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Basic Training { Zarbon }
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 3:40 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

Sometimes, you don’t have to be a genius to know certain stuff. You just have to be lucky enough to be born in the right place, as the right thing. Want an example, I’ll give you and then, explain to you what the hell am I talking about. A baby, when born, if you throw him in the water, he will know he has to swim. Or a baby dog, when still blind, he will know that he has to suck the first drop of milk of his mother. That is knowing. A innate knowledge to say. So why am I telling you this? Again, the prota, anta or whatever gonist of this story is Zarbon. And I am talking about powers here, most specifically the ability to use ki. In the dragonball world, we see lots of characters blasting things with energy waves or balls. Some races are taught to do that by a master, others learn by themselves… others simply know. It was easy for Zarbon to learn to blow things up with his energy blasts because as I already mentioned to you, the monsturns are a warrior race. They are born with the talent of fighting and though they are not completely aware of ki as a form of bio energy and whatever other philosophical concept given to it, they are aware of the energy within him. And it didn’t take them much longer to learn how to project this energy outside of their body than it takes for a dragon to starts vomiting fire… or perhaps ice if we’re talking about ice dragons. But whatever. I think my point was made here. Zarbon does know how to shoot ki and didn’t really have to put that much of an effort in that.

Ironically, an even simpler for of ki projection such as the kaiho wasn’t learned by Zarbon as easily as he learned about the ki bombing. For those who doesn’t know, I will describe to you what kaiho is already to jump having to in other characters’ stories. Kaiho is a basic shockwave shot from your hands that is invisible. It’s only objective and effectiveness is to push other things from distance, for it won’t do real damage. Zarbon did find this one technique very interesting when training with his mentor { everybody has one, even if it’s daddy or granddaddy… think cliché }, when he blasted his face with an invisible force that sent him flying away from the top of a rock. It was just a good thing that Zarbon was taught how to fly already. I will tell you about that one in a few lines ahead. But it gets even funnier now… the simplest of the techniques was the one that Zarbon got to learn for last. Perhaps a good elucidation of the popular proverb: “the last will be the first and the first will be the last” . Well, it’s a proverb known in Brazil at least, for all I know… not sure if it will ring a bell on you. If not, congratulations. You have been filed with some more useless popular culture. But yeah… Seeing { or better, not seeing } his sensei’s technique, Zarbon got interested and asked him to teach him the technique. All the several steps before the move’s learning take place and by the end of it, Zarbon figures out how to project his strength invisibly from distance. Cool eh? But I won’t give any more details about this one training. Perhaps when I am more inspired to write.

Now, flight. How did Zarbon learn how to fight. His master taught him too. This isn’t an ability that the majority of the people is able to pull out without so training. True, Zarbon did know how to explode stuff with energy beams. He even started to develop his own warfare of deadly lasers; Super Elegant Magnum was what he called the first technique he came up with. However, to become a true warrior there was a long road he would have to walk through. To begin with, he would have to learn how to control his power. Do you remember Videl’s training with Gohan in the show? If do, then you know that mainly what she did was spend the whole episode sat down concentrating energy into a little orb between her palms. That was for her to get to know about ki and then, learn to control it. The monsturns didn’t really have that knowledge about ki. Again, all they knew was that they had energy in their body and that it could blow up stuff and allow them to levitate. I can’t really imagine how a person who doesn’t know about life energy can learn to control it, but I’m taking it is the whole innate thing. One or another get to improve the whole energy useage thing and came up with the bukujutsu technique. One taught the other, this other taught the other and this other headed to teach another who had already developed the technique himself and did the same that the first one I mentioned to develop the flight technique did to others, before this one other come to him and try to teach him the technique. I hope I didn’t confuse you that much with this… So yeah… After a lot of falls and crashes and bruises, Zarbon finally learned how to control his energy well enough to keep it constant and fly. Yes… I lost the chain of thoughts after the Videl thing… I meant to say Zarbon’s training was nothing similar to that. Someone came to him and said that he could fly… and he tried, until he gets it right. Of course, there was a little bit more of instructions other than “jump off that cliff”. I would be radical if I said there wasn’t. All the details though, I’ll reserve me the right to give you the fun of imagining it yourself.

Just so you don’t say I am boring and only keep on talking and talking about details, I will try to give you a little bit of action, in this one last part of this story. Though don’t get your hopes up. I’m feeling sleepy and I really want to finish this damn chapter already so I can either throw myself at my bed or write about something else. I figure you are probably wondering about Zarbon’s master; who the hell is he. I’m going to go ahead an tell you that it was his father. Pretty easy to think of and I don’t have to think of society details by mentioning an army leader or a tribe / village / city / world representant. I’ll consider it to be a father and son kind of thing; the whole teaching of all the stuff the little ones need to know about the world. It isn’t the last time you’ll see that kind of thing in my stories though… Continuing, this is a very good example of what I called stages of power in the last story I wrote { if you cared to read it, that is } . Zarbon learned how to unlock the first of these during a match with his father. I’ll jump to the important part of the story:

Suddenly, the sound of flesh hitting flesh; A young Zarbon walks backwards with one of his eyes semi-closed, symbolizing he has just been hit in his face. A punch from his father { To give him a name, I’ll call him Melo… Pomelo fruit pun again; chose that one because Pom wouldn’t inspire too much respect… } . Judging by Zarbon’s state, the fight has been going for a while probably now and Zarbon was the one with the best vocation for the loser. His father advances one again and strikes the boys face with his knee.
- “C’mon, Zarbon! You call yourself a monsturn? A warrior? At your pace, you’re more likely to be an excuse for a gecko!” -
In that moment, Zarbon stands up gritting his teeth. They were training on the top of a mountain today and Zarbon was really close to the edge now. I probably spoiled what will come next, but either way… Zarbon yelled at his father:
- “I’m a warrior… and a strong one!” -
- “Blah, blah!” – His father made of him, angering the boy even more. And what do you think an angered boy would do? Retaliation, of course. He jumped at his father and started throwing several punches at Melo. Easy piece; he dodged them all and once again stroke his son with his knee, but this time aimed for the stomach. Zarbon spits out a lot of blood. Oh… and detail, they are in their monster form, both. Next, Melo slaps his son away with the back of his hand, sending him forward and out of the safe ground boundaries of the mountain. Zarbon starts to fall. Hands stretched up in front of his chest as he falls back turned to the ground. His eyes are closed, his teeth are closed tightly. He isn’t unconscious yet, just feeling some pain. Crashing from that height would certainly define the end of the battle… if not the end of something else as well… Zarbon had to do something, but transformed in his monster form, what he considered to be his full power wasn’t providing any good plans as he realizes he attained his limits already. Thankfully the desire to not turn into pâté spoke louder and he tightened all the muscles in his body in a desperate attempt of doing whatever. An aura starts to become visible around Zarbon and soon, he starts to feel his strengths replenished enough to attempt to fly. He did it. And he was feeling more powerful than before; twice as more powerful. The young monsturn then heads for the payback.

I am going to stop here; describing my character being beaten to unconsciousness even after a nice power up isn’t good advertisement for me. And I’m also going to stop the whole chapter in this point; you now have enough information on his basic powers to follow whichever of the next chapters of Zarbon’s story you are interested in reading. And gladly, I call

The End
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-02-19, 3:42 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline
OOC: 1.723 words. Earned +861 pl. Learned Kaiho, Ki Shot, Bukujutsu and Powered Up.
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