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JezDate: Friday, 2010-02-26, 3:58 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 74
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Status: Offline
ooc: both my chars are wearing weights.

However, the time for celebrations in their town was short lived. As soon as the namekians felt that their village would be safe from the predicted danger a body was flung off the roof into the dead centre of the make shift training arena and landing squarely on the spike that was left from the previous training that involved the scare crow. The body once belonged to a female namekian, in about her teenage years. This body was just the same as any random namekian, but for the fact that it happened to be Ander’s best friend growing up. She was in no way a fighter, always choosing to take the passive peaceful route when they were young. In fact, she was training to become one of the greatest healers their village had ever known, and here she lay, with a spike through her heart at his feet.
All of the namekians but Ander and the elders rushed to her side, the four that did not searched from where she came, wondering what had caused this. They found a figure, standing atop the roof of the meeting chambers, the biggest building in their village. He had a devilish smile across his face and what looked like a monkey tail flicking from side to side in apparent amusement.
“So, you are the village that I was sent here to destroy.” He paused and gave them all a look over with his warrior’s trained eyes. Only one of them seemed to actually possess any real fighting ability, but the rest of them would be an easy massacre for the saiyan, and who was he to question the king of all saiyan’s orders.
Velen shrugged in accordance to his inner dialogue and jumped down off the roof, landing with a thud on the grassy ground. Ander stood forward, ready to fight and kill this man for what he had done...


A few days earlier;
After being healed by a random group of weak namekians, and killing them all to take their treasure, Velen began his journey towards the village he was being tested on. This was just a simple test to show that he could be trusted to do what needed to be done, also in part to prove that he was actually an average fighter, but no-one really put any emphasis on namekians being good at combat, so this should be a piece of cake.
Velen travelled through about five different towns on his way to his destination and some of the things that he saw were proof that the saiyans did not give the namekians enough credit. Some of them were pretty good fighters, but these were the first ones that Velen tore the heads off. As soon as the strongest fighter or two, in each village, were exterminated the rest of them were just cut down as they were running away. Some villages even had weapons, and this made for much more fun when killing them, he even had some practice with strange blades he had never seen before. It was only when he came to the third village that he saw the first thing to make his jaw drop. The namekian elders of this third village actually flew off to safety. When their village was under attack, and they realised that there was no hope of defeating the saiyan warrior, they grabbed a couple of the babies and took to the skies.
A moment of shock took over Velen, this was definitely uncharacteristic of the saiyan to be frozen, even for a moment. But when the situation finally hit him, he smiled his evil crooked smile once more, and gave chase on foot. The namekian elders were old and slow, even in the skies, and definitely no match for a saiyan warrior that was coming up to the prime of his years. Velen found himself running over roof tops with one axe in his hands, and two swords hanging off his belt. He let out a small laugh at how exhilarated he was feeling as he threw the first axe, it spun true and the blade slammed into the spine of the first elder. The second two looked back in shock as their brother fell to the ground, landing with a crunch onto the hard ground. Just as they looked back at the saiyan, the second one copped a wicked, curved sword straight into the face. Without so much as a scream, he went down as well. The third one stopped in mid air, and closed his eyes, waiting for the end to come and it did, with a sword thrown like a spear, into his left eye socket.
Velen leapt off the top of the roof and landed lightly on his feet. The flying thing was pretty cool. Before he left this weak planet, he would need to capture one of these flying green men and force them to teach him how to do it. Even if the first few did not show him, there were plenty more he could torture to make them speak.
With that thought in his head, he continued on to his destination.

