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The Five Star Ball (and all the trouble that goes with it)
Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 11:25 PM | Message # 1
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~I have no idea.~ She responded to his question concerning the number of dragon balls on the planet, choosing the mental line of communication rather than speak into the wind as they flew. ~Give me a second.~ And with that, she began pressing the buttons on the radar, cycling through the different screens and checking the various data presented. Eventually, she found a quick overview of the planet, with small blips indicating each of the seven balls. ~I just checked the radar. It appears that, here as well as earth, there are seven dragon balls.~

Pulling back just long enough, she wrapped her tail around his wrist, hoping that he wouldn't be afraid of it after the way she'd abused him. Once she had a firm grip, she poured on the afterburners in the direction they were flying, trusting Asheron to fly as swiftly as he could to minimize the drag and maximize their speed. "Alright you damn over sized golf ball, where are you." She muterred under her breath, watching the radar as the pair drew near a rather large, imposing mountain. Unlike those on earth, this one stood alone, rising like a giant spike out of the shield that was the plains surrounding it.

~You might want to stay back here Ash, that mountain looks insanely high, much worse than the one's on earth. It's going to be really, REALLY cold up there, and the air might be pretty thin too. It's up to you.~ She told him mentally, preparing herself for the journey into the thin air, taking a few deep breaths as they zoomed towards the oncoming monster of a mountain, slowly uncoiling her tail in such a way that, should he wish to remain with her he could grab it before it had fully released him, slowly beginning to angle her way up towards the summit, where it seemed the radar was indicating the ball rested.

Taking one final, deep gasp of breath that filled her lungs with air, Snow plowed into the clouds above the mountain, feeling their icy chill assault her flesh, relishing the cold, relaxing contact. A moment later she'd broken through the clouds, only to find herself nearly even with the widow's peak, shifting her direction suddenly to make the final approach to the snow-cap. A glance at the dragon radar showed that the ball was on the other side of the mountain, and indeed below the cloud cover. Dropping into a tight turn, the changeling's aerodynamic body curled around the mountain at high speeds, so high that when she suddenly hit the breaks on the other side, to check in with the radar, she'd have sent Asheron flying from her tail with the force of the sudden stop, whiplashing him into the sky above the plains.

Now that she had at last reached the proper side, the radar the exact location of the dragon ball, deep within a snow-filled crevasse inside a glacier within the mountain. Flying to it, she plunged into the white snow, her body melding with her namesake as she plowed through the substance, following the beep of the radar in her blindness, till she felt herself slam into solid ice. Pressing herself flatly against the ice, she pocketed the radar, throwing her hands up as she released a broad Kaiho blast, sending all the snow exploding out of the glacier in a burst of white powder, the Dragon ball flying up with it, into the middle of the sky and beneath a hole in the clouds, it's shimmering metal surface clear to Asheron, wherever he was.

OOC: 600 words, found the four star dragonball

BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 0:16 AM | Message # 2
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If there was one thing Ash could do well, that was fall. And as he stood in the thin air around the mountain he quickly had to do so as he watched the ball fall. Cutting off all of his ki flow that allowed him to fly he suddenly dive-bombed free fall style, aiming for the large round ball that was steadily rocketing towards the ground. He steadily picked up speed and finally just as what would have been his last minutes otherwise, he grabbed the ball and turned all of his downward momentum into pure upward velocity.

Quite rapidly he moved further and further up into the sky until he slowly floated to a half, back where he was floating before the fall. Holding the ball above his head he looked off towards where the ball had shot from and hoping that snow would see him. That was three balls that he had managed to miraculously acquire for lover .

OOC: 162 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 6:29 AM | Message # 3
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Bursting out of the explosion of snow, the Changeling called Snow appeared in the light of the sun, her eyes scanning the horizon for the ball, only to see that Asheron had caught the ball mid-air. ~Very good work Ash. Your hands are ok I hope? Buried under all that snow it must be really cold.~ A slight smirk crossed her lips. After burying into the snow filled crevasse, Snow herself was as cold as her namesake.

It wasn't that bad, really. She could remember taking some space walks to help repair her ride from icer. Now that, in the shadow of a planet or moon or whatnot, was real cold. In fact, she wasn't even certain if her body had built up the necessary layer of scales to protect her from that level of cold after her little... deep cleanse back on earth, although the shimmering scales had at last vanished and it seemed she was back to her usual self.

