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Drifting in space...
ShinigamiDate: Friday, 2010-03-12, 8:49 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 70
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Status: Offline
Silently drifting in the deep heart of space, far from the edge of both the Southern Galaxy and the Eastern Galaxy, were it originated, floated a large asteroid that just entered the Northern Galaxy's space. The asteroid was covered in the scars and burns of a massive conflict and on examination appeared to actually have been a piece of a planet that had been blown to bits. In fact on closer examination, the other rocks that were floating around this asteroid, were all part of the same planet, just much smaller in size. Also with the other debris that surrounded the asteroid were pieces of buildings and even parts of corpses. But still it was the main chunk of the asteroid that would draw the attention of any observers, for it was the only asteroid that was large enough to have any real gravity, even though it was barely noticeable compared to a real planets gravitational force. And on this asteroid contained the greatest remnants of the planet, with several partially intact buildings covering it. In one of the largest buildings, maybe a ruined palace or temple, one that was horribly scarred by the marks of battle, more so then any other building visible was littered with the bodies of the dead and surrounding a throne. All was motionless, and had been for many years, until the asteroid's rotation shifted just enough to let a shaft of light from the closest sun in that galaxy to shine through the doors of the palace illuminating the interior of the building. As the single shaft of sunlight passed through the doorway, it would strike throne revealing that it was made out of a giant red gemstone, crafted from a single piece and faceted so that as the light hit it, it would scatter the beams in a all across the room and fill it with its crimson light. It was then that suddenly there was movement within that palace turned desolate tomb, one of the bodies would move, at first a slight twitch, then the twitching would get steadily more violent as convolutions wracked the body. At the same time floating around him, the crystallized remnants of the bodies blood would, while frozen in the cold of space, would seem to alter its shape and shimmer as it returned to a liquid state, even in the vacuum cold of space and then seem to be drawn back into the corpse through every pore and open wound in the dessicated corpse's body, restoring a great deal of its liquid body mass, then the blood of all the other corpses surrounding this one, would swirl and sink into the body as well.
Once that had finished, all the countless wounds, wounds that included a complete impalement of the corpse and part of the body burned down to the bone from some kind of a fire would start to repair themselves. The large metal beam that had been used to impale the corpse would shift and slowly begin to move up, out of the body as small tendrils of blood began to push and pull the beam out of the body. With a final push, the beam would begin to float away since it was no longer piercing the ground and held in place by the gravity. Once that was out of the way, the body would continue to heal at an accelerated rate, as the wounds slowly closed up and healed and the brunt portion's of the body would start to repair itself, the charred bones would fill back in the missing pieces and return to the normal white condition, the ruined and missing muscles and tendons would start to regrow and wrap around the body. Until finally, the 'corpse's skin would regrow in a manner of seconds over the new flesh. Throughout this entire sequence of events, if anyone had been around to detect it, they would notice a massive power level generating from this so called corpse, yet as the body repaired itself, that power level would steadily shrink, as if the body was cannibalizing its own energy to make the repairs, not in a manner that was only temporary but in a way that would require a great deal of training to repair. Basically the body was sacrificing all that it was capable of doing from the knowledge and ability of certain skills to all the results of physical training the person had done. Only the core memories of those skills were saved, all else would be sacrificed to maintain the bodies life force. So while the man might have the knowledge of releasing energy techniques from his palms, he would still be required to retrain himself in order to perform the technique. Finally the healing would stop the man's energy levels, his chi would stop fluctuating and grow steady, even if it was at less then one percent of the original power, and everything would once again grow calm and still.
An eternity in limbo, full of pain. A place were time was meaningless in the torment of painful sensations the body felt. Enough pain to drive a person mad, unable to see, unable to move, unable to speak. Just pain and memories to keep him company for all that time. and with that pain, and those memories, came an eternity of hatred for those that had brought this down on him. Then, something changed. The pain that had been a constant companion for however long disappeared, the sensations changed and instead he felt a deep chill, a coldness like the heart of winter, yet there was no wind, or any sound at all despite his sharp senses. In fact, for a time he was unable to sense anything with his mind's eye, having chosen not to open his eyes yet in fear of what he might see, not a creature nor person was around it was as if he had lost all his awareness of his surroundings. Eventually as time passed and he continued to enjoy the new sensations he was feeling, when he could sense himself he could not sense a single animal or blade of grass. As far as he could sense, the world was empty of life. Those were the first sensations that the man felt even without opening his eyes. The ever constant cold, the endless silence, and the vast emptiness that filled the void of his mind's eye and senses. All those and the strange sensation of weightlessness, although at first he just thought it was his senses playing tricks with him. Then as the asteroid continued to spin, it would temporarily shift so that the light from the distant sun would once again disappear, it was at this sudden shift back into darkness that the the man finally opened his eyes and blinked, fighting off the urge to enter his dreams once more, and clutching his head as if it were in pain, the man would continue to blink and look around trying to figure out were he was. At first he would strain to see in the absolute darkness that he thought for a moment that he was ether underground or possibly blind, then the asteroid's drifting would once again flip back into the light, nearly blinding him with its intensity. After blinking for several minutes the man's eyes would adjust and he would see the asteroid he was on complete with all the carnage and destruction, and with a burst of pain from his head he would remember what had happened!
