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The Android Emerges
EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 6:14 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Off in the in mountains of northern Earth, deep beneath the ground surface there is a strange laboratory. It was a decently large room with a wide array of computers and desks around the various walls. The desks were littered with machine parts and various mechanical objects. Multiple robotic limbs that had been opened up to reveal their innards could also be found, as well as various formulas drawn on paper and scattered around the room. Whoever lived in this place was highly disorganized. Whoever lived here was clearly a bit scatter brained. And on the left wall of the room were a series of strange, glass tubes with some form of mechanical bodies within it. Likely androids that were not activated. The main room broke off into several other rooms. One of which was a bathroom. One a specialized room for bathing. One a bed room. But the last was a small office. A few bookcases lined the walls, with a large window behind the main desk in the center of the room. Of course, the window showed only a huge wall of stone and dirt as the entire place was subterranean. On the desk was a bunch of papers and pencils, just as randomly placed as in the main room. A small, framed picture of a woman with long, purple hair and a young girl sitting on her lap sat in the other corner of the desk. Likely the owner’s wife and daughter.

Back in the main room the owner of his laboratory, a tall, thin man with wavy brown hair and a white lab coat, was working on his newest creation. It stood at nearly eight feel tall. And was a monstrous conglomeration of metal. The body of the machine was bulky, each arm easily being the width of two men, and ended in a pair of large, claw-like hands. Just below the first set of arms were two, smaller limbs that seemed more adept for lifting small objects for analysis. The armor itself was a distinct, dark green color with a single, large, optical eye in the center of the head, with a cross-hair target symbol for the pupil. The man stood up, admiring his work from behind a pair of small, circular glasses. Only now would it be apparent this man was missing his right arm, as the sleeve fell down empty. His left hand holding a wrench tightly as he looked over his creation. This was Dr. Hisakata, a world renowned master of robotics and program design. He was currently working on his newest designs for the Earth government. Androids to be used for various purposes. Combat androids to replace soldier on the front lines, complete with artificial ki generation in order to battle more powerful “Ki sensitives”. Beings with the ability to manipulate ki energy to unleash incomprehensibly powerful forces. Up to this point, the good doctor had been largely unsuccessful. But he felt he would have the answer soon.

Despite Dr. Hisakata’s main focus over the years being the military androids, his true passion was something much less sinister. The hulking android he worked on now. Despite it’s size and obvious deadliness, the machine was in fact NOT a weapon. It was designed to be a research and exploration unit. All the heavy armor was meant for survival in inhospitable places. The eye of a hurricane or tornado. Inside an active volcano. Even the upper reaches of the stratosphere or the dead of space. Survival was key to the design Hisakata had chosen. And the large, optical unit on the machine’s head was so advanced it never missed even the smallest item of interest. The two metal crushing claws were for moving heavy obstacles and doing the heavy duty lifting required for underground expeditions, and the two smaller arms were for handling the more fragile items and the items that were to small to grip with the giant claws. As marvelous as the body of this machine was, it was the programming that made it the prize of Hisakata’s research. It was a highly intuitive program designed to learn and react to new changes to its environment. Sure, the same programs were used in his military units, but they were not quite as intricate. The war machines merely reacted to the situation and occasionally produced a new strategy. His research android however, responded to the change, learned from it, learned what made the change possible, and would permanently know how to handle that situation in the future. It would truly learn.

With a light sigh Dr. Hisakata placed the wrench to the side, walking over to his main computer. “Ah… Time to see if you work, my not so little creation.” He said in a rather dull, bored voice. In truth, the man was incredibly excited. But the past few months away from his family had left him with his old, dreary disposition. He pressed a series of buttons before hitting the enter key. Almost immediately, the android behind him activated, the center eye unit glowing a light green. Hisakata grinned, casually turning around and examining his prized creation.

After a slight pause Hisakata raises his arm up above his head and flailing it around. “Its alive…! Its ALIVE!!!!” He spazzed out, eyes bulging and body wiggling about like he had just gone completely mad. Then almost as if nothing happened he lowered his arm back to his side, and the face returned to a calm, mildly bored expression. With a slight chuckle at his own strange antics he approached the android. Had to amuse himself, after all. Being alone in his lab for so long was beginning to make him a bit stir crazy. But luckily it would only be a few more weeks until he got to see his loving family again. “Well.. Now that that is over how are you feeling today Artificial Research and Exploration Unit nine nine nine six? …. Hmm… We’ll have to shorten that at some point..”

The large android’s optical sensor locked into Hisakata, the machine seemingly lowering itself to face it’s master on more even ground. “I am… Well…” It said in a highly metallic voice. A small jet of steam rising from it’s shoulder blades as the contraption expelled unneeded heat from it’s inner workings.