~You hang onto that one Ash, we'll go find one more and then return to the ship again.~ She thought, before she was suddenly distracted by the rumbling of her stomach. It occurred to the girl that, aside from a few pints of blood, she hadn't eaten anything since Tony back on earth, and not much for several months before that, instead preferring to focus on her work, showing up her peers with her ability to skip meals. But now the feeding time was drawing near. A changeling's body was designed to go without food for long periods of time, but the large beasts on icer ensured large meals to support those long fasts. It seemed that she was going to be needing to find something, preferably meat, and a lot of it. Soon.

OOC: 300 words.

BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 1:38 PM | Message # 4
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~you are obviously hungry, how about you take the ball and go wait at the ship, I will return with some nice food for the both of us.~ he said to Snow through the telepathic connection and handed her the ball, cutting his ki flow just as he did so and spreading his arms and legs so he could control his fall over a deep body of water. As soon as he was over a nice and deep body of water he tipped into a deep dive and unleashed a kaiho on the water surface to break the tension and allow him a quick dive.

Twisting his as he hit the surface he corkscrewed his way down to the very bottom of the lake to find an ancient and very very large fish swimming across the water. And while he knew it would most likely get him in trouble to kill the fish if anyone were to find out but he knew that survival of the group would be worth more than survival of a fish. Laying on the bottom he carefully concentrated on keeping his body intangible so he could breath air from the astral plain and watched.

As the fish steadily drew nearer Ash focused more and more ki into his arms and watched it steadily move over him until finally it was directly above. Slipping completely out of the intangibility state He thrusted his arms up at the fish releasing a massive shockwave, ten times larger than his first. As the fish was hit by the wave of energy it suddenly bent in half and went flying up and out of the water along with a good chunk of the water above him.

Floating up to the surface of the water he watched the fish soar through the air and then land with a loud thump, dead on the ground. Walking over to it he projected his intangibility onto the fish and started to make the slow flight back to the ship where he intended to meet up with snow and begin their little feast before searching for the next dragon ball. Smiling he approached the ship carrying the gigantic fish as he settled down onto the ground with the feast of a fish. “How about lunch?” he said with a laugh and let go of the fish to put his hands on his hips.

OOC: 398 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 6:33 PM | Message # 5
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Once again Snow found herself embarrassed, well beyond the point a human would blush, as her stomach continued to gargle violently. In a moment, the dragon ball was in her hands, and Asheron was diving into the lake below. "Ah what the hell, if he wants to serve me, then I'll let him. I could use a good meal anyway, and when I feed, I am somewhat vulnerable, so I guess it's best that we do that back at the ship."

Those words finished, the changeling woman secured the dragon ball in her grasp, and took off back towards the Slyph, wondering how well the others were doing. When she checked the Radar, however, she found that there was still only one gathering of dragon balls, and only the two of them they they had gathered at that. "I do hope those two haven't gotten themselves killed" she muttered, beginning to wonder if this Captain shit was for her. Too much responsibility, too many people needed her.

A few minutes later she arrived at her ship, marching through the entrance and to the manufacturing bay where the other two had been hidden. "How may I please you mistress?" inquired the Slyph, manifesting in front of her, the holographic quick silver shimmering in the artificial light. "You can tell me if anybody's entered the ship."

"None Mistress, none but you and Asheron have even approached it since the four of you left. However, Asheron waits for you outside, with a large fish of some sort." Nodding her thanks as the manufacturing bay closed, sealing the balls off behind it's lead shields, Snow made her way outside, only to find that Asheron had indeed brought a huge fish, one large enough to satisfy a changeling's hunger. ~Good work Ash.~ She reassured him, slowly approaching the meal. Digging her claws in, she ripped off a large chunk, enough for a large football playing teenager with an appetite to match, and threw it to Asheron.

With that out of the way, she morphed into her third state, large and imposing, with horns and a massive beak, and began to tear into the flesh, devouring everything except the chunk she had given to Ash. Not skin, nor eyes, nor even bones were left behind as she attacked the fish with a fervor she had never before displayed to her companion, not even during their night of passion. When at last it was dun, she laid out, basking in the sun to give herself a chance to digest the meal. ~Man this is relaxing. Back on Icer once the food was down it was a long run back to some kind of shelter.~ She mused, casually rolling over on the soft grass.

After perhaps ten minutes she decided she'd wasted enough time, and reverted to her true form before rising from the grass, her stomach bulging only just enough that one could barely tell if she didn't have the weighted training gi. A glance at the radar told her something interesting. One of the balls was on the move, and it was headed their way. "Hey Ash." She called to the other, fully expecting him to still be picking at his slab of fish. "We've got company coming, so you had better be ready for trouble."

