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Conflict of Evil and Not So Evil
TenshiDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 5:04 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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Kensei strolled through the land. He knew not where he was, nor where he had come from. No... No, that last part was a lie. He came from Earth. And though he knew not where he was, he knew how he arrived. Earth had been attacked by a large pink male, horns on his head and many many henchmen to help him attack. Kensei was caught in the battle and fought off the pink man, but was told he'd make a perfect sparring partner for someone. What was his name again...? He knew not, all he knew for sure was that this person was even stronger than the pink fat bastard, based on how he talked.

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 8:34 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

Zarbon's been really bored for a while. He had nothing to do. No one good enough to spar with. Lord Frieza would simply turn him to dust if he ever consented the idea of sparring him... specially now that the changeling prince was so damn busy with way too damn things on the administration and was way too far from Zarbon for that suicidal idea to be even made possible. Dodoria also was far away; he has been sent on a mission and considering the travel time, he would only be coming back a month or more from now on. The other captains and much less the soldiers were worlds away from ever measuring up to Zarbon. So, to emphasize, once agan: Zarbon was bored. And been that way for quite a long time.

Zarbon has been sent to this certain coordinates in the middle of the north quadrant of the galaxy. There was this little planet in there. The inhabitants. They were weak. Zarbon cleaned a part of it alone, but soon lost inspiration to keep doing it and resolved to sit back and let his men do all the work; these beings were no fun to kill. They barely were strong enough to make a loud sound of pain when Zarbon crashed their bones. So, technically speaking, he was in the end of his mission. All he would have to do was wait for the complete genocide to be effectuated and then, give the planet one last inspection to see if nothing that breathes or moves remained in the planet. That gave Zarbon sometime before his departure along with his men from that filthy little planet. And he thought. And he got an idea.

Gathering some of his men, he sent them over to the closest planet; this curious blue ball called planet Earth. There might have someone good to use as a sparring partner while he waited for the mission to be complete. He made quite an advance on his own and would deliver the planet within the estimated time if the soldiers kept a good pace. The planet was a “fast negotiation”; The client says the planet he wants, Frieza then sends his best henchmen to it so it can be cleaned way faster than the usual. When the soldiers arrive at the target planet, the client is contacted and he can start his trip already, assured that when he arrives, his “item” will be waiting for him ready and shining. Since this client came from far away, Zarbon would have to wait for the arrival for sometime. And that’s what was upsetting him. He had nothing to kill… time appropriately and enjoyably. So he sent his soldiers, as I mentioned in the main ship { which was pretty fast by the way } and instructed them to find someone that wouldn’t die in the first minutes sparring with him.

Days later, the crew he sent arrived. They brought the prisoner. As you may know already, Zarbon has a reptilian ancestry and like a monitor lizard or a carnivorous hunter, he likes to play with his victims and underestimates them a lot because of that little habit. Thank god for him, he never found anyone that would measure up to him and that personality trait never jeopardized his life. But anyway; This load his crew brought over from this planet Earth place was deposited in an open plain, miles away from where Zarbon and his soldiers settled camp. The monsturn didn’t want to be bothered in the middle of his fight. This one earthling picked up then woke up and started wandering throughout the vast lands, probably unaware of where was he. After a few moments walking and hitting nowhere, for the lands had a so linear relief that it seemed to extend through the horizon and all the directions around him into an infinite path of earth and rocks. Soon, he would hear a voice calling for him. It came from behind.
“You look like lost… Do you… need directions?”
When Kensei would turn around, he would catch himself staring at a light blue skinned humanoid with golden eyes, though still fitting in the defaults of beauty… even over the defaults of beauty of Kensei’s home planet to be fair for someone looking a that alike another human being. He had a dark green colored hair and was wearing very cultural pieces and accessories along with what seemed to me a body armor. The alien was smiling. And it was not a friendly smile, but an evil scheme-ish grin. The pretty boy was up to something.

OOC: 771 words.

TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-03, 2:49 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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Status: Offline
Kensei turned, facing the aqua man before him. He looked... Beautiful. An odd answer, yes. Afterall, the one before him was some foreign and odd creature, going by his voice obviously a male, and yet he wasn't handsome. He was... beautiful. However, his voice ruined that effect completely and totally. After all, one who's voice was so devoid of compassion or... Nearly anything. It was a evil voice, and that got across to Kensei fairly easily, an obvious message for him that he understood instantly. But that wasnt the only thing off about this green haired alien... He was fairly powerful. Not quite as strong as Kensei, but an instinct of his told him he was just as skilled. Call it a sixth sense, a gut feeling, whatever the hell made it easier for one to comprehend that odd feeling he was getting. Like if your being watched, and you know it, and you get that wierd feeling in your gut and scratching at the back of your brain that you just cant directly explain in words, so you use vague words as the ones Im using now to explain it. Thats the feeling he had. "No, I dont need directions damnit" Kensei said, glaring at the alien. He was creepy... Not scary, creepy. One might even consider this creature Intimidating. "I just need to know where I am, and..." he froze. It all was obvious now. Kensei's eyes slowly went to the left of Zarbons face, locking on the scouter attatched to his ear with the little screen, and going on what he heard from those around him at the invasion it was to sense the powers of the enemies around them, and possibly even enhance their own abilities, as he saw many of them get much more relieved after turning it on. The armor on Zarbon was the same as the assorted aliens that invaded earth. But the most easily noticed thing, aside from the sheer power increase, was the fact that... Zarbon was alone. The others, even on Earth, wouldn't leave the companionship of atleast one other buddy, and yet... Zarbon was completely alone. There was NO ONE near that could be considered as helpful that Kensei saw. So... Was this the leader? Yes... He must have brought Kensei here to join his ranks! Ingenious...
However, now that Kensei understood what was going on he wouldnt not let this happen. He refused to join the ranks of this evil horror. Well... The soul society DID abandon him. And they were "good". And he vowed revenge... And yet, this seemed too grat a leap. He couldnt kill everyone on Earth just because he wanted revenge against the soul society. Besides, this man wasn't even stronger than Kensei yet! What could he offer!? But still... He seemed confident. Damnit I can't think straight! Kensei thought, aggrivated. "So tell me, friend" he said, putting an unwelcoming emphasis on the word friend, as though spitting it out burned his tongue, and he disliked even uttering it. "What do you want from me?"
(563 words)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Thursday, 2010-03-04, 3:36 PM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

OOC: We are not doing this considering our pls being equal? XD

Zarbon waited for this man to actually turn around and acknowledge his presence over there. He was pretty much like Zarbon in some aspects, with the difference that his skin was... pinkish toned and he had a gray-white hair. His hair was short as well. Geez... That skin... it looked so strange to Zarbon, but he wasn't getting started on beauty patterns and fashions and blah blah blah. He wasn't here for that. Besides, Zarbon could get slightly annoying when beauty was the topic as He cared a lot for his appearance. But yeah… earthlings were strange… at least peculiar. Kensei seemed to not understand the subliminal, subtle message hidden in that “You need any directions” question; Obviously to me and you, Zarbon’s intentions wasn’t really giving directions… perhaps he could indeed give that one man direction, but he would probably not like the place Zarbon intended to send him to. But in the middle of his response, something seemed to strike the earthling as he froze. He froze and stood, analyzing, thinking about something as if Zarbon was a ghost to him. And in certain means, he was. Zarbon tilted his head to the left and kept staring at Kensei wondering what was going through his silver head. He then replied once again after the “I don’t need directions” answer, apparently mistrustful of Zarbon’s intentions and probably expecting already something not good to unfold from that unpleasant encounter. Yes, unpleasant. Kensei was long away from home { not that he knew exactly were as the landscape would resemble Earth’s a little bit } and he seemed to be in the middle of nowhere with no one around for miles to recur. Zarbon smiled.
“Oh my, that sounded so unfriendly” – Zarbon mocked at the emphasis put in the last substantive of the earthling’s sentence; he knew once whatever epiphany it was hit the earthling, he probably pretty much aware of what was to come. After a brief pause that took nothing but a small fraction of seconds.
“All I want is to have fun. Well… though it is true that my concept of fun might not me the most pleasant thing for you, but I am sure we can get this worked out, can’t we?” – Zarbon says. Another fraction of seconds of pause.
“I know at least I can” – Zarbon completes his last sentence in this post leaving the rest of the work for me to narrate. After shutting his mouth, the charismatic alien grins. His golden eyes locked deeply on Kensei and they seemed to pierce through his soul. With a sudden movement, Zarbon held his hand up and a flash of pink color whit a white-ish core sprouted in the palm of the hand of the light-blue skinned reptilian. As a swift missile, Zarbon’s hyper elegant magnum { weird name, I know… but get used to it as soon, weirder will come out } was hurled from his hand and made its way towards Kensei. If that connected a decent explosion would be caused. Not to mention a decent damage as well. Kensei would be able to taste it himself if he wasn’t skilled and flat-footed enough to be stuck in spot and receive that blast open-heartedly. And open chest.