The next two villages that the saiyan came across posed no more threat than the weakest babies born on planet Vegeta, although some of them did surprise him and throw some kind of weird randomly coloured balls at him. That either exploded when they hit an inanimate object, or disintegrated whatever part they hit of the namekians he decided to use as live shields. It must be some kind of random alien technology. If he remembered he would take one back with him, after he acquired a ship of course, for the ones who were too weak to be warriors of any skill to analyse for them. Other than that, the rest of his journey was pretty uneventful until he got to the village he was meant to destroy. He let out a little snicker when he saw it. Compared to the other five villages this one was nothing, it would be even easier than he thought. Oh well, that is what usually happens when you stay under the radar so much that every one in the saiyan world starts to underestimate your fighting abilities.
As soon as he came into full sight of the village he saw all of the pitifully weak inhabitants leave their houses and commune into a circle in the middle of the village. He ran forward with out even a second thought if he should be thinking about stealth or not and grabbed the the last straggler in the crowd. Some how, none of the other namekians noticed she was in any danger and Velen quickly silenced her with a sharp, but non lethal, strike to the throat. While she was still struggling to breathe, he jumped onto the roof top and stood there, in complete control of his captive, watching what all the villagers were up to.
He observed all of the weak villagers, three elders and one fighter. This fighter was nothing special, just like the ones he was now used to exterminating. But in the middle of the ring, stood a scare crow.
This must be some random strange training exercise so Velen stood by to watch, making absolutely sure his cover was not compromised by his hostage. He saw the namekian fighter break the scare crow with a punch, that stopped a meter away. This was another of the gaps in intelligence that he had received from planet Vegeta. Velen knew that he could not let this group of namekians survive, for if he let them train enough and get too strong in these strange ways of combat, they may, some day, pose a threat to the saiyans and he would be the one to stop it.

Added (02.25.2010, 3:38 Pm)
Back to the present situation;

Ander leaned forward slightly, ready to jump at this strange being and beat him to a tiny pulp. His eyes flashed and then the pupils went to all white. Here was Ander in a fit of rage, this had not happened to him in many many years, and the last time was when he was twelve years old and it resulted in the master coming away with a broken leg, and three broken ribs.
“ANDER, Control.”
The voice of his martial arts master was so commanding and powerful that it pierced his rage filled mind. His pupils returned and he began to breathe normally. Another voice floated to him atop every thing else that was going on, seeming as if it came from inside his own head
“Seek the void my child, you must be able to do it.”
Ander resumed with a balanced short stance and took one deep breath to bleed away any residual emotion, and then another to allow the void to take over his mind. Now he could see clearly and he understood that he would have been quickly dispatched by the new threat to their village if he had of fought in that rage.
Velen smiled even bigger, he did not even have to do anything to be amused by this race of pathetic weaklings, they spoke as if they could even hope to match him in combat. The saiyan jumped out to his left and grabbed another bystander.
“You there, the angry one, you are the one they have chosen to save their village?”He directed straight at Ander.
“Well, there is already one fail on your record and it’s about to become two,” before he had even finished the previous sentence Velen snapped the namekian’s neck in two and held the limp body in one hand, as if it weighed near to nothing.
Ander refused to let the rage inside his head again and blocked out the strangled noises of shock and horror coming from the rest of his village people.
“You will stop killing my family and friends.”He spoke with an authority far beyond his few years on the earth.
“I do not know why you have come, and I do not care. You have shown with your actions that you need to be exterminated and that is what I shall do.”
With that, Ander readied himself in a fighters stance and advanced in a leap towards the saiyan.
Velen instinctively wrapped his tail around his waist and his crooked grin appeared once more. He loved a fight, even if the opponent would be beaten easily.
Ander came in with a straight right hand punch but at the last second, just before the saiyan blocked or dodged, swung his hips around in a wide arc and threw out a right leg kick to Velen’s leg.
The saiyan promptly dodged the punch which happened to disappear just as he was about to grab it, and felt the attack land on his leg.
This namekian was much stronger than the others he had faced on this pitiful planet, that attack almost hurt. If he wasn’t using his full strength, Velen may start to bleed at some point in this fight. The thought of that just made him smile again, he loved a fight and this one seemed to be almost equal to him in strength and speed.

