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Character techniques and abilities
ShinigamiDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 4:56 AM | Message # 1
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Nakiato's racials -mostly copyed from the site, any help on improving is welcome.


Racial Ability: Abnormal Physiology and Senses: Due to a Crimson Noble's unique physiology makes it extreamely difficult to kill them. Their biological system replaces damaged organs to allow them to breathe in poison, and survive lack of oxygen. They are also compleately unable to bleed to death and can withstand twice as much gravity then a normal human can. the only sure way to kill one is to compleately destroy the head or totally crush and destroy the body, making them much more resistant to damage [25% reduction]. Their senses are highly attuned for hunting prey.
Special Move Learning Ability: This gives sight speed a special bonus of +0.2

Learning Ability: Gishiki no Kokuou Munashii [Rite of the No Life King]
Requirements: Shapeshifting skill at master or above.
While those who has ether a natural or learned ability to shape shift can assume different forms, they do not gain any of the physical strengths, speeds, intelligences or senses of the creatures or object's they transform into. Thanks to ancient teachings and lots of training this ability has been gained, by shifting the character's already existing attributes to suit the user's needs. These attributes are limited to 35% of the total amount the character currently has, can not become a negative number, and the technique lasts for 10 posts. Farther limitation is that, while all Racial LA's can be used if known, gained LA's must have the required stats to use, although if multiple LA's are know, they can be chosen between. This LA also must always be chosen to work. For example: if when used the user has 1500 intelligence left and 500 sensing, they are able to use double attack and shape shifting, but they cannot use instant transmission unless they meet the sensing requirement, even if they knew the technique already. If the user chose only to have 1000 intelligence, they would have to chose between double attack or shape shifting since you must have 1500 in order to know two LA's. They would also be required to have the 1000 int for any custom LA they wished to use. However LA's that dont have any requirements are still usable, such as the Evil Within or Channeling since they are not stat dependent to learn.

This skill does work with transformations and techniques, however they always get added to the changes done by this technique afterward. So additional stats created by transformations or techniques do not get rearranged at any point.

A break down of the ability
-limited to the original unaltered stats of the character.
-can shift 35% of the stats freely among the four.
-must always have at least 1000 intelligence to use this LA.
-stats can not be a negative number.
-limit to 10 post duration.
-racial LA's can be used freely if known.
-normal La's must meet all requirements to know, including intelligence to learn, but may freely chose what LA's are active. All LA's must already be learned.
-LA's that have a constant effect like Evil within or Channeling remain active regardless.
-works with transformations, but all transformation effects are calculated after the shifting effects.

Learning Move: Blood Munipulation: A Crimson Noble is able to munipulate and control their blood at will, both inside and outside their body. This allows them to liquify and solidify it at will, in any shape they wish, granting it the density of steel or returning it back to a liquid state. note: they do not need to be wounded to use this ability Does spd x1.3 and counts as a lv 3 move


Shapemaster: This works like the shapeshifter moves, though it has its own level progression and it's much more powerful.
LV 1: Works like Shapeshifter Lv 3
LV 2: Can change body texture like a chameleon to merge with the background, becoming invisible {air doesn't count} . Requires touching.
LV 3: Can shapeshift body only partially. i.e. can make arm turn into a blade or even a functional gun.
Requires 500 base int p/ lv {1.500 for the 3rd} and 500 words per level {Lv 1 comes for free} to learn.

Racial Move; Adaptability: Regenerative Ability: [Locked]
Requirements: a 2.000 words story describing how you you learned your race's most powerful ability. Must have a base pl of at least 5 million.
The most extreme form of healing. It does follow a few rules, concerning its working, though:
1) It requires energy useage, taking no more than a single action to regenerate, though the strain
prevents The user from using energy blasts in the same post he regenerates.
2) To keep track of how much The user can use this, consider him having a 100% energy gauge.
Everytime he regens, a certain % is dropped from it. The % depends on the level of the
regeneration he wants. If the energy gauge reaches 0%, The user cannot regenerate anymore,
nor use energy blasts. Possible regenerations are:
- Cuts / Bruises / Reattach a Limb : -10%
- Severe Wounds / Broken Bones : -20%
- Regrow a Limb : -25%
- Regrow Head : -30%
- Remake Significant Ammount of Body Mass : -50%
3) For the turn The user regenerates, his defenses are reduced by the same % used

Custom Moves

Tanrou's custom move

lvl 1 False Flames: Surrounding his fists in his own energy, Tanrou makes his fists appear to be on fire and allow him to deal his pl in addition to his strength, requires touch. pl x1.1
Note: his fists are not really on fire they just look like it, so effects that reduce fire damage or control them have no effect on this technique.

