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SemiDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 1:53 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
From the time of being a young demon Amber has always been able to turn into multiple animal forms, ranging from a tiny chipmunk to a very, very large Tiger. And each of these animals has become her strongest form of defense and offense. Every day she would practice in the art of shape shifting, quickly changing from form to form until finally she could do so without even truly thinking about it. As her life became harder within the world she started to rely more and more upon the animals at her disposal until finally they just about became her life.

Amber’s emotions were deeply tied with the animal spirits that she became, when she experienced too deep of an emotion she became the animal tied with it, such as when she feels fear she becomes a chipmunk. And as her ties grew so did her powers. The animals had become Amber and Amber had become the animals. Days would pass as she stayed within her forms and wandered the forests and other lands of the world, exploring every last scent she could find and every last rock that she could climb.

Each of her animals were found separately though and each one had its own story to tell. The wolf came to Amber in a time of crisis when she was most in need of courage to stand her ground in order to survive. In the desperate need of courage she reached out to her surroundings, trying with all of her might in order to grab onto something that would give her the strength that she needed. It was then that the spirit of the wolf appeared to her, offering its guidance to her, in return for using her body to roam the planet again. She consciously summon this form through her body causing her body to shift between her humanoid form and her animal form, allowing not only a stealthy approach but a strong nose to sniff out those wishing to cause harm to her or her friends.

Next came the second spirit, and this one was the tiger. With tiger it was a different story though as poachers hunted through the tropical jungle in search of this elusive creature that was worth way more than any man would make off of a year’s pay check at any other job. The men hunted through the forest and just as they cornered the powerful beast, it had a stroke of luck. Amber was searching through new grounds that had been revealed to her by the wolf spirit and came upon the poachers. Instantly recognizing the threat she snuck up behind one and lunged right for the neck. As her jaws clamped down the man fell and fired, catching another one of the poachers between the eyes with the stray bullet. And just as the second man fell the tiger leapt down, catching two men beneath her enormous weight and the last man ran for the hills. The tiger then turned and faced Amber and bowed slightly with respect then faded with the words “I shall be there when you need help.”

Third was oddly enough the Chipmunk, which happened to be a pet of Amber’s. it was always by her side when she was wandering the world until tragedy eventually struck. And as they were traveling the planet one day a bird of prey by the name of falcon swooped down and grabbed the small creature off the ground and then flew off into the distance. The following fight was short but brutal as the falcon fought hard to grip onto its well earned prey while the Tiger form of Amber ferociously fought back in order to keep its faithful pet alive. But not all could end on a positive note, and as the tiger paw crushed the last little breath of life from the falcon that to that very moment refused to let go of its prey, Amber looked down to see her frail little pet dead in the creatures talons which had gripped so tightly that it had punctured into the pore creature and pierced its heart. As the little thing started to fade away, a glow spread from it to Amber and then it was gone.

Third was when Amber wandered through the suburbs of one of the many grand cities that covered earth as a wolf. Slowly slipping from one shadow to another she crept through the streets until finally she came upon a poor defenseless house cat that was trapped by a group of feral cats that were ready to strike with all of their might. Just as the first cat jumped Ambers paw seemed to shoot from the shadows, flipping the feral cat into the air and then with a mighty bark she scared off the rest. Turning to the cat that had already been injured once and bowing slightly to signify the act was simply out of kindness. But the cat walked up and pressed a paw to her nose and then faded “May all of your wishes come true. If there is ever anything you need, just turn into me and walk into a house.”

Last but not least was the dog, a little white mutt with absolutely no connection to a family that would care for it. Amber found the little thing being tortured and abused by local boys and using her chipmunk form she quickly darted between the boys legs and climbed up ones pant leg and then into his shirt and bit everywhere, causing the boys to freak out and start to run, ditching their friend that was still being attacked from every which direction which suddenly turned into a cat that was clawing his face and then finally became a wolf which with just one bark scared off the last boy. Then as Amber approached this little dog it hopped up and licked her face until finally it completely faded from sight and her last spirit was merged with her body.

As Amber wonderd with her new spirits she found herself wondering alone and most of the time in the other forms. She eventuly lost the ability to speak in human from but listened to the poeple arround her to try and learn again. She wonderd alone and eventuly stoped going into town all together just wondering the woods.

OOC: word count 1062

Message edited by Semi - Saturday, 2010-03-13, 2:00 PM
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