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CronoDate: Saturday, 2011-04-23, 2:04 AM | Message # 1
Uber Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 13
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Name: Ironknuckle
Race: Necroic Kal'dorei
height: 6'3''
weight: 217lbs
age: 293 earth years
Origins: Kalamdor
Currently: Earth
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Personality: Dark, Quiet, Forboding.
Team: ---
Health Rank: alive

Theme Song:
General: Prayer of the Refugee~Rise Agenst
Battle: Ironman~black sabbath
Training: Clint Eastwood~ Gorillaz
Meditation: Burning in the skies~ linkin park
Death: The Radiance~ linkin park

Battle Statistics
Power Level:
-Strength: 400
-Speed: 400
-Intelligence: 100
-Sensing: 100

Real / BS battle Records:
-Wins: 0/0
-Draws: 0/0
-Losses: 0/0
-Kills: 0/0
-Deaths: 0/0

Racials: your racial abilities
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your starting move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 2 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your learning move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 4 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 6 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your ultimate move

Quests: quests you completed
Sensei: trainers' moves you learned

Extra Uses: techniques you had the extra-uses through intelligence applied

Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail
Transformation: detail

-Money: 2000 {0 banked}
Items: miscellaneous belongings
Weapons: gear used offensively
Armors: clothing any gear used for protection
Housing: housing type belongings
Transportation: what carries you around { Upgrades: gadjets bought to improve your ship }

Life Story

Added (04.12.2011, 2:39 PM)
just putting some thoughts on paper below

RA- undeath- the necromatic magic used to revive this creature both corrupted his soul and left his body in a wrecked state of immortality. normal calamities that could affect those alive, nolonger hamper ironknuckle. [food, drink, pain, broken bones, crushed or removed organs, illness, fatigue, pressure points, etc [think cleche' zombie ablities]] broken bones will instantly reset themselves, detached limbs will reanimate themselves[think buu's goo]. this also requires that ironknuckle be completely destroyed to be truely killed. allows limited regeneration with the use of death coil as well. [see death coil]

LA- shadowmeld- being formerly of the kal'dori race, ironknuckle can supress his pl, merge with the shadows and become invisible and unable to be detected by any means. however he may not move from that location or else he will break his "stealth" moves can be charged without detection but once they are fired "stealth" will be broken. he, however isnt tangable and blocking other moves to prevent damage taken will break stealth.

LM- death coil- a green skull of death energy is fired from some part of the users body, or flinged from the user's weapon. this ball of energy can be used to heal an undead creature or damage an opponent. additionally if it kills its target the user gains that creatures life energy and can start regenerating. see chart below. if used to heal it heals 20% worth of its power, but only to undead targets. cannot be intentionally used on self. [instakill effect, channeling]
small critters- creatures of 12.4%pl: small skin blemishes instantly, or 1 month to regenerate whole body.
12.5%pl+ : ironknuckle is instantly restored by that same % of stamina, bodily wounds regenerate at a rate of 7 days for full regeneration minus 1 day for every 12.5% after 12.5%.. example person of 50% iron's power is killed.. 7-(50-12.5)/12.5= 7-(37.5)/12.5 = 7-3 = 4 days to fully regenerate

Necrotic Empowement- ironknuckle puts himself into a state of meditation, drawing in and absorbing the powers of ghosts, spirits, and souls of the recently departed of an area. He gets x1.2 power boost from a 1 week wait.

RM- Death Mastery- Once a month, on the 1st of that month, ironknuckle recieves a charge of death energy. by releacing that energy he may preform the following actions. note some abilities require more then 1 charge of death energy. can be used at most once a battle. max of 3 charges saved.
--Self resurection- 2 charges, Ironknuckle bursts through the ground of the location where he had died, or the closest nearby planet. instantly alive.
--Death pact- 1 charge, as it says. Ironknuckle will instantly restore all lost energy, regenerate any destroyed limbs, and be completly rejuvinated.
--Spread Necrotic Plague- 3 charges- ironknuckle returns all those that have died on a planet, area, etc. back to life.... except they are zombies that obay his will. infection from those zombies will turn those infected into zombies... the reversal of this will require multiple dragonball wishes. [cure the plague[which kills those infected], uncorrupt the souls, return them to life]
--Raise Ally- 1 charge, temporarrly resurect an ally into undeath. they return with 90% pl/stats. this will only last for the remainder of a battle in 1 thread or 1 week.[longest prevails]. while alive from this the ally temporarrly has ironknuckle's RA undeath. ally can be healed via death coil.

lvl 1: -death grip- the user grabs the opponent using a necromatic magic and fings him to his location. the opponent basicly goes from standing still to suddenly being a baseball hearled to a batter. [channeling, untrackable, attack does no damage]

lvl 2: death strike- strikes the enemy absorbing their energy. [drain]
Chains of Ice- the user instantly summons icy chains to suround and ensnare his opponent. this ability must be focused upon by the user and prevents the use of other techniques. [disable]

Added (04.23.2011, 11:04 Am)
3: negitive zone- creates a sphere of anti-energy that will absorb energy equal to users pl.1.3x. this can be created in both individual size or increased to a larger scale to cover others.
4: pestilance, animate dead
5: soul flash
6:outbreak, rune strike
7: Dancing rune weapon

Message edited by Crono - Tuesday, 2011-04-12, 6:12 AM
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