Nakiato's custom move

Lvl 1 Impale: This technique allows nakiato to alter his blood so that it takes on increaseingly sharp attrabutes. in doing so it allows whatever the blood is shaped into to peirce at an improved ability. peirce x1.3 str x1.1 -required weapon blood

Chaos' Custom move

Lvl 1 flashing strike: this close combat strike is quite difficult to detect due to its abnormal speed making it untrackable to normal eyes. Will give a -0.3 penalty to the target's sight speed to spot the move, requires touch, str x1.1


Chaos' racial quest

Demon Power: Combat Monster: Thanks to Chaos' duel heriatage, he has an instentive understanding of combat. As long as he can see a move he is able to memorize the technique, [although he cannot perform it with this technique alone], and, the next time someone uses that technique against him its efficiency is cut in half, eventually allowing it to be rendered innifective. the third time and so on, the technique's power will be cut to 1/3 of its original power. he must be aware of, and actively using this skill to memorize the technique.
-Requirements: 1.000 words decribing how the ability manifested

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Thursday, 2010-02-18, 12:43 PM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
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RA 1: No way.

Racial LA: Sure

Special Quest LA: Sure... But you don't get more than one LA, just to clarify.

LM: Can use three times a battle. Lasts for a single attack.

Shapemaster: Sure

Racial Move: Sure.

Tanrou's Lv 1: Sure

Nakaito's: Sure.. don't need though, as shapeshifting blood in a dagger for example with the p, would already give it its basic properties of slicing / piercing. Anyway, 5 times per battle.

Chaos' Lv 1: Sure. 5 times per battle.

Demon Power: Approved.

ShinigamiDate: Saturday, 2010-02-20, 0:03 AM | Message # 3
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alright, umm just to be clear aliens get a racial LA, can they also quest latter for the LA? because i really want to keep my Gishiki no Kokuou Munashii [Rite of the No Life King] move, i just want to make sure i understand it so there are no mistakes latter.

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Saturday, 2010-02-20, 1:01 PM | Message # 4
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Yes, you do get the quest.
ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 5:52 AM | Message # 5
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alright it will be my quest one and this shall be my racial LA. when you see a * check the notes.

Racial LA: Blood Munipulation: All Crimson Nobles have a unique ability to munipulate and control their blood, both inside and outside their body. This allows them to liquify and solidify it at will, changing its shape to anything they can imagine, alter its density to that of steel or returning it back to a liquid state. as the crimson noble grows in power, his ability to munipulate blood grows as well, maintaining an equal strength and speed to his own*. since the blood is a natural part of his own body, a crimson noble is able to send Ki throughout it normally without having to worry about special channeling training, and the blood is not required to be physically connected to the user, although it cannot travel too far away from them. This means that while in combat he could create a bat, for example, out of blood and use it to create a advantage or sneak attack, however it could not be sent halfway around the world to do something. In addition because a crimson noble is able to control the shape and density of their blood they can use it to recreate basic weapon, armor and even some vary simple items** [ie. cloths, ocarina's, fishing rod, weights] in addition to using it with no real from or shape to attack and defend, although the items cannot be sold or given to another person.

*[not sure if i can get away with having it slightly faster then him with a x1.1-1.3 advantage or combining stats to alter the speed with like spd+int/2 without altering the number of uses it can be done. i did kinda imagine that it was faster then he was, but i definently want it to be unlimited if possible. ]

**[while a basic ocarina can be made without issue, you would still be required to do the quests to improve it, before the blood version could benifit. and regarless one could not create grand kai weights, and still would require real weights to use them. most of the technological stuff however cannot be made.]


about the RA: well, on the old site it was the same, and things like instakill attacks still would kill him if they work, i didnt view it much more differently then how frieza can survive with only half his body left, unless i am strong enough to regenerate, i am still in trouble.


LM:Machigawase-Yasui Ayumi [Illusionary Step]: this technique allows nakiato to unlock the limits within his body for an instant allowing him to drastically increase his speed. while doing so he is much more difficult to track due to illusionary afterimages that are left behind. x1.3 speed, and cuts the sight speed bonus in half. for example: a x1.2 sight speed bonus is instead x1.1. however it uses a lot of power to use this technique so it can only be done twice a battle.

Lv 1 move: Lightning Punch: This simple energy move will surround his fist or even blood with lightning, allowing it to do damage equal to his power level in addition to his strength. pl x1.1

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Hyuuga-NejiDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 6:54 PM | Message # 6
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Blood Munipulation: No way, I'm not found of the idea of taking another stat and adding it to another. Regardless on where you got it, I'm still not found of even for a Racial Move.

everything else is fine.

