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What is this? Combat?
EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-02-24, 6:21 PM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
The grayish-green skinned android walked along a dirt road, casually taking in the scene around him. He had never seen the world before. Everything was so bright and vibrant. Such a wonderful array of colors and sounds that the android had never experienced before! So many new sensations. True, he couldn’t smell or feel a thing. But the sights… The sounds. This was just spectacular. So many plants. Tress, flowers, rocks! Wait, are rocks plants? He didn’t know, but he wanted to find out!

It wasn’t long until the green skinned android came across what seemed to be a human settlement. Finally, he could meet with actual humans and converse with intelligent beings. What he found, however, was a small anthromorphic dog. This was… Unexpected.

“Hey, you. Green guy… You wanna buy a tournament ticket?” The dog-man said, his eyes darting around left and right. “Cause I got tickets to the upcoming martial arts tournament… Ten Zenni!”

“…. What is a tournament ticket?” The android responded, but sure what the furry man was talking about.

The dog man stared at AREU, almost in disbelief. “You don’t know what a tournament ticket is..? What are ya, an idiot? it’s a ticket that lets you watch the tournament! Just give me ten zenni, and their all yours…”

At that moment, a human dressed in a police outfit walked up from behind the wolf creature, a clearly angry expression on his face. “You! What did I tell you about selling fake tickets to people?” He said, holding his night stick firmly.

The small wolf man immediately went pale, or rather as pale as a furry creature can get. Turning around, the furry man began to shake, clearly afraid. “I-I know that! Ehehe… I was just… Eh… Playing around! That’s right… OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT!?” the creature screamed, pointing behind the officer and darting off immediately after.

The police officer chuckled, walking over and patting the green-skinned android on the shoulder. “Its alright. He does that to every newcomer in this town! What are you here for son?”

“I came here in search of people. What was this tournament the dog-man was talking about?” Replied the android.

“Ahh, you mean the local martial arts tournament! Its right over there. And its free, so don’t let that sneaky guy sell you a ticket alright?” Said the police man with a laugh.

“Right, I’ll try not to. Thank you.” Said AREU, before walking off to where a large gathering of people seemed to be. They were all sitting down in a large, outdoor stadium. In the center was an arena where fighters were currently facing off. Taking an immediate interest in what was happening, AREU sat down to watch.

In the center arena stood two human fighters, both currently locked in a very intensive struggle. One wore a yellow gi, while the other wore blue. As the two fought, the yellow fighter managed to bring his foot up in a sweeping kick, but was blocked by the blue fighter who proceeded to take hold of the leg, and hurl his yellow wearing opponent to the side. With a bout of extreme dexterity, the yellow fighter turned himself mid fall, landing on his hands and doing a back flip to land flawlessly on his feet.

AREU stared intently at the fighters. His hair cross eyes observing every move they made. It was interesting. The android had never seen fighting quite like this before. Their movements were at the same time quick and sudden, yet seemingly planned and calculated at the same time. This was the first time AREU had ever seen martial arts in action. His crosshair eyes focused intently on the fighters, recording every move and downloading the image directly to his memory banks. Due to his advanced programming he was not only observing. In this case, he was learning. Visually downloading new means to battle and defend himself. Should he be attacked in the future, the android would be capable of using these same tactics to fend off his attackers.

Back in the fight, the battle continued to rage. Both fighters combining a wide variety of martial arts in an attempt to defeat one another. Just as the blue fighter charged the man in yellow, the yellow clad warrior reared his fist back, and thrusts forward. Almost immediately, the blue fighter seemed to be struck in the stomach, and yet there was no strike. Nothing connected. Nothing hit. But all the same, the blue fighter went flying back and out of the ring.

The android’s eye instantly analyzed the move. Breaking it down layer by layer to figure out exactly what just happened. There was no contact that could be seen, and yet the opponent was clearly struck and knocked out of the ring. Upon breaking down the move, AREU could plainly see that the yellow fighter had, in fact, launched a small portion of his own natural energy from his arm thrust, and into the blue fighter’s abdomen. This energy combined with the shock of the air itself being pushed forward by the lightning fast movement caused the blue fighter to be propelled backwards by the tremendous force. Once the move had been broken down and understood, it was saved to AREU’s data banks so that he could later use the information to perform the feat himself.