OOC: 542 words. 1.313 total.

TenshiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-04, 8:40 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
(Lol Sure, Pl's equal!)
Kensei cursed, realizing at once that Zarbon meant to fight. And ofcourse, it as it was apparent by the evil stare sent by Zarbon, he was not meant to leave this place. However, there was something that Zarbon had been unable to take into effect, as he was not acquainted with Kensei. Kensei was a soul, his actual life. It was simply that in the real world, he was able to take on a suit of sorts, making him physical, as it was the only way for him to be able to co-exist in this world and be able to come into contact with everything. However, that did give Kensei an advantage in fights. Although the thought of death made him anxious, thats for sure, he was surely not afraid. After all, he could always make his way back: He already had once! Kensei leapt to the side, a ball of energy forming in his hand as he threw it forward, the two energies colliding and exploding. Although his ki-ball was not as powerful as Zarbon, it should have been enough to halt it. If, however, it was not, Kensei would have still dodged the blast. Kensei stopped, digging his feet into the ground. Instantly, his eyes locked on Zarbon. Something from Zarbon's movements made one thing clear... He could not follow the movement of that mans hands. He was much faster than Kensei, and that was obvious... However, Kensei was not counting himself out yet. Guessing on his lifespan, he was guessing he had a longer lifespan than this mortal. Besides, if he played his cards right, the speed might not matter too much.
He shot forward, closing the distance between he and Zarbon. Concentrating energy into his hands, he pushed forward, causing a ripple of energy to push Zarbon back, a move he'd learned known as Kaiho. If it was able to connect and push him back, Kensei would be able to catch up to Zarbon, and guessing he got close enough he sent a kick from the right side, hoping it would connect on the side. He was hoping that, even if his kick was blocked, he'd be able to tell if Zarbon was stronger than him as well. If so, he'd be in some deep shit.

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 0:21 AM | Message # 6
Less of a Noob
Group: Administrators
Messages: 168
Reputation: 2
Status: Offline

Good. The first shot was merely a test. I mean… Zarbon didn’t really hold back that much { he used his most powerful attack, as you can see } but didn’t put all of his ki into that one ball of pink energy. If he wanted to kill Kensei right away, he would have done it with much more finesse. He wanted to enjoy his prey a little bit. He would have nothing to do for hours, days if that man was dead in the first shot so he was intending to prolong his life as much as he could. Another proof that Zarbon wasn’t still fighting for real was the fact that he didn’t even touch his scouter to check his opponent’s power level, though Kensei’s next move would cut need for him to do that manually as you see in a few moments. There are other things that proved Zarbon wasn’t fighting for real yet, things that you may or may not see in this story. But anyway, giving continuity to the Kensei – Zarbon turn, here’s what the earthling did: Right after the hyper elegant magnum left the monsturn’s hand, Kensei proceeded to shoot another energy beam on it, causing both to nullify each other in a decently merged explosion that rose smoke between the two warriors. The fact that Zarbon was much faster than Kensei almost troubled Kensei as he barely had time to shoot Zarbon’s energy ball before it explode on him, causing the explosion’s aftershock and winds to almost send him flying backwards. Thankfully for the earthling, he was a recognizably strong warrior and managed to stay put even though the forces were trying to make him do the opposite. Soon, the smoke clears and Zarbon is still in the same spot, grinning evilly as always. Or at least as he did in the few moments Kensei had the “pleasure” to be share with him. Now referring to what I said about Zarbon not needing to touch his scouter to read Kensei’s power level, this is why. The moment the warrior from Earth tapped into his ki to conjure that ball and throw it to defend himself, his energy reading spiked and the scouter captioned it as a form of automatic function of the device and translated the man’s energy into numbers that appeared on the blue glass visor of the hi-tech gear. Kensei could hear the beeping and if he was a good observer, he would see strange signs { though unreadable from that distance because of the size } to show up in hat visor, probably making him wonder what the hell was that. But aside from that… Incredible! Zarbon tried to contain his surprise when he stared at the numbers to not make his excitement and at the same time unpleasant shiver apparent to the gray haired martial artist. He was EXACTLY as strong as Zarbon! Well.. at least in his contained form. He didn’t know how much more that man could extend his ki but his enormous ego was calming him down telling him no way in hell this pathetic pink toned humanoid could measure up to him in his true form. As he liked to say to many people… he was only seeing the beauty for now and not what was really skin deep. Only worthy ones have seem what was hidden in that thoroughness and none have ever lived to tell the story. But I am not supposed to talk anything about that; If Kensei is a really worthy fighter and from what we can see he is, then perhaps you and him will have a chance to see for yourselves what I am spoiling slightly here.