That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 9:37 PM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
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Blood Manip: You may create basic blood weapons and that's all. The ocarina is suitable too. But only basic.

RA: Still too much.

LM: 3 times a battle I would allow.

Lighting Punch: sure.

ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 10:06 PM | Message # 8
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alright, i understand, thats why i put it in brackets as a possibility instead of writing it directly into the ability. i figured that it would not be possible, it was just an option that i wanted feedback on. so that note can be ignored.

and i am having a horrible time figuring out how to balance my RA. any help is apreciated.

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 10:15 PM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
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RA: No need for oxygen, withsdtands one more level of gravity and 25% damage reduction, fine. Senses thign as long as it is description fine. Only die by squishing head / destroyign the body: no way.
ShinigamiDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 10:55 PM | Message # 10
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Racial Ability: Abnormal Physiology and Senses: Due to a Crimson Noble's unique physiology makes it extreamely difficult to kill them. Their biological system replaces damaged organs to allow them to breathe in poison, and survive lack of oxygen. They are also compleately unable to bleed to death and can withstand twice as much gravity then a normal human can thus making them much more resistant to damage [25% reduction]. Their senses are highly attuned for hunting prey.
Special Move Learning Ability: This gives sight speed a special bonus of +0.2

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
That_Brazilian_GuyDate: Monday, 2010-02-22, 11:06 PM | Message # 11
Less of a Noob
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One more level of gravity. Just one.
ShinigamiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 8:52 PM | Message # 12
Group: Users
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Racial Ability: Abnormal Physiology and Senses: Due to a Crimson Noble's unique physiology makes it extreamely difficult to kill them. Their biological system replaces damaged organs to allow them to breathe in poison, and survive lack of oxygen. They are also compleately unable to bleed to death and can withstand one level more of gravity then a normal human can thus making them much more resistant to damage [25% reduction]. Their senses are highly attuned for hunting prey.
Special Move Learning Ability: This gives sight speed a special bonus of +0.2


Added (03.18.2010, 5:52 Am)
Ok, seems there are some issues with my character abilities, specificly Nakiato's racial powers.

to make everything easy, as far as i knew this was how everything worked, and was aproved.

Racial Ability: Abnormal Physiology and Senses: Due to a Crimson Noble's unique physiology makes it extreamely difficult to kill them. Their biological system replaces damaged organs to allow them to breathe in poison, and survive lack of oxygen. They are also compleately unable to bleed to death and can withstand one level more of gravity then a normal human can thus making them much more resistant to damage [25% reduction]. Their senses are highly attuned for hunting prey.
Special Move Learning Ability: This gives sight speed a special bonus of +0.2

Racial LA: Blood Munipulation: All Crimson Nobles have a unique ability to munipulate and control their blood, both inside and outside their body. This allows them to liquify and solidify it at will, changing its shape to anything they can imagine, alter its density to that of steel or returning it back to a liquid state. as the crimson noble grows in power, his ability to munipulate blood grows as well, maintaining an equal strength and speed to his own. since the blood is a natural part of his own body, a crimson noble is able to send Ki throughout it normally without having to worry about special channeling training, and the blood is not required to be physically connected to the user, although it cannot travel too far away from them. This means that while in combat he could create a bat, for example, out of blood and use it to create a advantage or sneak attack, however it could not be sent halfway around the world to do something. In addition because a crimson noble is able to control the shape and density of their blood they can use it to recreate basic weapon, armor and even some vary simple items* [ie. cloths, ocarina's, fishing rod, weights] in addition to using it with no real from or shape to attack and defend, although the items cannot be sold or given to another person.

*[while a basic ocarina only. and regarless one could not create grand kai weights, and still would require real weights to use them. may create basic blood weapons only.]


LM:Machigawase-Yasui Ayumi [Illusionary Step]: this technique allows nakiato to unlock the limits within his body for an instant allowing him to drastically increase his speed. while doing so he is much more difficult to track due to illusionary afterimages that are left behind. x1.3 speed, and cuts the sight speed bonus in half. for example: a x1.2 sight speed bonus is instead x1.1. however it uses a lot of power to use this technique so it can only be done three times a battle.


Shapemaster: This works like the shapeshifter moves, though it has its own level progression and it's much more powerful.
LV 1: Works like Shapeshifter Lv 3
LV 2: Can change body texture like a chameleon to merge with the background, becoming invisible {air doesn't count} . Requires touching.
LV 3: Can shapeshift body only partially. i.e. can make arm turn into a blade or even a functional gun.
Requires 500 base int p/ lv {1.500 for the 3rd} and 500 words per level {Lv 1 comes for free} to learn.

