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Assassins Head Quarters
JezDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 2:06 AM | Message # 1
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Ok, here's the deal.
1. Char name
2. Char race
3. Planet your char's on

lets see if we cant get a bit creative here

KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 2:52 AM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
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JezDate: Tuesday, 2010-02-23, 3:13 AM | Message # 3
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"Hmmm, you're name is Hachi, and there is no last name on this file."
The head assassin was a very powerful looking namekian, dressed plainly in loose black pants with a black sash. The colour black did not usually look good on people of his species, but Ander was different, instead of the usual pinkish muscle masses. He possessed the unusual grey colouring, the mark of a true warrior amongst the nameks in his tribe.

He looked back at the demon.
"You certainly are a strange one, but i have just the mission."
He turned away and faced the window whilst continuing to speak, "During my travels on the ice planet I found a rare sect of changelings that were learning to control the fire element. They apparently believed they were working on changing the general alignment of their race to a more acceptable status, due to the fact that fire is the supreme giver of life. But their leader happens to be a general taught under the legendary trainer fire flash.
I need you to go and find out as much as you can about their secret mountain hideout. Oh and if you run across any of the low level henchies wandering around the place, end them quickly and quietly. Stealth is absolutely necessary, the general can not be alerted to our interest in his operation.
Once you have found out all you can about the general, come back and report to me about what you have found."

"Turning back to the demon, Ander threw a small parcel in the air for him to catch. Here are some fireproof gloves and a scouter to help you along your way."

With that he turned away once more and waited for Hachi to leave.

ooc: you don't actually get fireproof gloves and a scouter, its just for the sake of you being able to write a story.

TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 9:30 PM | Message # 4
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Soul Reaper/Vizard (alien)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
JezDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 3:13 AM | Message # 5
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Ander lounged in his desk-chair with his feet up when a strange being walked in.
The namekian was expecting this person. His file told him that it's name was Kensei and it was something not from earth. But he was here, like any other, to complete missions and earn money.
"Let's get straight to the point shall we?" He said with supreme authority in his voice.
"There is what seems to be a 'tribe' of konat-jin's that belong to a group called the 'priests of the blade' and they have set up a base in sector 7. On their own planet they are renowned for their skills with any bladed weapon and are a supremely powerful force. The leader of these 'priests' wields a weapon he likes to call 'shaddock.' It once belonged to me, but he stole it. I need you to go in there and get it back by any means possible. Oh and before you do, you may want to brush up on your skills against blades of all kinds, don't underestimate them, i really do not have the time to come in and rescue you.'

Added (02.25.2010, 12:13 Pm)
ooc, i completely forgot to say the 'tribe' had randomly come to earth to spread peace... kill them :P

Message edited by Jez - Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 11:46 PM
TenshiDate: Thursday, 2010-02-25, 8:40 PM | Message # 6
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Kensei appeared in the window, dropping the Shaddock. "Returned: I'll be back soon for the next mission" he said, falling out of the window and disappearing from siite.

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
KryeedDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 11:05 PM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
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mission two

JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 11:16 PM | Message # 8
Group: Users
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There has been another government shift over the planet icer. With the old leader frieza going away on a hiatus, the rest of the changelings have been warring over control. Don't worry too much though, because frieza was always too scared of being overthrown by his inferiors they are all very weak.
One of the parliamentery changelings have some documents that, if allowed to become public knowledge, will throw the whole planet in a state of utter anarchy. As of yet i still feel the need to stay on Frieza's good side.
Your mission is to destroy the documents any way possible.
Oh and we have some intel that states the documents will be reaching the parliament house in three hours from now. That is all i can give you....
KryeedDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 9:40 PM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
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mission three

JezDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 10:51 PM | Message # 10
Group: Users
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"Ok Hachi, you seem to be slightly competent in the job of an assassin, let's give you something a little bit more challenging shall we?"
Ander opened his desk and ruffled through the papers, pausing every now and then to give off the impression he had actually found what he was looking for. The shuffling seemed to go on for ages but finally he put the demon out of his misery.
"There are a small group of four changelings that have come out of absolutely nowhere. Their names are 'Raj, Stess, Vander and Raff.' Each of them favour a different fighting style and are at different levels in their training. Raj and Stess will always be together, it is rumoured that they are actually lovers but don't let that fool you into thinking they are weak. Raj fights with the big, high damage energy blasts that wreak absolute havoc in the surrounding area. Stess on the other hand recently lost both of her hands and the tip of her tail. She somehow managed to install energy absorbers into both palms and one onto the tip of the synthetic tail. Be very careful of these, if all three touch you at once she will take your energy at an alarming rate. When it comes to these two, keep Stess at range, and fight Raj in close, thats the best advice I can give you.

Vander is an absolute expert with the dual fan weapons. If i'm not mistaken, these are definitely not to be taken lightly, bladed tips and metal spikes that can be shot from the centre, be very very careful when fighting against these. Also, you should note that he is a speed freak, the speed and slashing blades took away the need for strength in his attacks, if you manage to disarm him of the fans he will be an easy kill.

Finally Raff... This man is nothing more than a brute. He wields a hammer that, at the press of a button, changes into a meteor hammer with a few modifications. The ball on the end is actually the head of his hammer and it can only be wielded by someone of his gargantuan size/strength. He won't let you get close enough to attack, but even if he did his armour plating negates half of all damage, physical and energetic. If you manage to ever get to him properly, go for the knees. Supporting that much weight, they SHOULD be the weakest point. Oh and unless you have an absolutely foolproof plan i would not suggest sneaking up on him....

Good luck Hachi.

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