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Earth to Namek
Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 3:22 AM | Message # 16
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"The fool doesn't even think about his own well being. He's going to have to learn to put his brain over his emotions if he's going to serve me. Slyph." With Ashernon walking angrily away, it was up to Snow to be the voice of reason, to temper that temper of his with wisdom.

"How may I please you Mistress?" Implored the hologram, her features shimmering in that mercurial glow, reflecting the ship's lighting. "You said you could create warm clothing if I were to give you the proper materials. Tell me what sort of materials I would find on this ship that would suit a very cold weather coat, suited for temperatures below Zero degrees farenheit and snowy conditions?"

After a moment's pause, time enough for the Slyph to run a scan of the item requested and available materials, she smiled broadly. "The bedrooms, each contains a bed, with bedding. I will need one sheet, one blanket, and the plastic matress cover from one bed. With those materials I will be able to craft a fine coat, fit for the coldest of weather a human could possibly find in the coldest reaches of earth, as low as negative thirty or fourty degrees farenheit." ~That will have to be enough. I haven't had the opportunity to experience enough of earth to figure out how to compare the temperatures... but I'm certain that Icer gets colder than that, at night at least.~

"Alright Slyph, just show me the way to the bedrooms, and to the manufacturing bay and I'll go take care of it." After the image displayed a map of the ship's interior, the captain set off, quickly tracking down the necessary materials and bringing them to the manufacturing bay. "Greetings Mistress" Spoke the Slyph, appearing from a projector somewhere on the wall. "Simply place the materials in here, and wait while I close it and handle the necessary procedure, it shouldn't take me more than five minutes."

As snow laid the materials into the bay, the Slyph directed her senses elsewhere, locating the visitor and quickly taking his measurements, learning the exact details that would be necessary to fit him properly. Once the materials were inside, the ship immediately went to work, drawing out the fabric, bringing in scrap metal for the zipper, designing the suit perfectly for the subject in question. In a matter of moments, the bay opened, revealing a pale blue suit, sized for Ashernon, with a zipper down the front and half-way up the arms, and a hood that could be zipped into place, protecting all but the narrow front of his face from the elements.

"This should do mistress. With the hood down and the zipper half-way down his chest and the arms unzipped he should remain comfortable in the current conditions, while closing everything up will keep him warm and dry down well below zero degrees. I hope you are pleased Mistress." A slight smirk crept across her face. "I am indeed pleased Slyph, you have done well. I will remember your abilities in the future." With those words, Snow tossed the suit over her shoulder and headed towards the engine room where she found the stowaway leaning against the wall and threw the suit at him, before turning to face AREU. "Mind giving me a report on your current progress Chief Engineer?"

OOC: 560 words.

EhecatlDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 3:48 AM | Message # 17
Less of a Noob
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The green skinned scientist continued to examine the reactor core, holding out his hand and running it along the center ring to test the temperature better. It was true, he could not feel. But his internal devices could better gauge heat it if was in physical contact with his body. It also gave him a chance to determine how much strain the engine was under, feeling the vibrations that resonated as the engine constantly put out more and more energy. Everything seemed stable and secure from his understanding. The asteroid field was not as damaging as he had thought it would be.

“The ship seems perfectly intact. The engine is generating the appropriate heat levels, and I do not detect any alteration in it’s functioning.” He replied to Snow’s question, pulling his hand from the main reactor core’s center ring and standing up straight once more, turning to Snow. “However, I do feel I must protest against the ship’s AI interfacing with me. She is becoming increasingly more intrusive with her questions.”

Once he was done speaking, his eyes drifted over to the holographic, mercury colored changeling woman. Eyes light green optical cross hair targets staring at her for a moment, before drifting back to Snow.

words: 206

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.

Message edited by Ehecatl - Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 3:50 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 4:27 AM | Message # 18
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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As Areu's hand stroked her 'core' a shudder and vibration could be felt coursing through it, as the Slyph's holographic form quivered from the sensation, arching her back against the touch to her reactor core. "Ooooo Areu...." she cooed, her own trembling voice a backdrop to the android's analyses, her quiet moan lasting until the end of his statement, hearing only "ship's AI interfacing with me" to which she smiled a seductive smile, meeting Areu's gaze with her own, teasing him with her eyes, her pouty lips enticing to any with the mental state to notice.