The two warriors exchanged blows, neither of them having a real upper hand in the battle, for when one scored a good hit, the other was right there with an attack of his own. Ander’s black coloured muscles were bulging and straining as the fight pushed its way through the wall of the fourth building. Neither warrior was going to give up as each had their own motivation for not only wanting, but needing to win. About three hours into the fight it started to become apparent that Velen was the stronger out of the two but Ander was completely focussed on the battle and that made him that slight bit faster, and less vulnerable to pain. They were evenly matched in battle tactics, every time one feinted an attack, the other was right there to call it and block the real one coming just behind it. The actions of the two started to become desperate the first time that Velen grabbed an innocent to block one of Ander’s kicks.
The saiyan found himself on the ground on his side after copping a particularly strong elbow strike to his head. Ander didn’t miss a beat as he threw his leg into the prone saiyan, hoping to finish the fight there and then, but Velen grabbed a namekian from next to him and pulled the poor innocent into the line of the kick. The kick was so powerful that the weak namekian was killed instantly and Ander’s pause from the shock of what he had done, was enough to allow Velen the upper hand.
Both of the fighters, however, had tricks of their own up their sleeves. The first time that Ander found some distance between himself and his opponent he took the opportunity without giving it a second thought and stretched his arm out to bridge the gap between them. Velen was caught completely off guard as his opponents arm actually grew until it hit him in the jaw, almost dislodging it from its socket.
Velen started to get frustrated at the fight and pulled out a couple of dangerous tail swings to put Ander off balance and create an opening. These type of attack were particularly feared by the saiyan because in the unlikely chance that their opponent grabbed their tail, they would be completely overtaken by pain. But desperate times called for very desperate measures and Velen would just about cut one of his arms off at this point, if it would help him win.
The third time that the namekian attempted to stretch one of his arms out was very late in the fight and Velen was more than ready for it. He moved his head at the very last moment and swung his hand up to catch the attack.
There they stood for a good ten seconds or so, Ander stretched out as far as his arm would reach, and Velen holding on to it. He smiled his evil little grin once more as he pulled the arm in one sudden moment, tearing the stretched limb off the namekian from the shoulder joint. Ander felt the pain spear into the void but with a huge push of his will, he controlled it and forced it back into a corner of his mind.
As soon as his opponent lost that arm, Velen started to smell an easy victory and his cockiness resumed. He then started toying with his opponent, making sure to keep the armless side closest to him, so that he would have the advantage.
Ander’s mind started to work very fast, he knew that he could re grow that arm but he needed to wait for the best opportunity to do so. As long as he was not incapacitated by the pain caused of re growing the limb, he could definitely use it to his advantage. Velen’s movements started to become predictable and the third time he attempted to throw Ander to the ground, Ander unleashed his arm with a roar of pain. His new hand came straight out of the shoulder socket, going for his opponent’s throat.
Velen’s smile was wiped clean off his face as the shock registered in his brain, he narrowly had time to dodge the blow to his neck, but, some how, the new hand had found its way around his monkey like tail.
Ander grabbed the tail and squeezed without thinking and Velen fell to the floor, writhing in pain.
The namekian smiled, this meant certain victory and the crowd around him let up a mighty cheer. The elder’s stepped in, quickly realising what had happened, and waited for silence before speaking.
“Do not celebrate yet, the evil one has not been properly secured, it was an almighty battle and he could easily kill any and every one of you, except for young Anger here.”
He smiled and gave out his next order quietly to the elder next to him. The second elder walked to Ander’s side and took over the duty of holding the tail of their new prisoner. Velen felt nothing in his head except raw and pure pain and his body reacted instinctively, writhing to try and get away from it, all to no avail.
The elder holding his tail took him to a cell and clamped the tail between two massive stone blocks. This would definitely hold their prisoner down until the council decided what to do with him.
Ander had finally brought peace to their village, his life of training and fighting was now completed. He could go to doing what ever it was that namekians did with their lives. And the villagers quickly set up the town for the greatest party it had ever known. Complete with music, dancers and more food than ever before laid out on the grand table.
Ander found himself feeling very weak after the massive fight and went straight to the healers tent where they started their work on fixing torn muscles and bruised bones. The village was once more peaceful and the constant threat given by the elder’s fortune tellers was over...
Or was it?

Added (02.25.2010, 3:41 Pm)
ooc: probs not my best work, i kinda wrote it all at 3am, hope there arent too many mistakes/jumps in the story

Added (02.26.2010, 11:59 Am)
The village was blaring with noise and lights. The noise from all the celebrating namekians and the light came out of the massive bon fire in the main square. This particular area had been reserved in the past for Ander and his training. But now that the threat had come and was defeated, they did not need to worry about their safety any more.
Currently Ander lay in his bed, utterly exhausted from the fight, given the chance, he would sleep for a few days straight. Not needing to eat had its major advantages.

Message edited by Jez - Friday, 2010-02-26, 5:00 PM
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