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Death to Peace
TenshiDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 8:39 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kensei strolled into the section of earth up for grabs. All of earth was ruled, by one person or another. Even areas in places such as the ocean, too deep to be seen, and unknown to their leaders what was down there, was monitored. How? Unknown. And yet they figured they knew what was best... Pathetic! Anyways, Kensei was on a mission, having being sent here by his leader for his job. What did he do? He took out people who needed to die. He was an assassin, and was ready to kill anyone he needed to kill. His mission this time was to kill a group of Konats out to spread peace. Ironicly, it was through violant methods. Their no better than Earthlings. They use violance to accomplish means, and yet they claim they do no wrong... Absolutely pathetic group of bastards he thought, obviously aggrivated. Kensei lifted his binoculars he'd borrowed for this mission. The grounds were littered sparringly with guards, about 15-20 to guard the large land surrounding the main estate...

Kensei sat back, pulling out the map of the place. He was lucky enough to attain blueprints of the area. The more he'd studdied while he was at a distance, the more suspicious of this layout he was. The main land was drawn in green, the building in black, but beneath the building, spanning for the whole property was red and blue tracings, and though it spanned the whole property, it was different shaped, wierd, yet large like a building. This brought him to only one conclusion that made, to him, any sense. It meant there were two floors beneath the building, and that... Was bad. he'd have one chance, once on the floor with the leader, to confront him and kill him, or else the chance of him escaping would become almost 100%. But that wasnt the only thing that made him hesitate... It was something the folder of information he'd gotten for the job said. Attempts on the organization: 12. Successful Attempts: 0. # of assassins killed after the mission: 12 He was the 13th to attempt... An unlucky number by itself. "Looks like I got one attempt, and if this fails then those bastards will be on me the second this mission is over...[/i]

Kensei stood, leaping and sliding down the hill that lead behind some small bushes as he dropped down, looking through the opening. A konat-jin came by, sword drawn like the rest of them. Kensei leapt up, seeing the surprise on the aliens face and it's attempt to yell for help. Kensei couldn't allow this... he chopped the aliens neck, watching it shut up and give a pained gasp before he elbowed the humanoid in the temple, watching it collapse. He pushed it into the bush, grabbing its sword and running along. He ducked behind a tree, peaking around the corner. Three konats, all backs to him. Perfect... He shot forward, seeing one of them turn around and almost yelping in surprise before he slashed upwards, killing the guard. One of the guards had his hand raised, ready to kill Kensei. Kensei pushed his hand towards the konat, pushing it away with a powerful ripple cause by his strength. He leapt back, dodging another blade as he punched forward to the konat he had hit away, white hair, using his Gravity Punch to draw him in as another konat, blonde, stabbed at Kensei. The white haired konat got in the way of the blade, being imapaled by his ally. Kensei stapped forward, through the dying konat and into the healthy ones throat, silencing him and watching him fall. Kensei kneeled, stabbing the sword into the ground and grabbing the to knuckle-blades strapped to one of the dead konat's waist.

He stood, turning and starting to run. He saw two konats standing beside the main door, and not wanting to wait for the guards to initiate he lept from behind the steps, left side, punching into the chest of one of the konats. He heard the yelp of pain as the other konat swung his blade at Kensei. Kensei leapt, the blade beheading the konat he had just attacked. He landed, swinging at the Konat, it's skill equalling his as it ducked. Kensei cursed, so much for his 1-hit kill streak. He punched, the sound of the metal on his hand hitting the others metal sword clanging loudly. He turned, throwing the blade away and elbowing the konat in the ribs, headbutting back. His head connected with the konat's nose, breaking it and sending it stumbling over the side of the stairs. He ran inside, seeing a single elevator shaft. It was obviously active, as he saw the strings that dragged the elevator up and down moving. He threw a kai blast forward, watching it detonate inside the shaft. He heard the snap of the metal rope, and the yelles of those inside who were surprised as he leapt onto the the stairs, running down them to the next floor down. His trip was rather easy, and though he ran into a little resistance it was nothing he couldn't handel. The first floor beneath them was completely hollowed, painted white with lights lining the ceiling, and something terrifying... Human leaders that were in charge of Sector 7 before, chained by arms to the ceiling and feet to the ground, lying dead, drooling. All of them were dead and hanging, except one: The leader of the leaders. He was tied to the wall, his entire body covered in blood, except for one clear line coming from his eyes down to his chin, then abrubtly stopping.

He had been crying...

Kensei punched the wall, his power level spiking. "Those pieces of shit pressed it to far" Kensei said. He wasnt too fond of humans himself, but nothing deserved that sort of death... Nothing. He ran down the stairs, coming into no trouble. Kensei entered the room, seeing a long hallway, and at the end a big red door. He was running, doors to the sides opening, and Kensei didnt even waste his time. He shot by them, towards the red door, throwing a kaiho forward and forcing the doors open. He leapt inside, his foot hitting a guards face and sending him flying back. Kensei disappeared, reappearing behind the guard and sending his blade on his fist through the guards chest. He tore his hand out violantly, turning and slashing the throat of another guard. On a table behind them, drinking tea, was a konat. Kensei grabbed a picture from his hand, throwing it forward. It landed on the table, the Konat picking up the picture and laughing. "Yes, this is me. I take it your the new assassin?" he asked, the walls behind him lined with atleast 12 konat guards. The leader raised a hand, all the konats standing in attention. The konat stood, shooting forward and swinging his blade at Kensei. Kensei dodged, but... Something happened. A ripple of energy, like a kaiho, shooting forward and hitting him, sending him back into the wall. What the hell was that!? thought Kensei urgantly. He blocked the second string of the amazingly fast leader, and realized he WAS still stronger as he didnt budge. It was only a second attempt if missed eh?

Kensei dodged again, this time leaping to see if it was right. Yes... And it was powerful. The shockwave insinerated the table in which the leader was previously drinking tea. Kensei landed, swinging and cutting into the leaders shoulder. The leader grinned, wiping blood and swinging it, getting it in Kensei's eyes. "FUCK" he yelled, going to grab them and feeling a hit of the dull side of the weapon to the side of his face. Kensei turned, opening his eyes in time to see the next attack coming. He deflected it away from his heart, but he blade still pierced his shoulder. Kensei cursed, using kaiho on the leader. The leader went about three feet back, his sword rested by his side as if for balancing himself out. Perfect: he had let his guard down. Kensei used his gravity fist, bringing the leader forward. The leader yelled in surprise as Kensei sent a punch at the leaders throat, stabbing into him and killing him. Kensei turned his attention to the guard who were now rushing him, and in his heightened state of power made such quick work in them, typing it out isn't even worth it. So, with that, Kensei dropped the knuckle blades, lifted the "shaddock" and leaving, heading towards the assassin leaders' HQ.

(words: 1679
PL gain: 1155)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
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