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Kensei Muguruma
TenshiDate: Monday, 2010-02-15, 2:45 PM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Name: Kensei Muguruma
Race: Vizard (Alien)
Details: 6'0, brown eyes, silver/grey hair, 211 years old, a 69 tattoo on his chest (the "6" for his last name, "Muguruma", which uses the kanji for "6" in it; the "9" for 9th Division).
Origins: Soul Society (heaven) { Currently: Earth}
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Personality: Kensei is portrayed as a much more mature, serious, and decisive individual, though he is easily annoyed and rather temperamental, often to a fault. A skilled and respected battlefield commander, he has a rather brutal fighting style, and quite often blasts his opponents apart. When not fighting, he has a blunt and slightly aggressive attitude, trying to cheer up a tearful Hisagi in a manner reminiscent of an army drill sergeant by yelling at him to "Cheer up, dammit!!", though he seems more passive and somewhat melancholic as a Vizard. (Hisagi is one of the people from his soul reaper days)

Team: None
Health Rank: alive
Theme Song: Viva la Vada
Battle Statistics
Power Level: 1000
-Strength: 250
-Speed: 150
-Intelligence: 50
-Sensing: 50
Real / BS battle Records: number of times you fought in a real battle / number of times you fought in a Battle Stadium battle
-Wins: 0
-Draws: 0
-Losses: 0
-Kills: 0
Racial Ability: Acceptance of Power- Being a Vizard, he has become accustomed to people thinking he's demonic. However, this inner hollow has a power not yet tapped, even with the final hollowfication. This ability unlocks the final power of being a vizard (1000 word quest to unlock, strength x6.5, speed x4.5)

Learning Ability: Kensei's Understanding- Great Age brings with it great patience. After a fight, Kensei can analyze what happen, learn from mistakes, realize what exactly helped him in the fight, and because of this he can get a greater bonus from the fight than he would otherwise. (x1.1 gain to all trainings that involve fighting)

Learning Move: Power of Muguruma- Described by technique

Meditation: With great age comes decent patience, and understanding of the energy within himself. Given one weeks time of staying still and pondering, his power will actually increase (x1.2 for 1 week)

Transformation 1: Bankai- Shown in picture
-Pl Required: 100.000
-Effects: pl x5; str x1.5, spd x1.5

Transformation 2: Hollowfication- Shown in picture
-Pl Required: 1.000.000
-Effects: pl x15; str x3, spd x2

Transformation 3: His actual appearence changes, his body turning white with black patterns on his body, a tail now formed. Imagine the picture above with the mask seen in Transformation 2, and silver hair
-Pl Required: 4.000.000
-Effects: pl x30; str x4, spd x4

Added (02.15.2010, 11:45 Pm)
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: Gravity Punch- Having learned how to use his ki to generate a sense of gravity, he concentrates it to his fist, manipulating the power to suck enemies close enough to him to deliver a punch. (Strength x1.1, effects anyone with a strength x1.2 his)
Technique Name { Lv 2 }: Energy Barage- Concentrating energy into his fist, he sends powerful punch barages at his opponant, the punches laced with energy. The energy is made so it will temporarily stun the opponant once he connects the first punch as to allow him to complete the barage of 12 hits (all punches, stun effects only those plx1.1 of his)
Technique Name { Lv 3 }: Power of Muguruma- He begins realizing Strength is just as important, if not more important, than speed. strength x1.3
Technique Name { Lv 4 }: Black Hole- Using his gravity manipulation, and his body as the center, he sucks multiple opponants near him at a time. All those who are not enemies (trees, rocks, etc) are insinerating before even reaching him. All others are sucked in until they reach the correct range to attack, where he'll deal devistating blows while their being sucked in, knocking the opponant out of the effects of the black hole, but hurting them immensly (effects those with a pl x1.2 of his own)
Technique Name { Lv 5 }: Kensei's Passion- He finally realizes, through expirience, strength truly is more important, and had developed a further understandign of this strength through ki. (Strength x1.5)
Technique Name { Lv 6 }: Final Destination- Kensei has completely mastered gravity, and is ready to impliment it. He concentrates a tiny ball of ki in his hand, throwing it up into the sky. Once it reaches a certain height, it expands (4 meters diameter) and starts sucking everything below in, except for Kensei. This is his most powerful technique concerning gravity, making it impossible to hold onto the ground/buildings for protection, as it drags them up with it. Effects go as followed, and all are effected by strength, not PL.
x.5- Death
x.75- Enemy passes out
x1- Enemy is badly hurt, unable to move for one post
x1.2+- Enemy is still sucked in, but barely hurt at all and can break out quickly. Difference of damage taken depends on how much stronger than Kensei the enemy is.
Technique Name { Lv 7 }: True Reversal- Kensei has left his mastery of Gravity in persuit of a new technique, a technique dealing with the senses. And he was able to learn just that. Through his research, and surprisingly with air of his mastery of all things gravity, he was able to learn his most powerful technique: True Reversal. Its a move targeting all of the 5 senses, taste, hearing, smell, seeing and touch. Seeing, hearing and touch are completely reversed. Smell and taste are eliminated. The true extent of this ability are staggering. Seeing is completely reversed. Everything seems upside down, right is left, front is back. (example: Kensei coming at your front ,swinging with his left hand upsidedown is what is seems like. Really, he's behind you, swinging with his right hand, rightside up). Hearing is reversed: You think you hear them from your left, they're on the right. Touch is also reversed, you go to block because you think it's your left hand, your using your right, missing the block. (This ability basically makes it impossible for one to defend. It only works on those with pl x1.1. effects last 1 post per enemy)

Quests: 0
Sensei: 0
Extra Uses: 0

Job: None
-Money: 0 { Banked: 450}
Items: Regular Clothes
Weapons: gear used offensively
Armors: clothing any gear used for protection
Housing: Sauna
Transportation: what carries you around { Upgrades: gadjets bought to improve your ship }

Life Story
(will come later, not retyping all this now lol)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
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