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MonkeyDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 0:48 AM | Message # 1
Uber Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 1
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Name: Chiller
Race: Changeling
Details: Chiller stands at 4'5" weighing in at 101lbs. Chiller is the equivalent of 28 in human years. Specifics of his appearance can be seen in the picture above.
Origins: Born: Icer Current: Roaming
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Personality: Chiller suffers from an unstable personality. His dreams are haunted by nameless/faceless figures, whether they are victims from the past or lost souls, it is unknown to him. At first they only appeared in his dreams, but lately he has started to hallucinate seeing these figures out of the corners of his eyes. Chiller is ultimately looking after himself first, and others after. He is driven by Greed, feeling a need for money and power. He is willing to work with others as long as they fit his needs, but when they are no longer beneficial for him he will cut his ties and move on. Despite his size, Chiller is filled with a charismatic confidence, not letting his size determine what he does.
Team: None
Health Rank: Alive

Theme Song: Beaut of Annihilation by: Elena Siegman

Battle Statistics
Power Level: 1000
-Strength: 100
-Speed: 100
-Intelligence: 100
-Sensing: 200

Real / BS battle Records: 000
-Wins: 000
-Draws: 000
-Losses: 000
-Kills: 000
-Deaths: 000

Changeling Physiology: Changelings have the ability to survive without oxygen and the ability to withstand high pressures, allowing them to survive in
space. They take 14 days - current lv days to reach a planet and 21 - lv days to reach a galaxy.
Henshin: Changelings can shapeshift in various forms to increase their power. Changelings must transform in sequence { i.e: they cannot jump from their base form to their last form or from their second formto their last form. They must do it periodically. However, as they do so, all lost energy is healed. When jumping from form 3 to true form all damage done to the changeling is also healed. The changeling may choose to stick in a level of transformation unlocked in a previous thread instead of always walking in the base form though, but this information must be posted in their bio under "Details" in the Profile section { i.e: Current Form } . To revert to the Base Form { or Conservative Form } they must do it from True Form. He may advance up to 2 stages per post if he does nothing but trasform in the post. Can't be picked by Racial Trace
Fifth Limb: Changelings have a tail as their fifth limb. The tail works like a normal limb and is able to stretch to great distances.
Resistance: Changelings are pretty resistant; they are very resistant do damage { 25% reduction } allowing them to stay in the battlefield for extended periods of time, not to mention they take much more time to tire from stamina drain / energy useage { limited uses moves can be used 1 more time than the usual, with the exception of the ultimate move } . They may also train in one level of gravity higher than they normally would.
Meditation: Changelings doesn't really stay too long on meditations too often. For a 3 days meditation, their pl go x1.2.

Technique Name { Lv 1 }: TBA
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 2 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your learning move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 4 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your signature move
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your lv 6 custom
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: your ultimate move

Quests: None
Sensei: None

Extra Uses: None

[LOCKED] Form 2: Horns bend upside and grows larger. Body bulks up, with size and muscles nearly doubling in size.
-Pl Required: 25.000
-Effects: pl x 10, str x3

[LOCKED] Form 3: Skull gows horizontally, horns disappear, reappearing as thorns laterally on head and all over the back. Nose melds with the mouth, forming a crude beak and shoulders' natural armor stretches a little to he side, giving the changeling a montrous looks.
-Pl Required: 250.000
-Effects: pl x 15; str x3, spd x2

[LOCKED} True Form: Basically, the changeling attains his true form. Appearance depends on each changeling.
-Pl Required: 1.000.000
-Effects: pl x 30; str x3, spd x5

Job: Ordinary Job
-Money: 200 z {Banked: 0}
Items: Regular Clothes, Capsules Box, Scouter Mark I, Scouter Mark II
Weapons: None
Armors: Jacket
Housing: Basic Housing
Transportation: None

Life Story
Chiller lived two very different lives as a child. On one side, his mother taught him the basics of performing first aid and other medical tasks, while on the other side his father beat him mercilessly trying to harden him up. He was still a child when his mother was killed by demons that invaded the village. At the time his father was away, and he was helpless to save her. His father always blamed him for her death, which lead to more frequent and harsher beatings. This is what led Chiller to be the person he is now, cold, detached, and looking out for himself. While an adolescent he watched as his father was killed by a demon in another raid of their village. He felt no remorse. He felt no joy. He only felt a sense of freedom.

It was at this point that Chiller moved on with his life. He left his village and began to explore Icer, having no true skills besides those of the medical kind, he would go village to village helping with any sick or wounded. At first he did this for free, in exchange for food or a place to sleep. All was going well, he was able to get by, but he still felt empty inside. He had no purpose, he had no connection to those around him. He felt no remorse as he watched the sick and wounded die before him.

Once more he moved on with his life. He kept on traveling between villages, looking for a meaning to his life. It wasn't long before he got a taste for money, and greed soon became his main motivator. Coming across a village that had suffered a demon attack, he came across a changeling that begged for him to save his life, offering him all the money he had. It was at this point that Chiller realized, that why do something for free when you can get paid for it. He began to search for villages that had recently suffered an attack, much like a vulture scanning for a fresh carcass, and then exploiting the people of their money. Offering to perform medical tasks for a set price, and when they couldn't pay, Chiller would kill them.

Chiller now realizes that the Changeling race is a dying one. Haunted by faceless figures, he travels from village to village driven by a greed and a deep yearning to return the race to it's previous glory.

Added (02.18.2010, 9:48 Am)
I was recruited by Ehecatl.

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 12:53 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Your Bio is now up.
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