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Ashes, Ashes, yet we're chilled to the bone
TenshiDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 3:36 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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Status: Offline
"Roses are Red
Kensei strolled through the template of a painting. No... He was actually on the field of flowers. But it was so beautiful, all of it. The night dew had already formed on the peddles of the roses, down the stem, holding on as if each were another lifeform, clinging to this home they were born on, knowing that even though they may disappear shortly that it was best to enjoy it while they could. Kensei could understand their feeling. His release from the Soul Society would make him feel the same way. If new Reapers took control, and were willing to welcome Kensei back, he'd have loved it. He knew better than to think they all wanted him gone. During the chase from the soul society, he actually saw individuals confront groups of pursuers to give Kensei the chance to escape. "RUN SIR, WE OWE YOU OUR LIVES AND WILL GIVE THEM TO YOU OPENLY!" The men and women anyone would want in their team. They had by then heard of what he was, that he was a vizard. And yet they didnt care. They loved him and his interesting methods, and couldnt bare the thought of him being run down and killed as though he were some kind of monster. And though he was filled with joy that a few remained loyal to him, remained his friend, he was also annoyed that they'd be willing to give all their lives for him. He wasnt worth it, and he'd be damn near vein to think otherwise...
"Violets are Blue"
There it was again. The little girls voice. It was so sweet sounding, when he first heard it, but now... It was cold. Not cold as in evil, or menacing. But... To the skin. It chilled him, made him shiver and made tiny pricks all over his body in which he shivered. It was freezing to the heart, as his seemed to cool over in depression. This voice was so full of despair, so lonely and upsetting that that hardened Kensei even frowned a little bit. "What the hell is going on here?" he asked allowed, yet quietly as he crept through the flowers. The blue pedals were also covered in dew, and when hit by the moonlight gave off an aura of the sweetest orphan blue one could ever see. Off the red roses radiated blood red light, caused by the new liquid that kissed their skin and the light from the giant ball above. And the worst part was... it sounded close. It sounded as though it was happening right infront of him, as it had when he was at the beginning of the field. He had tried to ignore it at the time, but... He couldn't. The more he resisted, the closer he approached until he was here, in the very heart of the flowers that through their beauty brought a chilling fear that Kensei chose to ignore rather than heed.
"If I am so lonely..."
Kensei froze. His body tensed, muscles flexed. His hands clenched into tight fists, ready to kill. The hair on the back of his neck was pointing so sharp he thought he could pop a balloon. Kensei's body had straightened, and though he was freezing sweat was on his body, which made the chill worse. It wasnt he was sweating in fear, no surprisingly his ignoring it was just ignorence of it, he didn't feel any fear at all. And yet... His body was anticipating something. His instincts knew about it, and were prepping to act, but his mind itself was blank, clueless. His body however didnt need instructions from the old noggin this time, no it was prepared. For this time was different when he heard the voice. It was not before him. It was not beckoning him. This one sounded more content, and though it still held that sadness hope was now in her voice. Yes, it was a woman: A girl to be exact. She couldn't be more than seven, so what was this anxiety he was feeling that made him hesitate? It wasnt the pure fact he kept hearing the little girl here, the dead of night, and had yet to see her. No, now it was the fact that he hadn't seen her... And the voice came from directly behind him. He turned slowly, seeing before him a little, pale white girl, glowing like the moon above him, her hair white and going down to her knees, her arms crossed and holding herself as though she were terrified... Or just alone. She was short, looking up at him with fear in his eyes. But the hope he heard was there... And worse than before... This one was a dark, contemtuous look.
"Why dont you stay and be lonely too?"
Vines shot up, grabbing his wrists and pulling them to his sides. A rotting arm reached up and grabbed at his ankle. "FUCK!" Kensei didnt even notice himself say it. His hand radiated with Ki, forming a solid ball and eating through the vine as he pulled away, the arm snapping and falling limp to the dirt. All around him, rotting bodies raised from the ground, some breaking in half or less on the way up and dragging towards him, others making it out and coming at him, surprisingly fast from what he'd seen from the movies. Kensei cursed, leaping above a hand and throwing a ball of kai down at the zombie. Instantly vines and roots, even the roses and violets themselves shot up to block the ki. "Guess that wont work..." he growled. He landed, kicking it, and noticed with surprise the one hard hit made it stop. "Good, they're not as strong as I thought" he said, going to work hitting them, watching them collapse or simply snap due to the power behind the hits. Kensei went to town, demolishing the creatures with a brutality few would truly expect from him. And yet... He was forced to stop and leap away, cursing loudly once more and reaching for his back. It was now home to a gash, formed by one of the rotting creatures who held a sword in their hand. "Really? The little grievances are ARMED now?" he yelled.