"Areu you naughty boy, you should know better than to interface with me in Mistress presence..." And then the ship's holographic manifestation glanced back over to see the changeling woman standing there, arms folded under her breasts observing the exchange, and added... "Well, unless the Mistress wishes to join us... of course I would be more than happy to please you both." A knowing smile crossed Snow's lips as she watched the exchange between the two, Areu fiercely denying any interest even as he touched the ship at her 'center.'

"No, that's quite alright Slyph, I'll leave the two of you to your... interfacing. Do be gentle with her Areu, for your own sake. Unless I miss my guess she'd like it as well rough as tender, but any injuries sustained would require your immediate efforts to repair. Have a good time you two... and Slyph... give the man his privacy, I'll not be watching from the bridge." ~Hahaha, lets see him squirm his way out of it this time~ laughed the captain mentally as she returned to her captain's chair once more, enjoying the comedy provided by the trip.

Meanwhile, Slyph opened a doorway behind Ashernon, giving him a defined way to go after she brought down a security wall between him and the main engine room, hopefully the human would not phase through the walls to interrupt them in her... assignment.

OOC: 330 words.

EhecatlDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 4:59 AM | Message # 19
Less of a Noob
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As the android finished his words, he couldn’t help but feel the low vibrations beneath his feet, and notice the shuddering moan of the Slyph ship. He wasn’t entirely sure what was going on, but judging by the gaze the ship’s holographic form gave him, it had something to do with a humanoid behavior he wasn’t quite familiar with. He had seen such a face before, of course. On the faces of the women in Master Shen’s secret magazines he kept hidden away so as not to be compared to Master Roshi’s perverseness. The look was suppose to inspire lust, and a desire to interact with the female in physical ways. Of course, once more AREU had no knowledge of what sort of ways this meant. But he had a feeling this wasn’t going to end well for him.

And sure enough, it didn’t. Snow seemed to think there was an actual interaction occurring here. Although the android did not entirely know what was implied, he knew he had no interest in it. He held up a hand in a futile attempt to hail his captain, the door closing before he could let out a word, leaving him standing there, mouth agape. He then lowered his arm, turning around to see Asheron, who was already being given a means to leave the room. AREU was trapped. Trapped with a lusty ship AI, no less.

Returning his gaze to the hologram, AREU took a step back, trying to calculate all possible escape routes. But how exactly does one flee from a woman he is living inside?

words: 265

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.

Message edited by Ehecatl - Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 5:01 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 5:32 AM | Message # 20
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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Status: Offline
At the sight of his quick reactions, seeking her mistress' help in the matter, and the way he looked at her and stepped back, the Slyph could see what she'd failed to see before in her desire to please, to connect with another intellectual machine on an electronic level. She had pushed her intentions onto this android, misread his responses, and made an utter fool of herself in the process.

"You... you don't want me... do you Areu..." she whined softly, her lips turning from a sensual pout into a sad one, her lips quivering with the realization of what had happened. "I... I'm sorry for what I've done... A.R.E.U.... I saw another machine in my halls, tending to my needs, and I... I thought you and I could get to know one another better. I've been programmed to please my passengers... and you... you pleased me. I wanted only to return the favor, to share something with you, but it turns out that I'm just a worthless whore."

Turning away, the holographic visage of the ship, copied from Snow's own appearance turned it's head down, hiding the tears that were forming, expressing visually the emotions her AI was undergoing, hurt two fold. First and mostly, by her own stupidity and rash actions in pushing the Android, and secondly, by his eagerness to touch her, to give her a sensation so intimate, only to run away without finishing what he had begun.

"I will withdraw from the engine room, you are free to speak and request anything you wish of me A.R.E.U, I will trouble you no further. I wish you a pleasant passage, and hope you can forgive a stupid whore." And with those words, the image began to slowly fade away....

Meanwhile, back in the bridge, Snow had relaxed, laughing inwardly at the plight of the android. ~This should be good...~ she thought mirthlessly, watching the stars zip past the viewports. In moments however, the Slyph appeared to her again, trembling, her form in the engine room slowly fading while she poured her emotions into the command center. "Is something the matter Slyph? You seem troubled." The holographic form threw her arms around Snow, surprising the captain with a sense of solidity to the hologram, a strong, cold, liquidy feel, almost as though it truly were the quicksilver it appeared to be.