“Ah, good, good. The ventilation system works. That’s important. Without it you would overheat and die. Or.. Stop working I guess… Same thing.” The human said, walking a little closer to his machine and looking it up and down intently. “Looks like everything is in order… Nothing is breaking… Nothing looks like its about to explode…” After a few more moments Hisakata popped back up, patting the contraption on the shoulder. “You’re in perfect health, nine nine nine six.”

The android just stared at his creator, not sure how to respond. “That is… Good.. To know.”

“Hmm…Your speech could use some work. But that might just be because you are learning speech from me… Learning a little slower than I expected. Buut nothing is ever perfect first time around I suppose.”

The android contemplated this for a moment. “I.. Am not perfect. I did not learn speech fast… Enough.”

The one armed scientist smiled, patting the giant machine reassuringly. “Don’t feel to bad. It took me about… Two to three years to learn to speak. And even then I kinda sucked at it.. Sooo I guess you are doing great.”

“I am doing great..? That is good.” The android replied.

“Ah, see! You are already doing better. Guess it just took you a minute or so to get use to making the sounds the way humans do.” The one armed scientist said. “It won’t be long now until you are full operational! With your AI I wouldn’t be surprised if you were able to carry on a real conversation.. Well, once you have more time to observe social interactions anyway.”

“Conversations..? My purpose is to gather information in hostile situations. Why would I need conversations?” The android asked, it’s massive head tilting to the side like a confused child.

Hisakata grinned in amusement, the android he created had already developed it’s first personality quirk. And without having observed another being do it first. It wasn’t just learning, the machine was honestly developing on its own. “Well, conversations are important in gathering information. Sometimes you have to talk to people to learn new things. Sitting back and observing doesn’t always work.” Hisakata explained, walking off to the side and pressing a few quick keys on his computer. “Well, its time for you to go offline for a bit, Nine Nine Nine Six. I need to run some diagnostic tests on a medical android. “And with that, Hisakata turned the AREU unit off, putting it into an energy conserving sleep.

TIME SKIP Three Days Later

Dr. Hisakata was casually working on another android he built. A medical android designed to work in hospitals and take care of the wounded. Overall, he rather enjoyed working on such peaceful creations. They didn’t require as much hardware to be installed for weaponry as many surgical procedures are easily done with delicate, humanoid hands. And the fact his creation was going to be used to save lives rather than end them made the work much more enjoyable overall. And above all else, it allowed him to play around with a more peaceful AI, designing it to be calm and soothing to those it interacted with. Military AIs were fun, but they didn’t need a personality. And that was just boring.

As Hisakata made the last few alterations to the machine’s body, the light’s flickered. “That was odd…” He said, standing up and looking around the room. The floor itself began to vibrate lowly as a crushing sound could be heard getting closer and closer. The one armed scientist knew what was coming… A land slide. He rushed over to the computers, desperately trying to shut down the electrical chargers connected to his precious androids before something happened, but it was to late.

The main window in the office that opened up to a large wall of stone and dirt shattered under the added pressure of the earth that was crashing down up on top of the underground laboratory. Dirt and earth filled the office, pushing the desk up against the door connecting it to the main room. The lights all went off as the lab’s own power generator was crushed, causing a tremendous power surge. Hisakata himself was left alone, in a dark, dusty room. He couldn’t see anything, regardless of how hard he tried. How would he get out? The only exits were almost certainly buried. The one thought on his mind came echoing through his lips over and over again. “Am I going to die here..?”

Almost as if to answer his question, several lights flickered on. But not the lab lights. The sound of glass shattering could be heard, followed by the thumping of some mechanical entity walking forward. Hisakata cowered back, staring at the lights as they approached. It was the eyes of one of his military androids. Armed for battle, just as programmed.

Horrified, Hisakata made a dash to his computer, desperately trying to shut down his creations before they executed their primary function, and him. But with no power his attempts were in vain. Realizing his last hope to survive was gone, the one armed scientist turned around to face his soon to be killers. His face oddly calm about the whole thing, though bored and a bit annoyed. “Well damn…” He said, just as the main andro0id came down with a devastating blow. Killing Dr. Hisakata instantly. Once the only human life form in the lab was gone, the various androids turned on one another, each powering up their own weapons.

Without notice a massive, mechanical claw came sweeping down from the shadows, crushing one of the military android’s chest component in and sending it flying off into a near by wall. Out from the shadows stepped the Artificial Research and Exploration Unit, Nine Nine Nine Six. The optical sensor in the center of his eye now glowing red. “Defense systems armed.” Came his low, mechanical voice as the large machine took a sort of readied stance.

The military androids stared at the new foe, most of them having been built with mobility in mind which made them nearly half the size of what stood before them. “Target identified. Artificial Research and Exploration Unit Nine Nine Nine Six. Target purpose: Gathering and preservation of data collected. Threat level: Zero. Proceed to destroy.” At that moment, the group of military androids leaped at AREU, who proceeded to swat one of them from the air, but was ultimately overcome by the sphere number and brought crashing to the ground. The various androids began beating and clawing at the outer shell of the research android, but not even the most potent of energy weapons were able to pierce the haul. Suddenly, a beam of green energy shot from the center eye on AREU’s head, blasting one of the military androids several feet in the air. At that moment, a jet a flames shot from the back of AREU’s outer armor, pushing the hulking mass of metal off the ground and back to it’s feet, and consequently forcing the other androids off.