-Flash Back-
“Ah your majesty, have you read the latest reports?” the weaselly faced man that had managed to become the Minister of Finance will ask the the man sitting on the throne.
“Yes, Minister, I would trust that you remember that ALL the reports you receive have been viewed by me first. This is not the High Counsel Chambers, I do not need you complaining about all the 'wasteful spending' on our planetary fleet. We Crimson Nobles have a entire empire to protect, we have most of the planets in this galaxy under our control, and a few in the other bordering one, in order to maintain contact and protect them all from invaders we need the fleet to be properly prepared. Now if all you have to do is complain about money leave!” the young emperor would answer back.
“But Sire! You know as well as I do that many of the planets surrounding our own planet Crusnik have suddenly stopped sending their taxes and refuse to send any communications”
“I KNOW! Now Shut your mouth about the damn taxes! You could worry a bit more about the people!” the Emperor would snap. “Why do you think that the fleet was sent? Clearly all those planets did not just decide they were going to stop communication one after another, I expect a report anytime now that will explain the issues.”
“But Sire!”
“Get out of here!” the Emperor will say pointing a finger at the door, and when he would not move fast enough for him, he would shoot a blast of energy that would pick the man up and fling him through the doorway. And then when he was left all alone the young Emperor would consider the problem at hand.
Roughly about three weeks ago, using the standard earth day and time for calculation, the Emperor first heard that one of the colony planets created about six hundred years ago by his father had suddenly grown silent. Now this was not so unusual, the people of the planet Crusnik, named after their gods, a race of beings called the Crimson Nobles were incredibly long lived, they would often stop talking to friends and family for decades only to greet them again like they saw them yesterday at lunch. Legends say that the Crimson Nobles were decedent from powerful beings of godlike proportions named the Crusniks who had fantastic abilities that allowed them control over their shape at will, could manipulate their blood as a deadly weapon, were immortal, and could withstand massive amounts of damage in combat, including the loss of limbs and even decapitation. However in all the centuries that had passed the Crimson Nobles had lost nearly all of their powers, only retaining a fraction of their resistance to damage and gravity and long life. After creating the Crimson Nobles, the Crusniks taught there people their laws and powers before hibernating, a hibernation that they had not yet woken from. The Royal bloodline that the emperor was a part of , is said to have been direct decedents and closest in power to their gods, were also charged with being their protectors and defenders, to prevent any and all danger from happening to their sleeping body.
The Crimson Nobles shared all of their Gods abilities, to a lesser degree, and used those skills to forge a empire across the stars, slaughtering or oppressing all those who they found. They were a cruel race that took what they wished and did not care at all about the suffering of those they conquered, but what caused their potential victims to fear them above all else was for a long period of time during a Crimson Noble's growth, they were required to feed on blood, and would often chose the strongest warriors they could find in the belief that drinking such blood would give them even greater power. Of course after a few hundred years a Crimson Noble no longer needed to drink blood although most had developed a taste for it by then, and would continue to feast on the blood of their slaves not caring if they lived or died causing many races to flee or kill themselves first. Millennium and fifty-one Crimson kings pass, The once proud but cruel Crimson Nobles were but a fraction of their original power, having lost a large amount of their abilities. No more could they shift their form naturally, nor could they quickly regenerate damage like they originally were capable of. Only about a third of the species could augment their speed with the Machigawase-Yasui Ayumi technique, the skill of the Illusionary Steps, The purer their bloodline connecting them to the Crusniks the better chance they had of gaining their powers. While most of the Crimson Nobles still had no regard to the welfare of their slaves and servants the new king thought otherwise. Despite his people's upbringing he was a good soul, not completely pure, but nether was he anywhere close to being evil. And he was doing his best to reform his people's image and lead them into the light. While convincing his people that killing their blood donors was a waste was difficult he had managed to do so. While convincing his people that they should not slaughter and take what they want was much much harder, even that was beginning to be accepted. However now this sudden event happened with the outlaying planets going silent, he could only wait to see what the fleet would report before he could act.
Now was not the time to dwell on possibilities, the emperor would think as he entered the training grounds and wrapped his weights around his body, creating them as heavily as possible, before activating the training room's combat simulation program. He had been lax in his practice and decided to go over the basics once more. First he would gather his might power and begin to concentrate, letting it absorb into his limbs and slowly infuse him with its power, namely to increase his strength and speed a great deal. When he first attempted this technique he had almost succeeded in shifting his body mass in order to increase his strength temporarily, however in doing so, his speed suffered greatly for it. He needed to compensate for the strength without sacrificing his speed, and in fact should be able to increase both of those attributes without too much problem. Then he could work on trying to create one of the original shape shifting skills of his ancestors, a mighty technique that was able to seal off the user's characteristics, making them even weaker then normal but then transferring that potential to another characteristic, for example. He could seal off sensing and redirect that to other skills. Of course that was still way off and without this skill he probably would never get around to that point. Concentrating his power within his bodies cells he would start to build muscle mass to increase his strength and he would adjust his bodies tendons and muscles to increase his speed, so he was not all just bulk. Finally after a few hours he would finish his training on that technique.

