The Dragonball RPG
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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:24 AM

Welcome to The Dragonball RPG! This tutorial guide will teach you everything you need to know about this site, and has been divided into 6 chapters:
1. Rules
2. Joining
3. Stats Explained
4. Getting Stronger
5. New Moves and Stats
6. Useful Terms and Tips

New chapters will be added as needed in the future. If you have any questions or concerns, please post a thread on the OOC Board or try contacting a member of the staff:
Riano { Riano }:
Fellipe { That_Brazilian_Guy }:
Gary { Hyuuga-Neji }:
Kenny { ussjkenny }:
Vash { EnlightenedInsanity }:


1. Rating: PG-16
  1.1. In character cursing is allowed, but only to an extent. Please refrain from cursing for the sake of cursing.
  1.2. No pornographic or hentai pictures/videos are allowed. Ignoring this rule will result in an immediate account ban. You have been warned.

2. Power and Meta Gaming
  2.1. Power Gaming: acting stronger then you are, using moves you don't have, etc.
  2.2. Meta gaming: using information you obtained Out Of Character, In Character. So if you hear on the OOC board that someone is planning to ambush
you for instance and use that information IC that you knew the ambush was coming, then you're meta gaming.
  2.3. Also, please refrain from bringing personal vendetas into the game. If you have had run ins with someone on a different site or even in your
         personal life, do not bring that over to here and automatically claim every character of yours hates every character of anothers.
  2.4. Breaking any of these rules will result in punishment. Repeat offenses will result in progressively harsher punishments leading up to and including
         an account ban if necessary.

3. Advertising

  3.1. Advertising is not permitted on this site. If you wish to join our list of affiliated sites, please contact one of the staff members.
4. All Participants
  4.1. Respect others if you want to be respected. Excessive OOC cursing, or use of racial/cultural/religious remarks and stereotyping will not be
         permitted in any form or fashion.
  4.2. If you are having problems with another member of our community, please resolve the problem away from the site and do not let your personal
         feeling cross over into how your characters act.

  4.3. Staff members will be appointed as needed by the current members. Please refrain from asking about becoming a staff member. If you have
         concerns about a staff member's actions or activity, please bring your concerns to a staff member away from the site.

Site Rules
1. Master's Board
  1.1. The Master's Board is reserved for members of the staff. Unless you have permission, do not reply or start any threads on this forum.

2. Permit Board
  2.1. Only members of the staff may reply to a permit thread. Please refrain from commenting on other members' permits.
  2.2. Whenever you have a move or ability that allows you to make a custom move, you must submit the custom move to a staff review before it can be
At least two staff members must agree on the move for it to be accepted, but if there is a dispute, a third staff member is required to help
         settle it.
  2.3. If only one master has replied to a thread on the permit board, and one week has passed without another staff member's approval or rejection,
         then you won't need to wait for another master to post.

3. Update Board
  3.1. Character updates are requested on the Update Board. Only one update may be requested per thread. If you are caught cheating by asking for
         multiple updates for a single thread, you will be punished.

  3.2. You may only post under one update thread per update. It doesn’t matter which thread you post under, every member of the staff is capable.
  3.3. Please have patience. Staff members are normal people with normal lives. They aren’t on the site 24/7
  3.4. To get updated as HBTC, GravityTraining, Move Learning, Weight Boosted Training, etc. the rp must actually be about
          the proper theme. This is, if you write about getting tomatoes, you won't be updated as if you got potatoes.

4. Characters
  4.1. You cannot have more than one main character. However, you can have up to 10 secondary characters.
  4.2. After joining, you must post your bio on the Creation Board. If you put new character bio's on an update thread, they will be ignored.
  4.3. You cannot roleplay until your bio is up on the member’s site. 
  4.4. Your character cannot be in two places at once.
  4.5. You start with one main character at 1.000 pl. You may also start with 2 free secondary characters, at 300 pl each.
  4.6. Max pl for normal characters is caped at 1 billion base power level. Once you reach 1 billion power level, your base pl won't get any
         higher. For fusions, max base power is 2 billion for potara characters and 4 billion in the case of fusing two potara fused characters through
         fusion dance.
  4.7. Roleplaying with another character of yours will not count as multi-person rp. It must include at least 2 different member controlled characters.

5. Jobs
To be paid for your INVENTOR or QUEST FINDER posts, your creation must be of a particular quality. In other words, don't make up useless
          things. In both of the cases, you get 100z bonus if something you made up gets approved and put up in the Shop / Quest Page.
  5.2. You get paid ONCE a week, usually on Saturday or Sunday

 1. Posting 
1.1. You may only learn one new thing per training post, even if you have the word requirements to learn multiple things in a single
        post. For example, you cannot unlock a new transformation, complete a Racial Quest, and learn a New Move all in the same post. You can,
        however, make multiple posts in the same thread that individually do all these things.