OOC: 550 words

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Sunday, 2010-03-14, 6:47 PM
BeowulfDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 7:09 PM | Message # 6
Less of a Noob
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Resting against the side of the ship, Ash was manipulating his abilities by causing a forced digestion of the fish. He was breaking the fish into tiny, almost liquid chunks and then phasing them through his stomach at a slow and steady rate so as to cause the nutrients to be absorbed faster and his body to process the food through faster. Leaning back against the ship he smiled as his body slowly registered that it was full and then the digestive process nearly went into overdrive.

As he heard snow’s comment he stood up and looked around, trying his hardest to get into a defensive position for what ever was coming… wherever it was coming from. Sighing he started to charge an orb of ki and slipped underneath the ship into a stealthy position where he could blast anyone coming that may or may not be an enemy. He was tempted to fire anyway if it happened to be the android, in order to get revenge for the fire being set to his pants.

OOC: 175 words

JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 1:06 AM | Message # 7
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Ander saw the ship come in to his line of sight, just as he passed over the next grassy hill. It started off as just a dark speck on the line of the horizon but it grew quickly. The namekian was flying much faster than he thought was possibly. Although this was not surprising when you remember that he had just learned to fly. The dragon ball was safely held between both of his hands, just under his stomach. He was not going to let any thing happen to it, especially since both he and the cold one had just left it behind while they were in a rush to race back to the ship. After they both realised that the ball had just been left on the floor where Ander had woken up, they rushed back and luckily found it undiscovered by any more stupid massive sea monsters. A chuckle escaped the namekian’s mouth as he looked back at coldie and saw a chunk of purple slime on his shoulder, apparently unnoticed by the android. Ander decided it would be better not to tell him, just to see what happens when he finally notices, if it ever happened.
The ship loomed ever closer and adrenaline started to pump through his veins as he started to entertain the possibility that he may win this race. A massive childish smile crossed his face and he held the dragon ball tighter to lessen air resistance. He was going to win!
At the last possible moment the namekian realised there was a fatal flaw in his plan. While his companion had slowed down a few seconds ago, there was now not enough time for Ander to come to a stop before he crashed, head first, in to the side of the ship. Two instinctual reactions were all that his brain had time to implement. The first one was to throw the ball up in the air, hopefully to keep it safe. And the second was to put his hands over his head and yell in preparation for the crash.

ooc: words - 346

EhecatlDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 1:19 AM | Message # 8
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AREU flew into the area, coming up a good four to five yards behind the namekian. As Ander went crashing into the ship, AREU himself stopped and hovered in place, idly watching the event. Eventually of course, the dragon ball can falling down from the sky, popping on AREU’s head and falling effortlessly into his hands. Blinking, he noted that the ball was now secure, and glided down to land in front of the ship, ball in hand.

AREU was damaged. His clothing was torn and ripped in several places, and the exposed “Skin” on his body was littered with large tooth holes that exposed his metallic body underneath. Even his glasses were damage. Both lenses completely gone, save a few shards of glass that managed to remain secure. And the frames were crooked and bent in multiple locations. His left shoulder had what appeared to be a large wad of grotesque, purple monster guts handing from it. And much of his clothing was wet with a purplish liquid. Although he could not express it, the android himself was practically radiating a tremendous loathing for his current situation.

words: 188

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 1:40 AM | Message # 9
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From where she stood, Snow could see the pair approaching on the horizon, watching carefully until she saw that both of them were green. "Not a problem Ash, it's just our companions." She told the young man, unaware that he'd hidden himself in the ship. Even so, she stayed on her guard, incase she was wrong. For all she know they may be a pair of namekians hunting the balls. As the pair drew closer, with one in the lead, however, it became apparent that the one in the lead was going to crash into HER ship.

"Oh no you don't" she grunted, aiming upwards as the namek approached, channeling a powerful Kaiho burst straight upwards, timing it to catch the Namek just in time to send his flight path cleanly over the ship. As she watched, she saw that Areu was indeed with them, and had recovered the dropped dragon ball, coming down to land beside the ship. "Woah, what happened to you?" she inquired, seeing the sludge and various dents on his metallic body.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Monday, 2010-03-15, 2:28 AM
JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 4:33 AM | Message # 10
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The landing was not as painful as he had imagined it would be. He was most definitely falling out of control and slightly bruised from the crazy lady’s kaiho attack and yes there were a few annoying rocks in the patch of ground he fell into, but all in all he would be pretty much ok, not even any broken or fractured bones for him to complain about. With this in mind he sprang to his feet and with out any real thought put into the matter, he ‘flew’ back over the ship to where the others were standing around. This time actually focussing on his landing, rather than the speed and he actually did a pretty good job of it. Ander looked at his companions with a look of pride on his face.
None of them seemed to pay him any special attention, even though he felt he deserved it, so he looked back at captain snow and answered her question.
“It was nothing special, I just got eaten by a stupid sea monster.”
He shrugged to emphasise the casual nature of his last comment. Before he spoke his next sentence the namekian’s body language completely changed from intensely casual, to extremely excited. His eyes lit up and he leaned towards the captain in anticipation of her answer.
“Now what are we doing next, searching, training, sparring?”