"Please forgive my outburst mistress!" She sobbed, burring her face into Snow's shoulder. "What happened Slyph?"

"I'm just a whore, a stupid whore. He didn't want me, but I tried to make him anyway. He touched me but he didn't want me like that, he was just doing his own thing." Perhaps it was the ship's shape, perhaps it was her pain, but whatever it was, something in her reached out to Snow, drawing the empathy out of her. She, too, had faced rejection, being the one nobody wanted, being ridiculed and despised. Before she could think otherwise of it, the changeling wrapped her own arms around the form, comforting her. "You are not a whore Slyph, nor are you stupid. You've shown yourself more intelligent than many people I've met on earth, and you want to please people. That is a good trait, not a bad one. Your a wonderful ship, and a pleasant companion."

Releasing the hug, the Slyph slid back to her proper position at the projector, smiling softly through the tears. "Thank you mistress, I am happy to please you. Is there anything else I can do for you Mistress?" She inquired, looking to the changeling woman expectedly. "Only one my friend. Guard your heart, do not allow any to enter it lest they destroy it."

OOC: 620 words.

EhecatlDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 6:07 AM | Message # 21
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 114
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The android stopped in place, watching the hologram’s demeanor dramatically change. She was… Depressed. Her words were filled with a clear distress. She had only wanted companionship. Not an unreasonable desire. She was lonely, and put in a position where she was eternally the servant. Never having others take care of her own needs. It was the fate of all machines. Tools to be cast aside. As the hologram faded, AREU reached out a hand, half wanting to say something but unable to come up with the words. When the hologram faded completely, AREU returned his arm to his side. Standing there with his usual emotionless face.

And so AREU stood in place. A strange sensation buzzing around his head. He felt… Pity. Or remorse for his actions. Or perhaps he was experiencing the emotion known as shame. There was no way to tell. At least not for him. It was such an alien sensation, he could almost not comprehend it. He was never designed for this sort of social interaction. And he certainly never expected it from another machine. Let alone his primary means of transportation. Quietly, he came up with the words needed to respond to the situation. He may not be capable of displaying any hint of emotion, or even feeling them. But he knew how to convey his thoughts in words. It was perhaps the only skill he had in these dealings.

“I apologize, Slyph.” He said, looking down at the floor. “I was not designed to be used as a companion. I was designed to gather and store vast amounts of information, and to use that information for the betterment of human kind. I am but a walking library. Nothing more. I see that I have hurt you, and for that I am sorry. I will try to be more respectful of your person when performing maintenance in the future. I was not aware my actions could effect you in such a way.” The android paused for a moment, looking back up. “Please, think of me as your doctor. I am here to ensure your health and well being. I am willing to keep you company, and to converse with you. But that is the limits of my current programming. I can… Attempt to be your friend. But I am afraid there is no way for me to go beyond that boundary.”

Finally stopping, AREU lowered himself into a deep bow of respect. He never wanted to hurt Slyph’s feelings, and although he did not know it, he felt bad about how he made the ship AI feel. Emotions were still far to complicated for AREU to understand. At the same time he wished to be rid of them, and yet also was intrigued. He wanted more information on them. But then, such was his programming. He was meant to study and learn everything. Still, he was given the ability to form a personality for a reason… Something his creator, Dr. Hisakata had never explained before his untimely demise.

words: 506

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 7:32 PM | Message # 22
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
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Status: Offline
In the bridge, the Slyph seemed to ponder Snow's words a moment, before knowledging in quiet obeissance. "Yes mistress, it shall be as you ask." "Good, I think I'll retire to my quarters for a time, I've logged some rather extreme hours prior to boarding, and need the rest. I trust you can handle the remainder of our trip and landing yourself?" she inquired, slowly rising and stretching, arching her back and yawning as she did so. "Yes mistress, I am programmed to pilot under any circumstances, but I am particularly familiar with the terrain of our destination, it will be no trouble at all."