Now was Kensei’s payback turn. He came propelling himself towards the monsturn, giving him a chance to analyze his opponent’s speed and reach the same final conclusion that Kensei reached: Zarbon surely had the upper hand in speed. He waited to see what Kensei would do; Turned out he apparently was resorting to the same maneuver Zarbon adopted and the monsturn prepared to embrace himself against an energy attack. But that wasn’t it. What came from his hands, not that Zarbon could see it, was a kaiho attack; an invisible shockwave that Zarbon felt like a hammer in his chest, that threw him away backwards. Zarbon did have knowledge though after of what hit him. But it was no good now. Flying in the air and not through bukujutsu, Zarbon’s dodging was greatly reduced, what allowed Kensei to give Zarbon a small gift: a kick to his side, what sent the light blue skinned reptilian like a missile back to the rocky ground, where he crashed. And not gently. Kensei might not be the fastest guy in the universe but hell… he was strong. Strong enough to make Zarbon’s impact with the ground cause it to crack. However, that was far from being the end for Zarbon. Supporting himself with the help of his hands and knees, the man quickly stands up once again.
“Heh… Not bad. Not bad at all” – Zarbon said with his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he moved. It was his turn to show Kensei his strength and the pay back would come in the form of a forceful and speedy dash-and-punch style uppercut to the warrior’s stomach. Zarbon put enough force to lift the man in the air slightly and complete his attack with a spinning kick to throw Kensei away from him. When the human landed, Zarbon had also another trick waiting for him. But that one, neither you or Kensei are going to know right now.

OOC: 943 words. 2.256 total.

TenshiDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 3:14 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kensei landed, skidding to the side. "Hell yes!" he said to himself in a hushed tone, realizing he was unheard by Zarbon. He was able to notice a few more things, luckily. He was, indeed, much slower than Zarbon. Much, much slower. However, what he lacked in speed he obviously made up for in strength, as he learned with his leg connecting into Zarbon's side. Zarbons eyes shot open in surprise as he shot back, hitting the ground hard enough to fracture its most outer layer, like a wound formed on the skin when hit with a spike. However, Zarbon was no weakling either. He bounced and skid back, but then was back up and ready to fight. However, before furthering the discussion of the fight, he was able to realize a few more facts before he was damaged. For one, his assumption before was right. He heard the beeps, and even with the distance saw the small color change in the back of the blue screen infront of his eye. That device, it was indeed a scouter. And it analyzed Kensei's power increase immediately. Not just the increase, but the fluctuation... So Zarbon need not to activate it to see his reactions. Interesting... Kensei took that into effect with his battle plan, though at the time it seemed rather minor. But before he was able to put a true plan into effect, once again he was interupted and force to do elsewise from what he, at first, had intended. He noticed Zarbon disappear from his sights, and instantly was alert. However, he could have been alert as he wanted for all the good it did him. He felt a hit to his stomach, being lifted into the air slightly, air leaving him.
But that wasn't all. He looked to his right, noticing a kick aimed at him, not by the traveling of the leg, for that was much too fast for him to follow. What he noticed was the bending of Zarbon's body, and the lifting of the hips he needed in order to reach Kensei, even at the slightly elevated height. Kensei raised his arm in the direction the leg was coming, arching his body and placing his other arm as a support. He took the hit, grunting in pain. However, instead of flying away as was expected, Kensei was able to only go back a few feet, planting his feet hard into the ground, so hard the dug into the dry earth slightly, although he was able to continue his plan. He grabbed onto Zarbon's leg with one of his arms, and twisting slightly kicked Zarbon's other leg out from under him. Now, many people would then throw their opponant away from, hoping for them to be greatly injured from the throw. Kensei knew otherwise. Holding his leg and twisting a little more to get Zarbon to straighten out some, Kensei arched his arm, bringing it down like a hammer and slamming it into Zarbons side (or gut), slamming him into the ground and drilling him into the earth, leaping back and throwing yet another ki blast at the now injured Zarbon.
(Let me know if this is okay, I just tried to do a reaction that was fair and kept the fight close range for a little longer lol.
611 words if I counted right lol)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
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