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JonDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 11:49 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 63
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
”Thank you!” Kamina shouted as he set off, flying away from the small shop.
The shop owner looked at him, a confused look on his face as he shook his head. Another costumer came up to him, looking after Kamina as well. “Did that man just buy a bunch of porn magazines and then fly off?”

Meanwhile, Kamina was flying in the direction that Korin had pointed him… apparently, whoever this Master Roshi was… he was good. Good enough for Korin to recommend his training as a way of getting stronger… and, hopefully, Kamina would learn some techniques too. He knew very well that the control of his ki that he possessed at this moment was rather… basic. He couldn’t do that much with it (though flying was cool), and what he could do basically summed up in blowing stuff up and flying… So yeah. He needed someone to train him… especially if he hoped to get stronger than he had already become.

He was getting closer now… he could see the small island that Korin had pointed out to him below, a solitary island in the middle of the ocean. A nice place for some training, as far as Kamina was concerned… but still, he doubted there would be that much trouble down there… and well… the island did seem kind of small.
No matter. He was going down there anyway. If nothing else, he could just leave later.
Descending, he finally landed on the beach of the small island and looked around for a bit. There was a small house in front of him, which, quite frankly, looked rather empty… except for the sound of music playing from inside. Without a second thought, Kamina approached, peeking inside through the window… to see an old man wearing sunglasses who was looking at a tape of women working out.
“Uhh…?” Kamina tried, not really expecting to see just this. “Are you Master Roshi?”
Without even looking, the old man waved Kamina away. “Yeah. Go away kid, I’m busy!”
“But Korin sent me here to train!” Kamina tried… more or less obviously in vain, as Roshi seemed to continue ignoring him, watching the screen.
Looking down at the bag that he had brought, Kamina sighed. Guess he had to do this. It was just so… weird. “HEY! Old Pervert! Look what I got here!” he shouted as he held the back out, making sure that Roshi could see its contents… a stack of porn magazines.
Actually turning around, the old man stared at the cover of the magazine at the top… and was sent flying back by the fountain of blood that erupted from his nose.
Getting back up, Roshi hurried over to Kamina, attempting to grab the bag, only to have Kamina pull it out of the way. “No way, old guy! Korin sent me here to train, and this is the payment… but I don’t really know if I want to be trained by you, anyway. I mean, look at what you spend your time doing!”
A smirk spreading across his lips, Roshi jumped out the window, spinning around before he landed on his feet. “Oh really now? You don’t want to be trained by me...? Then watch this, punk!”

Suffice to say… what Master Roshi showed Kamina was far more than enough to convince the young man to start calling him master… and to start training with him. Happily accepting the payment, Roshi told Kamina that they had to relocate to another, bigger island, before packing up his house and belongings in a capsule, and they had moved to another island… a bigger one, with a small town and a good amount of people living in houses in different locations around it, such as in the hills or on low mountains.
The training was hard and rather brutal… The first day was the easiest. Running around, carrying large amounts of milk bottles and delivering them all across the island, plowing fields using his bare hands… being taught to swim across a lake to escape a shark! Oh, and being tied to a tree with some kind of rope that he could not possibly break, while bees stung him over and over, as he had to try and avoid being stung.
Yeah. And then there were some actual teaching. Not in the sense of learning maths and such, of course, but strategies, what to do in battle, how to try and determine the opponent’s strengths and weaknesses and use it again them…
And that was just the first day. The following day, the training continued… but this time… and from that moment on, it was done wearing HEAVY turtle shells on the back, much like the one that Roshi himself carried.
This went on for months, as Kamina struggled through the daily training, often with new, more insane training methods being added, such as giant boulders being thrown at him, having to resist the ki attacks that Roshi used on him and such… and whenever he started feeling better at something, whenever the turtle shell didn’t seem as heavy anymore… then he was given an even heavier shell, which only further served to make it seem like Roshi was simply trying to break him.
Of course, this being Kamina, he didn’t just take it all. He came to blows with Roshi more often than not, but, nonetheless, he respected the old man. For all of his faults, he was a powerful martial artist and a great teacher, and no matter how far he got in the future, Kamina knew that he would always treasure these times… It was hard training, but it helped. He got stronger and stronger… and finally, as Roshi finally deemed Kamina ready, he taught him how to use his ki for the technique that had astonished him so on the first day they met… The Kamehameha. It took some days… but Kamina was successful.
Finally, the time had come, and somewhat readily… perhaps a bit too eagerly… Kamina left, saying his goodbyes to Roshi, stronger and more experienced than he had been before the training.

1020 words, sauna used
510x1.25 = 638 pl gained
Master Roshi sensei training completed.
Kamehameha learned
Roshi Gi gained

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