Racial Move; Adaptability: Regenerative Ability: [Locked]
Requirements: a 2.000 words story describing how you you learned your race's most powerful ability. Must have a base pl of at least 5 million.
The most extreme form of healing. It does follow a few rules, concerning its working, though:
1) It requires energy useage, taking no more than a single action to regenerate, though the strain
prevents The user from using energy blasts in the same post he regenerates.
2) To keep track of how much The user can use this, consider him having a 100% energy gauge.
Everytime he regens, a certain % is dropped from it. The % depends on the level of the
regeneration he wants. If the energy gauge reaches 0%, The user cannot regenerate anymore,
nor use energy blasts. Possible regenerations are:
- Cuts / Bruises / Reattach a Limb : -10%
- Severe Wounds / Broken Bones : -20%
- Regrow a Limb : -25%
- Regrow Head : -30%
- Remake Significant Ammount of Body Mass : -50%
3) For the turn The user regenerates, his defenses are reduced by the same % used

Custom Moves

Lv 1 move: Lightning Punch: This simple energy move will surround his fist or even blood with lightning, allowing it to do damage equal to his power level in addition to his strength. pl x1.1

Tanrou's custom move

lvl 1 False Flames: Surrounding his fists in his own energy, Tanrou makes his fists appear to be on fire and allow him to deal his pl in addition to his strength, requires touch. pl x1.1
Note: his fists are not really on fire they just look like it, so effects that reduce fire damage or control them have no effect on this technique.

Chaos' Custom move

Lvl 1 flashing strike: this close combat strike is quite difficult to detect due to its abnormal speed making it untrackable to normal eyes. Will give a -0.3 penalty to the target's sight speed to spot the move, requires touch, str x1.1 5x per battle

quest learning ability for nakiato
Learning Ability: Gishiki no Kokuou Munashii [Rite of the No Life King]
Requirements: Shapeshifting skill at master or above.
While those who has ether a natural or learned ability to shape shift can assume different forms, they do not gain any of the physical strengths, speeds, intelligences or senses of the creatures or object's they transform into. Thanks to ancient teachings and lots of training this ability has been gained, by shifting the character's already existing attributes to suit the user's needs. These attributes are limited to 35% of the total amount the character currently has, can not become a negative number, and the technique lasts for 10 posts. Farther limitation is that, while all Racial LA's can be used if known, gained LA's must have the required stats to use, although if multiple LA's are know, they can be chosen between. This LA also must always be chosen to work. For example: if when used the user has 1500 intelligence left and 500 sensing, they are able to use double attack and shape shifting, but they cannot use instant transmission unless they meet the sensing requirement, even if they knew the technique already. If the user chose only to have 1000 intelligence, they would have to chose between double attack or shape shifting since you must have 1500 in order to know two LA's. They would also be required to have the 1000 int for any custom LA they wished to use. However LA's that dont have any requirements are still usable, such as the Evil Within or Channeling since they are not stat dependent to learn.

This skill does work with transformations and techniques, however they always get added to the changes done by this technique afterward. So additional stats created by transformations or techniques do not get rearranged at any point.

A break down of the ability
-limited to the original unaltered stats of the character.
-can shift 35% of the stats freely among the four.
-must always have at least 1000 intelligence to use this LA.
-stats can not be a negative number.
-limit to 10 post duration.
-racial LA's can be used freely if known.
-normal La's must meet all requirements to know, including intelligence to learn, but may freely chose what LA's are active. All LA's must already be learned.
-LA's that have a constant effect like Evil within or Channeling remain active regardless.
-works with transformations, but all transformation effects are calculated after the shifting effects.

Chaos' LA quest

Combat Monster: Thanks to Chaos' duel heriatage, he has an instentive understanding of combat. As long as he can see a move he is able to memorize the technique, [although he cannot perform it with this technique alone], and, the next time someone uses that technique against him its efficiency is cut in half, eventually allowing it to be rendered innifective. the third time and so on, the technique's power will be cut to 1/3 of its original power. he must be aware of, and actively using this skill to memorize the technique.
-Requirements: 1.000 words decribing how the ability manifested
Now appearently there is a issue with the blood munipulation ability i created. so that i do not gain the additional 1849 pl that i would have by using it because i am told it was not approved.

