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Beowulf's Permits
BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 0:26 AM | Message # 1
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Race: Dimension Walker

*Racial Ability: Innate Stealth- Dimension Walker's physiology is constantly shifting to blend in with the environment, masking their energy, their thermal signature, and every other form of non-natural senses.
Learning Ability: Telepathy- Dimension Walkers can speak telepathically to any sentient creature (except full androids) on the same planet or in orbit around said planet.
Learning Move: Intangibility- a Dimension Walker's greatest defensive asset. When assailed in combat, they have the ability to phase out of the material plane, becoming intangible. Unless the attack(s) has their pl x 1.3 they are immune until their next turn. Usable once per battle, + one additional time per 1,000 intelligence.

Mind Skimming { Lv 1 }: against a target who's sensing is less than 1.1x his own, Asheron is able to read surface thoughts (no combat application, only for spying and such), learning whatever it is they are thinking of at the time. A willing target can freely mentally communicate back with his telepathy due to this move.

Added (03.06.2010, 9:26 Am)
i would like to add into mind skimming the ability to allow willing targets to see what i see if possible

Message edited by Beowulf - Saturday, 2010-03-06, 0:24 AM
ussjkennyDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 10:53 PM | Message # 2
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Innate Stealth- Masks energy.
Telepathy- Approved
Intangibility- Sure.
Mind Skimming- This would be based more on intelligence I think (in the past site mental techs were all based on int) And, personally seeing what he sees... I can see that as working due to telepathy, but I'll wait for more word.
BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 11:13 PM | Message # 3
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so, does that mean innate stealth doesnt protect me from night vision? and if not, why not?
ussjkennyDate: Saturday, 2010-03-06, 11:35 PM | Message # 4
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Energy cloaking by itself is an RA (Look at the android page) and honestly, nobody really uses things like that lol (plus on the thought of androids, they don't have natural senses)
RianoDate: Monday, 2010-03-08, 6:07 PM | Message # 5
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Innate Stealth- Approved under the assumption that it masks only energy. Like Kenny said, it's already a Racial Ability of the Androids so that limit has been predetermined.
Telepathy- Approvedness
Intangibility- Looks good, I like it.
Mind Skimming- You can choose sensing, I suppose. With mental abilities I think intelligence would reflect it's strength, but if this is just telepathy there's no reason it couldn't be a sense-like ability to mentally communicate. I dunno about combat application though... I'd like to talk to Kenny and Fellipe about the limits of this one.

BeowulfDate: Friday, 2010-03-12, 7:25 PM | Message # 6
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i dont intend the move for combat anyway, so no worries about talkin about it ^.^ one couldnt focus enough to keep reading the opponents mind durring the time

Added (03.10.2010, 9:59 Am)
Race: Destiny Being

Racials: Telepathic Conversation – Myou is of the beings called destiny beings, and as such he has no voice what so ever, instead he has developed a way to communicate telepathically, though that ability is limited to sight if he freely speaks but up to a mile if he targets one creature.

Learning Ability: Light Barrier – Myou is able to create a shield of pure Ki energy that can block 1 attack up to pl x1.3

Learning move: Tesseract Step – Myou is able to teleport anywhere within his sight range, allowing him to move in a ghostly fashion of fading in and out. Useable 3 times a fight
Technique Name { Lv 1 }: Holy Strike – a basic beam attack similar to the death beam in nature, though a yellowish white in color.

Added (03.13.2010, 4:25 Am)
Akuma’s Demon Racial Quest

Generate Fire; the ability to generate fire though your hands/mouth and mold / control it {remembering fire element has an aftershock at 50% original damage, which can't be blocked}. 2 times per battle, you may also try to change the course of an enemy's fire attack as long as its power isn't above your pl x1.5. also comes with channeling.

