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Basic training
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-16, 5:23 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 125
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Hachi was left alone in the massive castle, and now he was without direction aside from personal growth and training, which he was always up for and ready. The first thing that came to mind for the daemon was the idea that his energy with ice had been able to push things back and to help him keep people at a distance should they be relative to him in power and distance. The idea in itself was not hard, and the first thing he tried to do was separate the idea of an ice attachment to everything, the thing that had kept him alive not a day before. The first steps were to set a number of objects of varying weights and shapes all around him to test his proficiency at the knock back effect, and to do so, Hachi called forth his power of ice to create such meaningless obstacles.
Silence was the first thing, then came the willing of his power apart from the cold core he had developed around his soul, a new challenge which hindered him more than slightly as he focused around him intently. The idea was to project his dominance over any and everything around him in one powerful energy push; it would aid in close quarters and help him from being grappled in the middle of fights. When Hachi felt his energy begin to brim over, he slammed his knuckles together at chest height and sent an invisible and powerful shockwave around him and within a few feet the ice objects had collided with the towering walls of his palace, signaling that the skill was in working order and was now something he could readily do.

OOC: 283

Added (02.16.2010, 2:26 Pm)
Much like the skill before, Hachi needed to dissect the skill at its core and remove the aspect of frost and freezing from it for the skill to act in more of a ‘normal way’ as he knew others were pupils of Freeze flash and would prove impossible to defeat with a single masters techniques and none to call his own. Slowly, Hachi felt the pull of energy through his body, feeling the rather neutral, if not dark energy pour from his core to his right palm. The writhing and dark colored energy began to make itself visible in the daemons palm, seemingly trapped and held by his half-closed fingers; the whole of the blast was nearly equal to a baseball when the daemon felt ready to release the attack of his grip.
When Hachi let go, he was stunned at the attack; the energy ball seemed to fluctuate slightly as it raced towards its icy target and on impact making the basic obstacle nothing more than dust. The attack was but one form of the skill, Hachi experimented in what did and did not work, trying a number of postures out until his comfort with the gathering and releasing of energy became almost second nature and something he could do in the heat of motion. Through the expert and thorough experiments, Hachi found such energy could leave his palm as an orb of destruction of a sort of slash or wave, something that could be altered to suit his needs in combat quite nicely.


Added (02.16.2010, 2:27 Pm)
Everything Hachi had tackled before and would attempt later could all be counted as thanks to Freeze flash, as without his harsh training and torture, the daemon would know little about what he could do physically. Hachi could clearly remember a portion of his training, in the inferno room, where he had felt something trigger inside him and offer him a resolve he didn’t know he had within him, a sort of change brought on by not only the stress of the situation but at the insult to his skills. Unlike the other two things he had spent the day training on, this new idea was without a proper road which to walk, but rather an instinct within which he had to trigger somehow and get a better feel for it so he could use it at will.
Hachi visualized what Freeze said, feeling his emotions boil within him, seethe and fester beneath his calm exterior to loose such a thing as a transformation within. As if answering a feint call, his body shuddered lightly, seeming to flow with energy and tense his muscles slightly past their normal limits. The physical change could have been overlooked but the energy he felt pouring out of him was greatly increased from his natural state, something he could rely on if things started to take a wrong turn. The transformation did little to his body but slightly more defined muscle, but offered him a nice fallback, something he could now use at his will alone rather than rely on the memories of scorn.


Added (02.16.2010, 2:27 Pm)
Slowly, easily, and carefully, Hachi let himself revert from the pseudo transformation and began to wonder exactly what the extent of energy in his body could do; he knew it could be used to claim dominion over ice, used raw to deliver punishing ranged blows, even used on himself to reach a new peak of power, but he couldn’t help but feel his energy could be used in some other way. The idea hit him suddenly; if his energy could be let out violently and used to slam into things and knock them away, that same energy could be used in a slower more controlled form in order to make a form of buffer around him and to will him around, basically to fly.
Flight, something Hachi found very interesting, something that could be put to endless useful tasks if his body was up for it, but it was only possible in theory so far. With some preparation, Hachi felt a sense of excitement at the idea and began to mold his energy around him for a form of flight. At first he was just inches off the ground, with a bit of will, he quickly found just how fast and high he could go. The process of flight came quite easily to Hachi, allowing him to move about freely and offering ease enough for him to wonder if he had the skills to fly and send a number of attacks at the same time, or if that came later.

OOC:250 gained flight

Added (02.16.2010, 2:27 Pm)
After everything, there was something Hachi wondered and intended to try almost on impulse alone, the idea to reach his energy out and ‘feel’ without using any of his natural senses to do so. The idea alone was ridiculous to the daemon, but something deep inside him was gnawing on his mind to try it anyway. Logic was nearly thrown away to his new abilities, at least the logic of the truly weak, those who could do little and had never dreamed of flight unaided. With his new frozen dominion, Hachi willed the sky lights and the doorways closed and to allow not the slightest thread of light through.
The now pitch black wound helped Hachi kill his senses; Lack of light eliminated sight, the barren ice robbed all of its smell, his hands balled into fists at his side allowed no touch, and with quickly formed ice his hearing had been eliminated as well, leaving energy the only means for him to detect a number of pillars and objects which speckled the main hall. After many tries, Hachi succeeded only in slamming into a dozen pillars, half a dozen boulders and an ice mannequin before cursing himself loudly for the idea, yet he did not stop.
The minutes passed as Hachi stood stock still and waited, he wasn’t entirely sure what he was waiting for but knew he would recognize it when he felt it. Faintly he began to become aware of the things around him, aware of what was around through ways he couldn’t quite explain. The feeling was like a mental sonar, things sparked in his mind like general indicators where they lay, as if resonating with a sort of force from his energy alone, as if a part of him. As hachi’s awareness for this grew, he found he could not feel the walls of the palace around him, and after much thought and a number of theories he knew the likeliest was the fact that the palace was not created by his energy, that it was natural and had no energy of which to feel.
Hachi had finally become aware of a dormant sixth sense he rather liked, it was not fooled by images displayed before him, he could not have it crippled by a noise or a light, and it could not be robbed from him like the senses of the flesh could. This sense seemed to have no downside save for its weak and imprecise feeling. Slowly, Hachi pulled free the ice to regain his hearing, and slowly hachi began to grow accustomed to the sensing coupled with his natural senses. At the end of his sensing training, his daemonic body became used to all six senses working in tandem, and all of them honed on his survival.
What was there now for Hachi, being weary and tired, feeling the aches of his training catch up to him with throbbing pain. The first thing the daemon could think of was a need to take a long relaxing brainstorm within his new sauna.

OOC: 509

Added (02.16.2010, 2:30 Pm)
total: 1,557X1.25= 1,946
skills: Kaiho, energy blast, beef up, flight, sensing training (in said order)

Added (02.17.2010, 2:23 Am)
OOC: messed up that a bit, everything before the sensing is 1,048. the 500 will be apart and used with sauna in 2 days xD so 1,310 for the prior ones

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