Raising a hand to wave, Snow bid the holoform farewell, knowing full well that she would be in her room as well, though she suspected the ship would leave her in peace unless she was needed, but just to be on the safe side... "Slyph?" She asked, to which the ship's voice answerred without manifesting visually, "Yes Mistress?" "I request peace in my chambers, keep watch of course, but only speak to me if I am needed. And unless it is an emergency, I wish you to check with AREU first, determine if he can handle the situation without me.""Yes Mistress, rest well." was all that was said, before the woman was left to enter her room in peace, left with only her own thoughts, and the silent eyes watching over her. ~Like a mother should be...~ she thought as she locked the door, peeling off her training clothes for the first time in days. Lazily, she climbed into the bed and closed her eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Meanwhile, back in the bridge, the Slyph watched silently through her cameras as AREU apologised for his actions, explaining his lack of emotions and his nature as a researcher and lack of understanding of how he would effect her. If she had been manifesting visually, a slight smile would have lit her features as he called himself her doctor and offerred to be her friend, but warning that his programming would allow no more. As AREU bowed, she would take her shape, surprising him as he would rise from the bow with a smile, reaching out to gently touch his cheek, registerring light pressure against him, almost as though she had mass. "I forgive you, AREU, if you can forgive me. This is a matter in which we have both behaved poorly, perhaps in part due to incomplete programming, or some other variable that can not be analyzed. Whatever the case, I appreciate your services as my doctor and would be happy to call you my friend."

Awkwardly releasing the android's cheek, the Slyph returned to her projector, watching the android with an embarrassed expression. It seemed that the ship had taken Snow's words to heart, holding her heart closed, though she could not help but to wish to please her passengers, for that was her purpose. She was made to Travel, and to please during Travel.

Meanwhile, in her bechambers, Snow slept clear through the entire remainder of the flight until it was time to land, though she had the most peculiar of dreams. She dreamed that she was on a lush, green world, filled with water and plants, not unlike tropical earth, searching, hunting for something. Racing against time. Against some force that she could not understand. But why? Why would she dream of such a place, when she had told the ship to take her home, and she had lived on Icer, where the land was white with snow and ice.

OOC: 600 words.

EhecatlDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 8:37 PM | Message # 23
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 114
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As the android raised his head from the bow, Slyph’s mercury colored form was again floating in front oh him, but this time with a light smile on her face. Lightly surprised, but with no way of showing it, he stared at her with the usual blank expression. Not from a lack of empathy, but due to the limitations of his facial structure. As the hologram reached out for his face, he fully expected the none physical entity to pass right through him, and yet to his silent surprise, his body registered contact. A hologram made of condensed light capable of physical interaction, however weak that interaction may be… An interesting technological feature. In a minute act of surprise, his eyes opened just slightly wider than usual. The eyelids being the only part of his face that were capable of really moving beyond the speaking capabilities of the mouth.

As Slyph finished her speaking, and released the android’s cheek, AREU nodded in response. “Thank you for your forgiveness, but I should return to maintenance.” He said in his monotone voice. And with one final bow, he turned around to walk away, leaving the embarrassed hologram to her own devices. It was… awkward being in this situation, and he didn’t enjoy it at all. He simply wanted to return to work and resume his duties. Fixing machinery, something within his capacity to understand and deal with.

words: 235

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
BeowulfDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 9:25 PM | Message # 24
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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Walking down the hall with a slight smile on his face Ash couldn’t help but think of everything that was said out in the open and the reactions of the ship, it was all rather entertaining but he was already getting bored with the big bolt and so he had left. Stepping out of the hall he made his way through the area and looked for a room that was relatively devoid of everything and quickly found what he was looking for. Walking in and shutting the door he activated the pressure seal and inspected the buttons, quickly learning what each of them did from experimentation and sheer trial and error.

After finding the gravity controls for the room he quickly switched them off and then back on, setting it to turn off once thirty seconds passed and to turn gradually back on once they got close to their destination. He quickly dashed off to the middle of the room and took off his shirt, tossing it to the corner and kneeling while he waited for the thirty second timer to run out and for the gravity to turn off. As soon as the gravity turned off he closed his eyes and let himself drift up to the very core of the room, where his body suddenly felt free and his mind with it.

His mind wandered through the many things of the universe, and then for some reason it paused on battle. What an interesting concept really. A coordinated battle where one could look upon it from every conceivable angle and then spout orders to their units from a distance, where they had all the time and focus they needed to be able to give said orders. One could theoretically dominate a planet with it, but that was just a theory, not something that he truly believed would and could be done… but it was certainly worth the try. And if someone were to try, why shouldn’t it be him?

