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Enter Tanrou.
ShinigamiDate: Friday, 2010-02-26, 3:16 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 70
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
In a small quiet room scattered with simple personal effects lay a person sleeping on a small bedroll often found in camping equipment, and beside his head was a large alarm clock seconds from ringing. ~RIINNG~ ~RIINNG~ ~RIINNG~ ~RIINN-CRUNCH!!~ Then silence. Moments after the alarm clock started its infernal racket a hand from underneath the blanket had started groping around for the off switch, however unable to switch the alarm clock off quickly enough the hand would ball up into a fist and strike the alarm clock sending it crashing into the wall and shatter. A few minutes of silence would appear before the man sighed and fully awakening from his slumber the figure would slowly get up, yawning and stretching his body as the blanket fell down as he stood up to get dressed.

To describe the man, he was well muscled from lots of martial arts practice, and had rather long black hair that hung part way down his back, somewhat similar to that of a hedgehog in appearance since it was too heavy and long to stand up in the air. Long enough to partially conceal the black furry tail that grew out from the base of his spine, a tail that clearly placed him as a member of the Saiyan race. A race of powerful warriors without peer, born and raised to combat. Of course there was one other noticeable characteristic about this young man as he pulled on his cloths, and that was his height. Despite being already twenty two years old, the man was incredibly short at four feet and nine inches. While it was known that Saiyan's do reach a final growth spurt between their twenties and thirties, there was a high chance that he would never grow any taller then his current height. Once he was finished getting dressed for the day he would yawn again and head outside the sauna that he was camping out in before sealing it back up into his capsule.

“Now time to find something to eat, I hate this survival training crap but its a good way of getting stronger.” he will mutter to himself as he pockets the capsule and starts looking for something to eat. Luckily not to far away from the place he had been camping stood a large tree with several high hanging fruit on it. Looking around for some way to knock them down so that he could reach them, the young saiyan remembered seeing a strange technique used by a fighter when he was in town a few weeks ago. The man had been able to transform his ki, his energy, into a invisible shock wave of power, only noticeable due to the large amount of dust that had been thrown up into the air from the fight the man had been having. Perhaps he could do something like that as well? He already knew how to gather up his energy in preparation for his False Flames technique, and while this technique was different, he probably could figure out how to throw the energy in a wave like that, and knock down breakfast. Taking a moment to center himself the young saiyan warrior would concentrate his energy into his fist and attempt to push it out of his hand with no visible effect at all. Luckily within a few minutes he was able to figure out how to properly push the energy out of his hand, and quickly started working on trying to knock the fruit down. Slowly but surely the fruits would first begin to slightly shake from the blast, that would slowly begin to become more violent with each attempt. Until finally, with a slight crack, the fruit would break free of the branch it was attached to and would fall into his waiting hands. “good, now to just collect a few more, before I continue my training.” he will mutter to himself before doing exactly that.

As he continued to eat the fruit that he had gathered from the tree, the young saiyan man wondered if that energy blast technique could be altered so that it did damage to the target instead of just knocking things back and around. It would require a bit of modification to the technique, mostly the shape of the move so that it was more condensed and powerful. So as he walked through the wilderness of the area, the man would begin to augment the technique occasionally targeting plants as he went along to test the moves effectiveness. Then, in just a short few hours, he was happily blasting things away with energy shots.

Now he only had a few more things to learn now, one technique that he thought might prove useful would be the ability to fly, a useful skill to get around, or he could practice on increasing his power, by gathering up the energy that was within him and using it to infuse his strength and speed in battle. With that in mind the saiyan warrior would stop for lunch and finish off a few more of the fruits he had collected. Not as good as meat, but good enough for what he was doing at the moment. Stopping to center his power again, the young saiyan warrior would begin to gather the energy, holding as much of it as he could and letting it seep into his body's limbs filling them with additional power as dust on the ground swirled around him from the energy he was temporarily producing. While in this state, the young saiyan warrior would test out his strength speed and the energy attacks that he had mastered, discovering that all while his strength and speed had increased a nice amount, his power level on the other hand had almost doubled. That was great news to him and would prove a great benefit to any battles he would face in the future. Now all he had left to master would be the ability to fly, and he would be able to swiftly travel to someplace were he could train more.

From what he could remember on the theory of flight, the Bukujutsu technique, was to use your powers to make yourself weightless. Then you can let the power lift you up and move you around at will. Probably more simple to say then to do, but it would be a useful skill to own, and using the additional energy his powered up state produced, would proceed to learn it. The saiyan's first few attempts at the technique, produced no visible effect at all. Not even the slightest feeling of weightlessness. Continuing to try for the next several minutes also provided no reaction. Then finally he would feel a slight difference in his spring, as if he had less weight to carry. As he continued to practice he would feel lighter and lighter, causing his leaps to send him higher and higher. Until, finally, he leaped up into the air, and did not hit the ground, just hovering a few feet off the ground. Taking a few more attempts to become familiar with the rules of moving through the air, the young saiyan warrior would realize that the sky was beginning to darken, that he had spent the entire day training to master those four techniques, and he was tired and sore. Landing on the ground at a safe looking place to camp, he would toss down his sauna capsule and relax for a while before setting a new alarm clock and going to sleep. Outside the sauna was a name plate, the kind usually found on residences to show who lives there, nailed to the outside of the sauna that said: Tanrou Yuuji.

Words: 1290
gains /2=645
Sauna: 806.25
base pl: 1000
total: 1807
Quests: Basic Training; Kaiho, Basic Training; Ki Shot, Basic Training, Bukujutsu / Flight, Basic Training, Powered Up

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
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