Although he was vastly superior in speed, they had him in numbers. Whenever he tried throwing ki, it would be blocked. If he tried to sense them before they reached, as the one with the blade kindly proved, it was pointless: He couldnt sense something that wasnt alive. He believed it pointless, but decided he'd atleast TEST flight, to see if he could get away. He lept, propelling towards the ski. Hey Im getting some air, I can just dive bomb them n-- his thoughts were interupted so suddenly, Kensei yelled in surprise. On his legs were two thick vines, spinning and releasing, sending him to the ground and crushing several of the rotting creatures. Kensei flipped up, flying backwards at full speed, staying barely an inch of the ground and kicking and bunching those coming up beside him, correcting himself so he was now flying forwards but still killing the creatures whenever he could. But... They were never ending! They kept coming and coming, it was terrible. Kensei growled in pain, stopping his flight and retreating back a bit. There were well over a hundred now, and Kensei was just opened up by another blade right beneath his rib cage, not a deep cut, but it hurt sure enough. Kensei went to step at them when instantly they shot forward, surprisingly fast. He spun, hitting swords and knives from their hands, delivering quick combos to knock them back and keep himself safe, but he was running out of energy, after doing this most of the night.
Kensei went to leep, knowing he'd get thrown down again, but now realized it was useless. While standing still and fighting, a vine had worked it's way up to his knee, holding him down as another one quickly shot up. He lifted his hands, both with ki blasts to destroy them, but the creatures threw themselves on the energy, taking the shot as two more vines shot and grabbed his wrists, pulling them behind his body and pinning him down so his chest was facing the air. Kensei cursed, struggling against the feel of more vines wrapping around him, the undead beasts hugging his body to keep any chance of escaping down to a minimum. Before him was one of the undead, who lifted a sword. "NO, I cant go back this weak, I'll die for good!" Yelled Kensei, struggling against the vines and holds, and even though he knew it was useless he had to try. The rotting thing swung down, and Kensei closed his eyes and looked away, disgusted with himself for being pinned so easily, and then- Light. A dull, but obvious light hit his closed eyes, creating spots. On him he felt... Dust? His eyes opened, blinking to get accustomed to the light. Covering his body with enough to equal a sword and most of an arm was ash, along with a rather large pile around him. The flower-filled field was gone, nothing but ash and scorched earth around him. He stood, walking over to where the one tree he'd seen in the entire field had been. Now in its place was a stone, rather flat and smoothed out, and engraved... A poem?
Roses are red, Violets are blue
I hope you love them, I know that I do
Here once was the guardan,
Of Dennis Larough,
Who worked for this land, making it grow,
His wife was who helped him, her name was Sweet Jill,
Who loved him so much, both their hearts filled,
Yet ashes to ashes they burned to the ground,
Their hut, their guardan, all of it fell down,
Searches for the family commensed right away,
But quickly it was known it was all wasted day,
Now known the daughter was here with the two,
Little Annie, playing in the flowers and the dew,
The parents were found, out of town for the week,
And for their daughter they started to seek,
But finally it was known exactly where she rest,
Here with the ashes, smoke filled up her chest.
Ashes, Ashes, yet we're chilled to the bone,
Here died little Annie: Burned in her home

Kensei stared down... Such a poetic luster, and yet... So sad. He dropped down, looking at the gravestone, and yet he couldnt help but smile. On the ground infront of the stone, one red rose stood next to one blue violet. As Kensei turned and walked away, the smile stayed on his face, for between the flowers was a tiny bud, he knew would never bloom, and never die. "Thank you for visiting..." Came a sweet voice, who only wanted a visitor again. I dont think it would hurt to come back again... Kensei thought, leaving the desolate field, knowing one day it would be rich with flowers again, all for little Annie to play in.
(Words: 2214
Pl Gain: 1522)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
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