Next it was time to review some of the energy based attack skills he knew, starting with one of the non-damaging techniques, one that could release a blast of energy like a jet of wind, capable of knocking a full grown warrior to the ground or other items around. Quite a useful skill if one was only trying to capture a opponent. As practice the young emperor would activate a simple combat program causing small sphere shaped robots with targets painted on them to slide out of the wall and start zooming around the room, moving around and even across the walls and ceiling. While they did this he would gather his energy into the palm of his hand and use a throwing motion to release the energy in an invisible wave to strike the robots and cause them to go flying into the nearest surface, were they would immediately deactivate. Performing this skill was not vary hard for him, but with the robots moving so fast, he would be forced to fire repeatedly to strike each and every robot present. While he was releasing the energy, he would attempt to tighten up the energy usage, using the least amount of power to create the maximum effect he was looking for. And pretty soon, the young emperor was using both hand to finish knocking all the robots down and off. Once finished he would go back to the control panel that he summoned the robots with, and would alter the program so he could continue with the next practice.

With a few quick presses on the control panel, the small round spheres with the targets painted on them would all roll back into a small hole in the wall, the place were they originally came from, and soon the entire room would shift and alter, transforming from a basic practice room to a shooting range, equipped with moving targets that would change their positions and even pop up and down to make it more difficult to hit them accurately. Now it was time to practice a different technique then the air pressure based kaiho he had been using before, this time he would use a technique that could actually damage and kill if used properly, the chi shot. To master the technique you had to alter the already existing kaiho technique, concentrating the energy into a dense mass of chi so that instead of harmlessly diffusing the technique would blow a hole clear through the target. Taking his stance he would activate the targets to they began to randomly appear and disappear, as well as move, and as he did so he would start moving back and forth releasing chi shot after chi shot, accurately firing dead center into each target before they disappeared. Once each and every target was destroyed, he would pause to rest, just long enough before he tried a second time, attempting to beat his old score with a faster time limit then before. Once he was finished he would deactivate the training simulation and head outside, it was time for a short run and a chance to practice his flying skills.