“K.O.!” Called out the announcer of the fight. “The blue fighter has been knocked out of the ring and is officially disqualified! The winner is the YELLOW FIGHTER!” The crowd roared with excitement before the announcer continued. “Semi finals are over! And the final match will begin! Yellow Fighter versus…. The GREEN FIGHTER!”

At that moment, a behemoth of a man dressed in all green stepped out from the main building, approaching the arena. As the yellow fighter turned around to meet his next adversary, the victorious grin vanished completely. For this man stood roughly seven feet tall, and was built like a mountain. Like a solid force of raw muscle mass. Once the two fighters were in position, the announcer spoke up again. “Its time for the tournament finals! Ready! FIGHT!” And so it began.

The yellow fighter took a battle stance, readying himself for any possible movement. The green fighter, on the other hand, just grinned at his smaller opponent. As the fight began,. The green warrior simply held out his hand, and began to gather his ki. Without warning, a wave of blue energy erupted from his hand, hurtling at the yellow fighter.

The entire world seemed to freeze frame at this moment, or at least it did to AREU. His advanced information gathering systems kicking into high gear as he analyzed the newest data recordings. This was a tremendous surge of energy from within the green fighter’s body, formed and directed to his hand, and then released in a single, powerful wave of destructive energy. Not a heat ray, like the android’s own eye beam attack. Rather this was just a blunt force designed to strike the enemy with tremendous force. Shatter bones, destroy walls, and other uses. Again the android downloaded every last bit of data from this attack, storing it away in his memory banks.

Back to the battle at hand, the yellow fighter knew there was no way to stop such a blast, so he decided to avoid it completely. Kicking off from the ground, the yellow clad warrior soared into the air, going completely over the blast and avoiding the damage. The man was now airborne. Floating about. How was this even possible?

AREU once again freeze framed. This eyes taking the scene a part piece by piece. Upon closer analysis the yellow fighter was, in fact, using his ki energy to focus down beneath him in a steady, well controlled rate. This allowed the user to propel themselves through the air, much like a rocket. But by decreasing the rate energy was used, the user could instead simply float mid air instead of outright flying. This this ability there was no location unobtainable. A very useful technique. And so once again, AREU memorized and stored this information in his memory banks.

In the battle, the yellow fighter was now airborne and the green fighter was looking up with annoyance. What a cheap trick, flying around out of reach. “Heh, nice trick. But you’re coming down one way or another.” Said the green warrior, spreading his stance and focusing his energy. Almost immediately, his natural energy became a physical force around him, his body bulking up even further than before. “AAAHHH!!!!!!” The green fighter yelled, firing off a considerably more powerful blast of energy, this one blasting the yellow fighter from the sky, and out of the arena.

Again, AREU’s eyes focused intently on the battle, recording what was taking place. As it turns out, the green warrior had dramatically increased his power and abilities through a tremendous exertion of energy. This capability then allows the user to dramatically increase their power in combat. Once more, AREU saved this ability to file, making sure to add it to his memory banks.

“K.O.! Yellow fighter is unable to battle! By ring out, Green Fighter wins, and he is our CHAMPION!” Called out the announcer, the fans all cheering wildly. The android himself continued to watch, reloading the data collected and slowly filing through the various steps. In only a few seconds, the android began to circulate his ki within himself, pushing it down beneath his body, and as a result, began to gracefully float up into the air. The many people around him staring up in awe. With his new knowledge, the android darted off with a sudden burst of speed beyond the ability for most humans to see, and leaving behind a small sonic boom in his wake. Many of the people within the crowds having their hats blown away by the winds following the android.

And so he was off, flying away in search of more knowledge to obtain, and more data to collect.

words: 1678
Gains /2: 839
Weights X1.5: 1259
Sauna X1.25: 1574

New Pl: 5,608

Gained Kaiho, Ki shot, bukujutsu, and power up

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
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