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 8:40 PM | Message # 7
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I guess I'll approve them.
BeowulfDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 7:22 PM | Message # 8
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Through the constant need to evolve beyond a physical state, the Dimension walkers have learned to turn their body into different gasses and control them through ki manipulation just as a solid person would with flight. These transformations are only temporary and count as an attack form. This shall take the place of the first racial quest for asheron.

Helium - through the natural ability to expand, and make objects lighter than air, this ki enabled helium actually reduces gravity down to zero in a bubble radius of 10 yards. for every 50k pl that the user has, the bubble expands another 5 yards.

- Carbon Dioxide - is able take the air around him allowing him to create thin ice needles that is able to freeze small areas that they hit. Because of this it causes it the target to have to be [Spd / Pl or Stat] x1.3 able to dodge or block it.

Chloroform – Ash is able to turn his own body into Chloroform at times, turning regular punches, kicks, or even weapon attacks into strikes that can paralyze. Paralysis effect applies to anything within melee range.

Oxygen - Because of the combustible nature of this gas it's able to be ignited through a flame or spark of some kind causing it to explode. The radius is 5 yards but requires 1 post to fill the area around the target with the gas. Because of this it can damage certain metals from weapons, and other metal devices within x1.2 his pl.

Carbon monoxide – this colorless, odorless gas simply known as the silent killer draws 5% of the targets PL from them per post, while this move does have the drain effect, it does not add any pl to the user of the gas.

Message edited by Beowulf - Monday, 2010-03-15, 7:24 PM
Hyuuga-NejiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 11:05 AM | Message # 9
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- Carbon Dioxide - is able take the air around him allowing him to create thin ice needles that is able to freeze small areas that they hit. Because of this it causes it the target to have to be [Spd / Pl ] x1.3 able to dodge or block it.

for carbon monoide: the draining thing lets just go with 4% instread of the 5 but this still will more the same as the normal draining effect minus the gain.

Also before the this are used they act upon the same level of which these effects are from and will only be able to be used until you have the pl for that move level, also for a draw back-ish thing that I had thought of while looking over this again. I think they should only be used as 1 move can only be used per post as this also takes it's toll on your character as well they can only be used X amount of times as per the level of the effect used with the move.

At least that's what I think anyway. other then what I had stated above I'll approve it.

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 6:41 PM | Message # 10
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custom weapon idea

Beam Rifle:

This rather large barrelled rifle fires piercing blasts at x1,3 power level. However, in the front is a bolt-action chamber, for inserting capsules. When a capsule containing a spear or grenade is installed in the chamber, and the weapon fired the contents of the chamber is converted to energy, and fired at the opponent. If the capsule contained a spear, it pierces at PLx1.8. If the capsule contained a grenade, it explodes on contact, dealing 1.4 energy damage in a broad radius explosion. On retracting the bolt the empty capsule is ejected out of the weapon unharmed.

Special Ability: Capsule Chamber (Detailed above)

Learning Move: Snipe- by taking the first of the two actions to line up a shot at a target that is unaware of him, and then firing, the user is able to focus on vitals, giving the attack the untrackable trait (opponent takes .3 penalty to sight speed to see the attack), and adds .3 to the weapon's normal damage. (Double this value if the sniping is done with a spear)

Attack values:

Standard Shot- x1.3 pierce
Standard Snipe- x1.6 pierce
Grenade Shot - x1.3 explosion
Spear Shot - x1.8 pierce
Spear Snipe - x 2.4 pierce

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Saturday, 2010-03-20, 4:38 AM | Message # 11
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yeah but no Piecing effects are based upon strength not pl, so no to the pl boosting effects, the piercing effects that you have above are way to darn high, I'm not sure about the sight speed penalty thing so I'm gonna say No to approving this Custom Weapon.
RianoDate: Saturday, 2010-03-20, 7:28 AM | Message # 12
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Nope. Values are too high. Choose one stat and stick with it.

Added (03.20.2010, 4:28 PM)
And as for the racial moves, I'll approve what Neji offered.

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-20, 10:25 AM | Message # 13
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Okay, time to start modifying...
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