2. Next Dimension
  2.1. When you die, you go to the Next Dimension. If you are good, you go to one of the four kai’s to receive training. If you are evil, you go to the HFIL,
         where you can train under Dabura. If you are neutral, you may choose where you go. The only exception is West Kai. He will train evil
         inclined charatcers as well, depending on their deeds. For example dieing to save someone else's life, as that is a selfless act.
  2.2. You can only train under one of the Kais, not all of them. And you have to ask for permission from a staff member first under the Permit Board.
  2.3. When you are dead, you can only post in the Next Dimension.
  2.4. A saiyan cannot go near death in the Next Dimension, as you are already dead.

3. BattleStadium
  3.1. The Battle Stadium is the only exception to rule 4.4, as it exists outside the normal rp universe.
  3.2. Anyone you meet or anything you learn in the battle stadium does not carry over into the rpg.
  3.3. You may only be in one battle stadium fight at a time. 
  3.4. You can't go near death in the battle stadium.
  3.4. You can't meditate in the battle stadium.

4. Tournament
  4.1. When in a tournament, you cannot train or be part of a saga.
  4.2. You have 48 hours to reply before you are disqualified.
6. Attacks
  6.1. For moves that only last a certain number of posts, only the user's posts are counted.
  6.2. When you try to kill a character, give him a chance to defend himself.
  6.3. Really powerful moves CAN destroy planets.
  6.4. Attacks cannot be inter-planetary. You cannot fire an attack from Earth and hit someone on Icer.
  6.5. In terms of sensing an attack coming, strength based attacks { punches, kicks, sword swings, etc } are unsenseable unless it is powered up by
         any means. However, if a person moves behind you, you are still able to sense their energy, just not if they are using a non-powered attack.
  6.6. You may perform up to 2 actions per post. The Double Attack Special Move gives you the ability to either combine 2 attacks into a single,
          more powerful one or have 1 more offensive action in a post. Talking doesn't count towards the 2 actions per post, unless you talk for an
          extended amount of time, such as a super villain rant.

7. Items
Any items or weapons you are carrying will not effect battle until you actively bring them out and use them. For example your character may be a
         weapon's master that carries 10 different special weapons, but none of their effects may be used unless you pull them out to fight with, and only
          the specific weapons you are actively using will count.
  7.2. Items gained from dragonball wishes can't be passed on to other characters without a very good reason for it. This means that if your Main
         Character gathers the Dragonballs and wishes for money, the coins go to your Main Character, not any of your secondary characters. Dragonball
         earned items shall be place on the bio with a notation that designates them as such.
  7.3. In addition to rule 7.2, wishing for an item also must have a reasoning behind it. For example, you can't ask for potara earrings without prior in game
         knowledge of their existance.
  7.4. You cannot bring any items from the Living World with you to the Next Dimension with the exception of the clothing / armour your character
          is wearing at the time of their death.
  7.5. You cannot access the living world shop if your character is in the Next Dimension.

Further Site Rules
1. Masters
  1.1. Please do not argue over minor issues. If you cannot settle a dispute yourself, then a staff member will get involved.
  1.2. Staff Members have the authority to cancel a membership or ban members as they see fit, provded that a good reason is given.
  1.3. Changes to the site shall be voted on by all members of the staff. A unanimous decision is required for all site changes.

2. Sagas
  2.1. Power level gains from a saga are changed to the total words you write, instead of words/2.
  2.2. There is a PL gain cap of no more than twice your Base power at the start of the saga for NPC generated sagas. If a Saga is the result of a
         member controlled player's actions, like attacking the planet Earth for example, then there is no PL gain cap enforced.

3. Senseis / Kais / Trainers
 If a Sensei isn't available for training at a given time, you may have one of his prior students teach you the move instead. However, the word
        requirement to learn the technique is increased by 50%.
  3.2. If more than one character is doing a Sensei, Kai, or Trainer quest together in the same thread, the word requirement is reduced 20% per character
         beyond the first that is training. No matter how many character's are involved, the maximum discount is 50%. The following formula demonstrates
         how this works in more detail:

         Gohan and Goten are training together to learn Master Roshi's Kamehameha Wave technique. Normally they would each have to write 1,000 words
          to learn it individually. However, since they are training together, they get a 20% discount to the word requirement. Thus:

         1,000 words x 0.80 = 800 words
         So now, they each only have to write 800 words instead of the original 1,000, saving them some time to go play before dinner.

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