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Short Flashback
LC-ElementalistDate: Sunday, 2010-02-28, 1:48 PM | Message # 1
Uber Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 12
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
OOC: Too lazy to bother with the little banner. Hate being sick >.>

Several years ago:
A tall man in a trench coat stands on the shoreline of a bay looking out over the water. Next to him stands a young girl in a red cloak and hood. “Muten Roshi lives directly to the East of here.” The man states simply pointing out over the water. Morrigan, her brown hair poking out from the bottom of her hood turns to look up at him. “Master… why must I go visit this man? I can learn easier from you.” Morrigan asks her level tone showing no sign of emotion. Her ‘master’, the man that built and trained her smiles slyly. “That you could. Which is exactly why I want you to learn from him. I want to see if you are capable of it.”

“…And if I cannot?” He doesn’t answer her. He just hands her a small brown paper bag and says “Give this to Roshi after he agrees to teach you. Now get going Morrigan. When you come back I expect you to have learned what he has to teach.” Unfazed by the comment, for the most part anyway, Morrigan steps onto her hover board and starts out over the waves. The meaning behind her Master’s silence eludes her. Is he disappointed with her for something? Perhaps her difficulty at understanding his ‘Ki’ training. Shooting over the waves she soon sees a small island come into sight, on it sits a lonely little beach house. Speeding up she breaks hard on the sand and shuts down her board. The island seems deserted at first then she notices a single old man asleep in a beach chair, a magazine resting on his chest.

If that man is Muten Roshi… she has serious doubts about him being able to teach her something her Master couldn’t. Sticking her board into the sand she starts towards him. Her cloak leaves little swish marks in the sand as she goes. When she gets closer she finds his magazine of choice to be… well repulsive isn’t a word that would match her thoughts on something. She doesn’t feel anything over it just finds it to be a poor choice for a supposed martial arts master. Reaching out she gives him a stern shake “Are you Muten Roshi?” She asks as soon as his eyes open.

At first the old man seems a bit dazed. A barely teenage girl bugging him wasn’t what he expected to wake up to today. But when he clears his head and sits up he nods “That’s me. What’s a little girl like you doing way out here?” Stepping back she bows politely, not out of respect but because she was told to get him to teach her and politeness is to be expected from someone seeking that. “I am Morrigan, my Master wishes me to train with the Kame Sennin, Muten Roshi.” Raising an eyebrow the old man climbs up from his chair and stretches. His old and lean… she can hear his back crack under the motion. Can she truly learn anything from this man?

“Well… stating you have a Master already isn’t advertising yourself well.” He says with a halfway grin. “If you have a Master already what do you need with an old man like me?” Morrigan straightens and after a little thought… shrugs “I do not know.” She states back bluntly. “I believe I can learn what I must know from my Master. But he believes I should study under you… so here I stand.” Roshi stretches a little more and adjusts the old black sunglasses he’s wearing. “Out of curiosity… who is your Master?”

Morrigan responds to the question quickly “My Master’s name is William Thatcher.” To that Roshi rises an eyebrow again “Thatcher? Ahaha… Thatcher you say. So that makes you…” He trails off as he eyes her with a strange expression. “Alright then. I’ll train you.” He states smiling “If.” He adds before Morrigan can react “You can pass the same test I give all my students.” Turning around he leans over his chair and picks something up. “And what would that be, Master Roshi?” Morrigan asks softly. “You must bring me…” He starts rising up. “The new issue of Babes Monthly!” He suddenly sounds very excited as he spins around and shows her the magazine he had on his chest when she arrived. “This month’s has Miss October doing a three page pin up!” Morrigan takes an instinctive step back… out of actual fear of being drooled on while Roshi banters about the contents of the book he wants.

That is his big test? For her to go buy him a new naughty magazine? What kind of teacher is this? Her Master must have hit his head this morning to have thought to send her here. “You are aware my physical age makes me incapable of purchasing such an item, aren’t you?” Roshi stops dead and frowns “Then I can’t train you. Those are my terms kid.” If she had any emotions Morrigan has no doubt she would be quite annoyed right now. Then she remembers the bag Master gave her. Pulling it from a pocket sewn into her cloak she pulls out the contents… and frowns. Her Master should not have been seen purchasing such an item. It is of course the book Roshi desired. She holds it up for Roshi to see. “It appears that I do have one after all.” She states with a mellow tone.

The old master reaches out and practically snatches it from her. He seems… quite happy to posses the book, not that Morrigan can even begin to grasp why. It seems like a pointless object to her. But none the less it fulfills her end of the bargain. “You will train me now.” Roshi taps the book on his shoulder “I know Thatcher must have given you this ahead of time… which is technically cheating… but I’ll allow it this time.” So he can keep the book obviously. “I’ll train you. But not here. Hope you packed a bag kid, time for a road trip!”

What followed was several months spent doing things that seemed utterly pointless and asinine to Morrigan. Not one of her daily pieces of ‘training’ seemed to be training at all… rather it seemed to her that she was being used as an errand girl. Only when he finally showed her his signature ‘Kamehameha’ wave did she understand why her Master wanted her to train under Roshi. The attack was amazing in power. Potent, versatile and simple to use. When he felt she was ready to start learning it, she felt she had finally begun to train. She was quite surprised to find out that all the menial tasks he’d set her to over the months had in fact made her a little bit more powerful. Not greatly, it seemed the training was meant for Humans and her mostly mechanical body didn’t get the same results from it. But she still grew in power a little.

Leaning the Kamehameha wasn’t easy for her. Like her Master Roshi was used to training Humans. He used terms and methods that made no sense to her. Her first attempt at the wave ended up being nothing but a small handful of energy sparks. Slowly though, piece by piece, she was able to forge a code for the wave. Creating her own manner of using the move that fit her way of thinking better. When she used it she found that it caused a rather heavy amount of drain on her energy. At best she could do it twice before needing rest. It will have to be used sparingly.

The day she left Master Roshi’s he gave to her a simple red (colored that way because he didn’t think she’d look good in orange) Gi with his insignia on it. “I know you won’t be wearing it often.” He states slyly. “Since you’ll probably have on Thatcher if anybody’s mark. But do an old man a favor and come by with it on sometime. I think it’ll look good on ya. I might even teach you something else as payment.” Bowing she tucks the Gi away. “As you wish Master Roshi. Farwell for now.” And that was it. No teary goodbye or wishes of well being. Those things are beyond her. For Morrigan the old man was simply a task she was given that was now complete. Flying off she set out to find her Master and receive her next one…

:Present Day:
Awaking with a start Morrigan shakes her head. Sitting on the floor of the single room in her little house she blinks in surprise. Why had she dreamed about that? Her visit to Muten Roshi was years ago. Standing up she walks to a small metal and glass case sitting against the wall. Resting inside is the Gi he had given her. Beside it is a torn piece of cloth bearing her Master Thatcher’s mark. Touching the case she experiences a strange feeling… something similar to what humans call nostalgia. Maybe… when she finishes here… she will go visit Muten Roshi again. Yes, perhaps she shall. But for now… she has a Werewolf nest to destroy. Turning from the room she heads outside to get to work…

1.553 words. Gained Kamehameha

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