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Kyrt_RyderDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 3:59 AM | Message # 1
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

(Without the weapon)

Name: Ryder
Race: Saiyan
Height: 6 Feet
Weight: 200 pounds
Age: 17
Looks: See Pic
Trademarks: Dark Rims around his eyes (It's natural, NOT EYE SHADOW!!! lol)
Origins: New Vegeta { Currently: Icer }
Alignment: Innocent, Stupid Good.
Personality: Ryder is a good young man, strong and pure of heart, with the best of intentions. He's grown up training under his 'brother' Hachi, and it shows. He tends to be a goof, laid back and relaxed until he is needed, at which point he is laser focused on the task until completed. He will lay down his life to protect those in need, but tends to be very gullible, often causing more harm than good, and remaining none-the-wiser for it.

Health Rank: alive

Theme Song: Kryptonite (Three Doors Down)

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 1.000
-Strength: 230
-Speed: 230
-Intelligence: 20
-Sensing: 20

Records: real / BS
-Wins: 0 / 0
-Draws: 0 / 0
-Losses:0 / 0
-Kills: 0 / 0
-Deaths: 0 / 0

Tail: Saiyans have a tail that may aid them in combat as an extra limb. However, the tail has a terrible weakness. If it's squeezed the saiyan is paralyzed until it reaches a base of 500.000. If cut, the tail regrows one week later.
Power Growth: Saiyans power increase with the battles they fight. After every battle, the pl gain is increased in x1.2.
Saiyan Pride: A saiyan, when in a serious situation or when his pride is atatcked, can temporarily boost his power level, strength and speed in battle by x1.3 for 3 posts to gain a greater chance of surviving. This ability can only be used for a short time, though, so use it wisely... Can't pick with Racial Trace
Battle Regeneration: Saiyans do not have meditations, for they just can't concentrate for long times. However, whenever going through near-death damage, his power level will go x1.5. Note that going near-death isn't like "*A punch to the face*... OH! I'm near-death!". Masters shall judge if it did count as near-death. This takes the place of meditations for saiyans. Must write a story composed of at least 1.000 words.

Submission Lock { Lv 1 }:
Drawbacks: Touch, Deals No Damage
Benefits- The target is unable to move for as long as the lock is held, however Ryder can not use any techniques while he maintains it.
Description: Ryder locks his opponent up in a grapple, contorting his body in a way it was not intended to go, causing severe pain to the point his adversary is unable to move unless he can break the hold (against 1.1x Ryder's Strength). While maintaining this hold, Ryder is unable to use any other techniques.

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 2 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your learning move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 4 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 6 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your ultimate move

Quests: 0
Sensei: 0

Extra Uses: 0

Super Saiyan: detail
Super Saiyan 2: detail
Super Saiyan 3: detail
Super Saiyan 4: detail

Job: your character's job{s}
-Money: 0
Items: Basic Weighted Clothing (-25% PL and -20% strength and speed, +50% gains)
Transportation: Feet { Upgrades: boots }

Life Story:

Nearly eighteen years ago, Ryder was born on the planet Vegeta, son of a powerful Elite Saiyan Warrior and a proud mother in the home guard. His early childhood was easy and simple, with his parents both so busy its no wonder the boy grew without much guidance, aside from the occasional speech on saiyan pride from his father, or his mother's wisdom to help those who could not defend themselves.

However, this peaceful life was not to last. One day, not long after Ryder had reached the age of four, a massive explosion shook the planet's surface, and as was their duty, the boy's parents rushed to meet the threat. However, the pair of Saiyans never returned home. In their stead was a strange man, his spikey hair far more tame than any man's he'd ever seen, laying down for the most part.

"Where's mama?" he inquired, at which the man shook his head, looking downwards and away. To this day, Ryder believes he saw tears in the man's eyes. "Where's Papa?" He inquired again, more urgently, latching onto the man's leg. "They're gone kid, I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your on your own. I knew your old man, and felt I had to come check on you. Do you have any other family?" Crying and sobbing, the boy clutched against this stranger's leg as a lifeline, refusing to let go. "I miss mama and papa." he cried.

Before long, the man acquiesced, identifying himself as Hachi, and inviting the young Saiyan to travel with him, as a little brother. And that's how it's been ever since, with Ryder growing up with very little formal teaching, all his schooling designed to make him better at what he needed to do. The boy retained his good, pure heart, but was a trained hunter and killer, more at home in the woods or the jungle than a city, but a perfect weapon regardless the target. And he has never forgotten the kindness and love shown to him by his "Bro", who had, for reasons unknown and unquestioned to Ryder, not seemed to age a day since they met.

Added (02.23.2010, 12:59 Pm)
Anyways, I know I need approval, but I want to start roleplaying, that's ok right? Any changes that need to be made can be made, I won't use my move until it's given the thumbs up.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 5:15 AM
Hyuuga-NejiDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 4:53 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Bio's up, and you are to post your move on the permit board on the forums area for approval. also I couldn't get your pic to show so for now I left it blank.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 0:20 AM | Message # 3
Group: Checked
Messages: 240
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Yeah, I noticed the picture issue earlier today, going to have to find a new one.

Thanks for approving me, I'll get my move up on the board asap.

Added (02.24.2010, 9:20 Am)
Alright, here's my picture's url.

Also, I'm sure it was obvious from my profile, but Hachi invited me, for whatever purpose that information serves.

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