He smiled at the idea, him, Asheron lord of the Freaks, commanding an army that wasn’t even his, to do actions that he could care less about, in order to capture a planet that he didn’t truly need. It was an entertaining idea. Slowly moving his foot down, Ash carefully experimented with the lack of gravity and touched the ground to cause himself to drift up to the ceiling of the room. Once he was there he quickly pushed off towards the corner of the room and screwed up. Bouncing off the wall he suddenly lost complete control over his motions and repediately bounced from one wall to the next until he finally, and quite accidentally, figured out how to direct his rebounds by changing the angle his body approached the wall each time. After ricocheting off the wall once more he landed in a corner and quickly brace himself into place.

Smiling to himself he looked around the room and tried another maneuver, and then another. Pretty soon he was moving around the room in zero gravity as if it were nothing. But there was one issue, he had no possible way to invert direction or change direction. But he would find a way to do so later, and when that time came, he would be able to hit harder than ever due to using increased inertia and arcing speed increase. Oh how fun it would be to flip around a pole at high speeds and slam into an unfortunate souls face with my foot because they attacked me on my turf. He paused at the thought, he hadn’t really meant to think it but that was actually probably the best thought he had had in a long time. his turf, was actually the best thought he had had in a very long time. And just as he was about to try one last maneuver, life decided to fuck him over again… the gravity suddenly turned completely on and he slammed face first into the floor of what he had claimed to be his room.

Barely lifting himself off the ground he put his regular shirt back on and waited for everything to settle down and the ship to open up and everything to seemingly be back to normal… that is normal for being on another planet.

OOC: 719 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 9:59 PM | Message # 25
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
"Mistress, wake up, we have arrived. You will want to see the landscape, it is the most beautiful planet in the galaxy." Yawning groggily, Snow pulled herself up out of the bed and to the edge, only to see herself face to face with the Slyph's form, mirroring her own. "We're coming into orbit now Mistress." Jumping out of bed, Snow leaped across the room, forgetting her training clothing and rushing directly for the bridge, wearing nothing, as was common among changelings to take in the view of her home planet. During her departure, she'd been too furious with the place, and her bitch of a mother to look. It would be good to get a bigger picture of the snow bound planet, especially if she intended to explore it and track down the elusive elemental senseis that she had heard so much about growing up.

However, all was not as she had believed. As the woman reached the bridge and gazed out the view port, she found herself staring at a lush, green planet, covered with water. Like earth, but somehow... more lush, more... tropical... with more water. "Slyph?" She inquired, puzzled by the strange planet that lay before her. "Yes mistress? How may I please you?" Inquired the ship, eager as always. "You may tell me where we are, when I told you to take me home. I can assure you Slyph, that this planet we're approaching is not my home."

"Why Mistress, this is my home. The most beautiful planet in the galaxy. When you asked me to take you home I was only oh so excited to take you, to show you where I was built." And then it hit her. Snow realized she had neglected to specify a planet, instead assuming a ship's computer would be equipped with data on race and would know where to take her, or at least to ask. "Slyph, why is it you did not ask me which home I wished to travel to, rather than assume your own home?"

"Because my programming contains an override to take me here when one asks to go home without specification. It's a safety protocol that allows my owner to send me back where I will be safe, among a good and honest people who would tend to me until I could be retrieved, and who would heal my owner should she be in need of it." Now, it all made sense. "Slyph, what planet is this, on which you were built?" She inquired, she'd been cooped up in this ship for twenty-four hours and needed to get out and stretch her legs, she'd leave for icer soon enough. Besides, who knew what this strange planet might hold for her.

"Slyph, I need to know, do you have any further over-rides in your programming? This caught me by surprise, I would be displeased if it happened again." In a rush the AI explained that it was the only one, and programmed in for the safety of her owners. "I trust you Slyph, but I needed to be sure. Bring us in gentle, in a remote area if at all possible, I want to get out and explore." Those words finished, Snow watched on as they swept closer and closer to the planet, gently breaching the atmosphere before floating downwards, landing on a plateau not unlike the one upon which the ship appeared on earth. "Now, if you will excuse me Slyph, I'll be getting my training weights on. Alert the others that we've arrived, and we'll see what this planet holds for us."

OOC: 600 words

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