ooc: words - 228

EhecatlDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 5:05 AM | Message # 11
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The android turns his attention to the entrails hanging from his shoulder. Lifting a hand to brush the guts off, he returns his attention to Snow. Even if he was only mechanics, he was quite obvious the android was in a rather foul mood. “We were assaulted by some local aquatic life.” He said, shifting the ball under one arm and lifting his shirt. With the same hand, he seemed to peel back the synthetic skin on his torso, revealing his crude, metal abdomen. Continuing with the motion, he gripped the frame and pulls back, letting his body open up like a trap door to let the namekian water spill out onto the floor. Inside his body, Snow would see a massive array of strange bleeping and whizzing gyros. In addition, there would be a small fish stuck between a few circuits failing around in deep distress. Again moving his hand, AREU grabbed the fish and pulled it out, tossing the thing to the side. Much more cruel than he usually was. Of course, given his previous experiences with the local wildlife, it wasn’t entirely unknown as to why AREU did not like fish at this point.

With one last quick movement, he shut close the strange abdomen door and held out his ball to Snow. “I do not like this planet, and would like to leave as soon as possible. However, I require repairs. As does my attire. Is Sylph capable of this feat?” He would ask quite direct.

words: 250

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 5:22 AM | Message # 12
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Before Snow had a chance to answer the eager Namekian, AREU exposed himself, releasing a large portion of water and throwing a fish out of his interior before asking if the Slyph was able to repair him. "I can't say for certain Areu, looks like you'll have to drop the ball off and ask her yourself."

Turning, she nodded to the Namek... Ander it was. "We continue our search, we've only got four of these damn things so far, there are three more of them out there. Your coming with me. Once Areu's finished with his repairs, he and Asheron will go after another as well. We'll all meet back here after we've found our respective dragon ball and go after the final piece. Oh, and Areu." she said, turning to the android. "Do make sure you keep your energy off the boy will you? I need him alive and unharmed. Should something happen during your quest do your best to protect him, understand?"

Without waiting for an answer, she turned back to Ander and flashed him a coy smile. "I hope your as fast as you think you are Ander, my money says this ball is close to the other side of the planet, and I don't plan to wait for you." Those words finished, the changeling woman glanced at her Radar to be sure she knew which direction, and shot into the air away from them, setting a pace she felt the Namek could match, with difficulty, based on his approach of the ship. ~Three more balls, and we'll make our wishes and get off this rock.~ She thought to herself, grateful it was coming to a close.

OOC: Snow has left the thread, I'll be starting a new one for us asap.

JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 5:30 AM | Message # 13
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Ander was almost doubled over in silent laughter as the cold one opened his chest, unleashed a mini flood and threw out a still living fish. He looked very unimpressed with his current situation, even for an android who were not supposed to have expressions. The captain gave him a few quick orders and then turned towards the namekain. Captain snow calmly informed him that the other ball was on the other side of the planet and seemed to be partial to the idea of a race. Ander watched her fly off for a couple of seconds and then powered up a bit so that he could match the speed she set with ease. Catching up to her with out even breaking a sweat, he was content to fly a few feet behind her and off to her right. She was the captain after all, and he did not want to be seen as the one causing dissension within the crew.

ooc: words = 161
Ander, Out.

BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 8:50 AM | Message # 14
Less of a Noob
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Standing up from his position Ash phased into the ship and he jumped up to land on the actual floor of the ship. And then as soon as he got his bearings straight he walked slowly through the Slyph and found his way to his room and lay down. Smiling at the ceiling he close his eyes and slowly probed the planet for any information that he could possibly use at a later date and then he slowly drifted off to sleep as he waited for the others to return. He had absolutely no intentions of leaving the ship for anything at this moment. As soon as he would awake he would begin speaking with the sylph.

OOC: 117 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Monday, 2010-03-15, 8:51 AM
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