After leaving the training room, the young emperor would start his daily run around the training grounds, and begin to practice his flight technique, also known as Bukujutsu. Long ago it was said that his people could naturally sprout wings from their backs that allowed them to fly freely, however that was a skill long lost and replaced with the mighty shape shifting technique that a few of his people knew how to do. Those who could not learn that skill, they had to rely on simple energy manipulation to compensate for the difference. While the emperor knew of all the techniques and had mastered most of them, it was better to master all the skills, even techniques that one would not need to use then to need the skill and not be able to use it. So, as he continued his run around the training fields he would gradually use the technique to lessen his weight, up until he reached the point that his natural weight was completely countered by the energy he was using to counter it. Then with a push of his legs he would sail up into the air, slowly at first, then as he added more power to the technique he would shoot across the training fields and around in circles, enjoying the wind and weather for a short time as he floated in the air. Then with a sigh he would turn around and sink back towards the ground, knowing that by now a report on his fleet's status and the findings on the other planets should be ready and waiting at his desk.

As the young emperor landed he would be surprised to see that his high general rushing over to him along with twenty of his elite guards.
“Report!” he will say as he took a towel and dried himself off and brushed his blond hair out of his golden eyes.
“Your Majesty, we have lost all communications with our fleet of ships, and we can no longer locate them on radar or via any means. We fear that all ten thousand ships have encountered hostilities and were vanquished. What should we do?”
“Put everyone on high alert! Prepare everyone for combat. Inform me if anything happens. I will be at the Tomb of Eternal Slumber.” The Emperor will say as he leaves.
The Tomb of Eternal Slumber was the resting place of the Crusniks, the living gods of the Crimson nobles, and it was the Emperor's sworn duty to protect them for as long as they slept, if a situation appeared that would place them in danger there were specific rules, rites and rituals that he had to perform, secret knowledge to all other then the successor of the imperial family could know. Something that would be considered taboo if known. To drink the blood of the Crusniks, until they reach the true death. Even as he did so he could feel great power and even knowledge rushing into his head, knowledge of new skills and techniques. And the price he would be forced to pay. As the massive energy coursed through his body once he was finished he would leave the tomb, almost running into the High General in the process.
“Your Majesty, we just received word that a single unknown spacecraft has appeared on the far side of the planet and had started to attack. The army is attempting to hold them off, but is failing. We should move you to a more secure location.”
“...No” The young Emperor would respond “Prepare my armor, sword, and other weapons, as well as alert the Royal Guard. I will meet them myself in combat. For I am the Fifty-Seconded Crimson King, Emperor of the Forbidden Kingdom, Sorcerer of Darkness, High Protector of the Eternal Sleeping Gods, and Supreme Warrior of the Planet Crisnik, Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun, and I will not run from the enemy like a coward in the dark!”
-End of Flash Back-
As the man opened his eyes and stopped clutching his head once the pain ended, he would remember who, what, and even were he was. He was The Emperor Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun, of the Crimson Noble race, and what surrounded him was what was left of his people. Shortly after he had gathered his weapons the aliens had attacked the palace and the tomb, while the battle raged on the great power he had gained from feeding on his sleeping gods allowed Nakiato to attack and fight them on equal, even superior footing, and was even winning. But then the strange creatures managed to impale him on the ground and with their dying breath, somehow triggered a technique that ended in the destruction of the planet. It took a great deal of his power just to protect this area from the initial explosion and it seemed that it took even longer to restore his body to normal, if you could call his weakened state normal. That special regeneration destroyed years worth of body training, and even longer worth of chi gathering. He was lucky that he was alive. Now what was he to do? He would think to himself as he searched the ruins for some serviceable equipment and cloths that were not useless to him. Starting with replacing his ruined shirt, he luckily found a set of his favorite cloths. Then he would check the equipment left over and pull out what he found useful and working. Once finished he would walk back out into the throne room and stare out of the ruined doorway while sitting next to his throne. It was then that he caught sight of a distant planet that looked like it should support life, and it looked like what was left of his planet was heading on a crash course directly towards it. With a smile Nakiato Shikai Ichimei Rijun would pull out a small capsule and activate it, causing the one item he had found, a vacuum sealed sauna in working order, and would calmly enter the machine, making sure to maintain the vacuum so that the air would not escape and would activate it, having decided to relax for a while until they were close enough to the planet to get caught in the gravitational field of the planet and hit it.

4047 words long
1074 with improved weights

Gained: sensing, powered up, kaiho, ki shot, bukujutsu/flight
items gained: Sauna, capsule x1

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
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