Quote (Shinigami)
alright it will be my quest one and this shall be my racial LA. when you see a * check the notes.
Racial LA: Blood Munipulation: All Crimson Nobles have a unique ability to munipulate and control their blood, both inside and outside their body. This allows them to liquify and solidify it at will, changing its shape to anything they can imagine, alter its density to that of steel or returning it back to a liquid state. as the crimson noble grows in power, his ability to munipulate blood grows as well, maintaining an equal strength and speed to his own*. since the blood is a natural part of his own body, a crimson noble is able to send Ki throughout it normally without having to worry about special channeling training, and the blood is not required to be physically connected to the user, although it cannot travel too far away from them. This means that while in combat he could create a bat, for example, out of blood and use it to create a advantage or sneak attack, however it could not be sent halfway around the world to do something. In addition because a crimson noble is able to control the shape and density of their blood they can use it to recreate basic weapon, armor and even some vary simple items** [ie. cloths, ocarina's, fishing rod, weights] in addition to using it with no real from or shape to attack and defend, although the items cannot be sold or given to another person.
*[not sure if i can get away with having it slightly faster then him with a x1.1-1.3 advantage or combining stats to alter the speed with like spd+int/2 without altering the number of uses it can be done. i did kinda imagine that it was faster then he was, but i definently want it to be unlimited if possible. ]
**[while a basic ocarina can be made without issue, you would still be required to do the quests to improve it, before the blood version could benifit. and regarless one could not create grand kai weights, and still would require real weights to use them. most of the technological stuff however cannot be made.]

Quote (Hyuuga-Neji)
Blood Munipulation: No way, I'm not found of the idea of taking another stat and adding it to another. Regardless on where you got it, I'm still not found of even for a Racial Move.
everything else is fine.

Quote (That_Brazilian_Guy)
Blood Manip: You may create basic blood weapons and that's all. The ocarina is suitable too. But only basic.

Quote (Shinigami)
alright, i understand, thats why i put it in brackets as a possibility instead of writing it directly into the ability. i figured that it would not be possible, it was just an option that i wanted feedback on. so that note can be ignored.

the way that i read that, is that the suggestion on a speed variation is denied, but everything else is alright. if i was not under the impression that the character abilities were aceptable, i would have never posted as the character. now Auron says he has not approved it and views it as too over powered.

So, i ask, how can i fix it so that it is acceptable? if there is just no way of making it in a way that is ok, then i am just going to replace this character with something else.

I’ll chase you till the end of time. Ill change your fact to myth. To all four corners of the world, and even to the fifth. I do not fear my punishment, by karma or by jury. No tempered wit nor stroke of luck can save you from my fury.
Hyuuga-NejiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-18, 6:38 PM | Message # 13
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 158
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Status: Offline
Racial LA: Blood Munipulation:

Alright here is the issue and the items that I'd consider as basic items that would be able to be used.

Dagger { 100 }: Small blade that pierces characters up to the attacker's strenght x1.2. Slicing is at x1.1.
Sword {250}: Long blade that pierces / slashes characters up to the attacker's strenght x1.3 / x1.2 respectively { If you have a particular style of sword, please state it, katana, rapier, etc }.
Mace { 250 }: Allow you to shrink natural damage reduction. When 25%, it becomes 20%. 50% it becomes 25%. And so on.
Spear { 200 }: Long blade that pierces anyone below the wielder's strength x1.5 and slashes if the target's strenght is below user's x1.1.
Shuriken { 100 }: Throwing star that can pierce at x1.2 strength.
Axe { 250 }: Pole with double edges that slashes at x1.2 strength.
Knuckles { 100 }: Allow you to shrink natural damage reduction { not armours! }. When 25%, it becomes 20%. 50% it becomes 25%. And so on.
Grenade { 100 }: May explode at user's pl, if energy is put into it. Else, it has a fix base pl of 20.000. 1 unit for single use. The explosion is Slightly hard to block { x1.1}.

Bracers { 500 }: May me used as small shields to give a -0.3 penalty on an incoming slashing/piercing attack.
General Armour { 750 }: Basic type of armour that blocks attacks at 50% your str and gives a 0.3 penalty to piercing moves. Stacks with clothing used along with the armor.

Regular Clothes { 50 }: Just a normal outfit for any warrior.
Jackets { 50 }: If used along with regular clothes reduces slashing / piercing in -0.1
Gi { 250 }: Just a gi, with a symbol on it, which cna be of your own creation or be representant of another school. Reduces slashing/piercing in -0.2

Ocarina { 500 }: Normal Ocarina. Its a musical instrument that was once mainly used by the konat-jin's to use their meditations and to play their magic songs.
Fishing Rod { 500 }: You can catch fishes.

this meaning nothing else would be able to be used at least that's what I'm sticking to for this.

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