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Welcome, Gaijin · RSS 2024-10-16, 2:43 AM


Sensei are NPC trainers that may teach you a special technique. There will be two trainers for each planet, generally one good and one bad. If someone of good alignment wants to train under the bad alignment trainer and vice-versa, he / she will have to write twice as many words for everything related to the Sensei learning quest. As a general rule, you first have to write a 500 word quest explaining how you came to know about that trainer. Then, you will have to write the nuber of words required to finish their special training, after which you'll get the special sensei technique. The number of words to complete the training vary with the sensei.

In the case of the Otherworld's senseis such as the four Kais and  Dabura, it works a little different; You'll first write a 500+ word roleplay about King Yenma sending you to one of the Kais { once one is picked, you can never train under another Kai } . Then, you'll need a 2.000 word roleplay of completing the Kai's training.

You may learn from one sensei per 1.000 base intelligence you have { Kais, only 1 always! } . The first sensei you train under does not count for that limit. You also cannot train in two rival schools { i.e: On Earth, that would be Master Roshi and Master Shen } .

Become a Sensei Yourself
There isn't much mystery in becoming a sensei. All you have to do is follow a few simple rules:
1. You must be at level 7.
2. You may teach two techniques. The two techniques combined cannot pass 8 levels (ie, one level 1 move and one level 7 move.)
3. Once you choose what techniques you'll teach, you cannot change them.
4. You must buy a "Custom School Gi", which works just like the common Gi on the shop, on the Clothing section for your students. The price is 300z.
5. The number of words required for you to teach someone works this way:
     For the sensei: technqiue level x100
     For the student: technique level x250
6. Only the student will gain PL from this.


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