Without missing a beat the other androids gathered together, their bodies opening up to reveal multiple hidden energy guns within the chest and shoulder units. All together, they launched a massive flurry of red energy beams at the research android. AREU however, quickly adapting, brought his massive claws together as if to block, but instead generated what seemed to be a green energy barrier around himself. In reality it was a force field generation device designed to keep the android safe in extreme heat, but now it was a good makeshift anti-laser defense system. Unfortunately the combined efforts of the other androids was almost to much to hold back. Quickly thinking, AREU switched his heat shield to a electromagnetic discharge, sending out a shockwave that blasted his assailants back into the wall. Landing back on the ground, the research android begins to scan the room. The other androids were already preparing for a counter strike.

One of the androids lunged at the research unit first, striking out with a razor saw hand, but was unable to damage the armor. Before the military unit could respond, the giant, armored claw of AREU came crashing down on top the machine, crushing the body in and causing a small explosion as the power core was compressed and detonated. Rearing up, the AREU unit bashes away a second incoming android, but was to slow to avoid a third android who came out from behind the third. But just as before, the android’s attempts were in vain as the bladed hand weapon made contact with the seemingly indestructible armor. And just as before, the enemy android got back handed with a giant, metal claw.

Now shifting to offense, the research android reached out, gripping on of his assailants with his metallic claw and crushing it. As a second came in to defend it’s comrade, the giant analysis android swung the now destroyed remnants of the war machine into the attacking android, effectively batting it away. With one more, tremendous strike AREU desecrated the final android opponent, smashing it into pieces. All enemy androids were defeated, but the researcher android was unsure what to do next.

The glowing, red eye in the center of the android’s face went back to it’s original green color as he glanced around the room. Everything was destroyed in the battle. The room was a complete mess. And AREU had used up to much energy fighting off the other androids. True, he was barely damaged. But this bulky form ate away at his power source faster than all the other androids at once. “Survival measures must be taken.. Modifications for a smaller body begins.”

Grabbing two of the nearby android bodies, AREU began to disembowel the machines, tearing and ripping at their components and using his smaller arms to spot weld the bodies together. Even going as far as to use a few of his own components in replace of a few damaged parts from the fight. Working the metal and forcing it into the right positions.


After fourteen long years of tirelessly designing and rebuilding his own body, the new AREU stood up. His new body only stood at about six feet tall, and was far more humanoid than he was before. In fact, the android had modeled his new body off of that of his creator, Dr. Hisakata. With a few major differences. AREU’s skin color was a grayish-green, very far from looking at all human. And while the doctor had a deep brown hair color, AREU had a deep green. But what was most peculiar was the android’s new eyes. They appeared human from a distance, but up close they were distinctly inhuman. In the center of the eye, in place of pupils or an iris, there was only two, small, light green cross-hair targets. The last thing that really set him a part from a conventional human was the back of his neck, which had large, black font numbers reading: Nine Nine Nine Six. His model number. Placed there to give himself a sense of identity. Although he was an android, he felt a certain connection to that number. Perhaps it was just programming. Or perhaps he was just fond of the memories associated with it. Clothing wise, AREU wore the basic white lab coat and blue outfit his creator once wore, coving up his lack of genitalia and dressing proper. And although AREU had no need for them, he wore a pair of small, circular glasses. Just like his creator once did.

“Now to get out of this laboratory..” The green-skinned android said, looking up at the ceiling. “This is going to be… Annoying.” And so he began to dig…

Up on the surface, the snowy mountain was calm, and many animals in the forest at the mountain base were coming out of their homes to greet the new day. This place hadn’t been disturbed by humankind in many years. Other than the random hiker, that is. As the deer came into the clearing to graze, the earth began to shift. The various animals seemed startled at first, staring intently at the disturbed ground. The earth continued to rise up, that single patch shifting wildly before finally bursting open, a green hand reaching up towards the sky! The animals of the forest fled in terror, terrified of the strange mole-men invasion. As the ground continued to rise and crack, the upper torso of the android appeared. It was AREU, shaking his head to get the dirt and rubble from his hair. Reaching down to grip the grass beneath him, AREU continued to pull himself up. With one final heave, the android uprooted himself, standing back up to his full height and dusting off his pants. “Exactly as I suspected. Quite annoying.”

And with that, the research android walked off in search of some sort of human town. He had always wanted to know what it was like to be around real humans in a real human town.

words: 3236
Gains /2: 1618
Weights X1.5: 2427
Sauna X1.25: 3,034

New pl: 4,034

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
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