of a super saiyan. Because he took a different approch to it, it took considerablly longer to obtain, though all in all easier to obtain as it did not require the normal emotional and mental stress. As such this form feels very natural to Toran, able to switch back and forth at will and due to the less conventional methods used
Physical changes: Teal eye color, Hair standing on end and turning gold, a glowing gold aura.
Lv 1 - x2 pl; strx1.5 {Locked}
Lv 2 - x3 pl; str x2 {Locked}
Lv 3 - x4 pl; str 2.5; spd x1.5 {Locked}
Lv 4 - x5 pl; str x3. spd x2 {Locked}
Lv 5 - x6 pl; str x3.5. spd x2.5 {Locked}
Lv 6 - x7pl; str x4, spd x3 {Locked}

Legendary status super saiyan: 1000 word quest [b]{Locked}[/b]
Having perviously proven that by forcing yourself to achieve a higher transformation is more often that not detrimental, causing more than one fatal flaw that if taken advantage of can prove deadly. Instead of trying to force into existance power that simply is not there, Toran uses his existing surplus of power. By modifying his Ki in a way that it becomes concentrated and dense, taking on a dark gold color and several times stronger than normal. Toran has developed a way to increase his natural power to levels beyond comprehension. Quality over quanity, with a balance of both,
Physical changes: Noticibly increased muscle mass. Solid gold aura. Several inches of hair growth, spikes become firm and take a solid gold color. Eyes turn a darker teal.
Lv 1 - x3 pl; str x1.5; spd x1.5 {Locked}
Lv 2 - x4 pl; str x2; spd x2 {Locked}
Lv 3 - x5 pl; str x2.5, spd x2.5 {Locked}
Lv 4 - x6 pl; str x3, spd x3 {Locked}
Lv 5 - x7 pl; str x3.5, spd x3.5 {Locked}
Lv 6 - x8 pl; str x4, spd x4{Locked} 

Job: Ordinary Job {200z/week}
  -Money: 2000 { Banked: 2000 }
Items: ---
Weapons: ---
Armors: ---
Housing: ---
Transportation: --- { Upgrades: --- }

Life Story

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