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SamuelHawkeDate: Thursday, 2010-03-04, 5:31 PM | Message # 1
Uber Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 1
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Race: android/demon hybrid
Details: height:6'1" weight:312 lbs age:215 before becoming android, 3 years after becoming android looks:like a giant metal demon, glowing red eyes, sharp metal claws. trademarks: a flowing red cape and more intellegence and emotion then an android
Origins: HFIL{ Currently: Icer }
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: Egotistical, short tempered, wants vengance agianst the person who put him in his current body, shrewd , calculating, Independant, loyal to friends
Team: the team your character joined, if any
Health Rank: alive

Theme Song: Killing in the name of, Rage against the machine

Battle Statistics
Power Level: the overall fighting capabilities of your character and the power of his energy attacks
-Strength: your character's offensive and defensive physical power
-Speed: your character's aim and movement speed
-Intelligence: mostly related to your character combat intelligence, though also affects mental powers
-Sensing: the measurement of your character senses

Real / BS battle Records: number of times you fought in a real battle / number of times you fought in a Battle Stadium battle
-Wins: number of times you won a real battle / number of times you won a Battle Stadium battle
-Draws: number of times you drawed a real battle / number of times you drawed a Battle Stadium battle
-Losses: number of times you lost a real battle / number of times you lost a Battle Stadium battle
-Kills: number of kills you made in a real battle / number of kills youmade in a Battle Stadium battle
-Deaths: number of times you died in a real battle / number of times you died in a Battle Stadium battle

Racials: your racial abilities
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your starting move
Technique Name { Lv 2 }: your lv 2 custom
Technique Name { Lv 3 }: your learning move
Technique Name { Lv 4 }: your lv 4 custom
Technique Name { Lv 5 }: your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 6 }: your lv 6 custom
Technique Name { Lv 7 }: your ultimate move

Quests: quests you completed
Sensei: trainers' moves you learned

Extra Uses: techniques you had the extra-uses through intelligence applied

Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail

Job: your character's job{s} { only the main character and two jobs at most! }
-Money: cash you have on hands { Banked: cash you have stored in the bank }; You start with either 2.000 coins to use whichever way you want,
or 1.000 to use on each of your characters , but you don't get to keep the cash that wasn't spend
Items: miscellaneous belongings
Items: miscellaneous belongings
Weapons: gear used offensively
Armors: clothing any gear used for protection
Housing: housing type belongings
Transportation: what carries you around { Upgrades: gadjets bought to improve your ship }

Text: once a powerful demon from HFIL, Ezekiel ruled over many lesser demons and he was content when he was sent to Icer. Alas it was the start of a chain of events that would change him forever, one day when he was having a sparing match with a fellow demon a strange object flew into the main area they were fighting in. Next time the great Ezekiel woke, he found himself in this strange body. the other demon's corpse lay at his feet when he woke, thus making him have a change of heart, from that day forword he would not be evil and depraved like his people were, he was going to fight so everyone in the universe could make their own choices without the so called rulers looking over your shoulder.

(By the by I am here because Ryder recruited me)

This is my official one, can the mods please delete the last one, i made an error in name, will edit this one later when i have the time

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Friday, 2010-03-05, 9:35 AM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
A couple things while looking at the bio atm.

Battle Statistics pl: 1000, and you hAVE 500 Pts to be split between strength, Speed, Sensing, and Intelligence

Racials: What are your characters Racial abilities

Job: - your main character can have only two jobs
-Money: are you using the all 2000z or are you planing on using another character making it 1000z per character.

figure it out and repost it in this thread and one of the admins around at the time will put it up.

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