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Re-education { Closed } - Forum
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Re-education { Closed }
Hyuuga-NejiDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 5:33 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Neji had been meditating at the Hyuuga Clan’s 2nd Branch’s compound, though his over all thoughts had been clouded due to an event that had prospered on a recent mission that he had been given. From the leader of Konohagakure the hokage. During this mission Neji had been charged to lead a small group of shinobi but it had only ended in death as he had barely made it back while trying to also bring back everyone that he could that he had been in charge of for that mission.
It had taken some time but he had eventually got himself healed and back to doing what he had needed to do. So he had figured that it was about time for him to go about learning how to do more than that of which he already had but really wasn’t a whole lot in this case as he could recall a whole lot since after that mission. I was as if all of his memories about all that he knew had just up and been erased from his mind.
He had sat there on the floor for a bit longer but it had eventually gotten up to his feet as he had then patted his robes off a little bit. Breathing in and out slowly and calmly he had begun to make his way to the compounds training yard where he was to meet an old friend that had agreed to teach him what it was that would set him on the right track in relearning that which he had forgotten.
Once he had reached the 2nd Branch’s training compound he had saw his old friend that had agreed to help him with his re-education lesions. “Neji, I see that you seem to be doing better.” The Silver haired man had said once he had noticed that Neji was near as he had been reading a “Make-out-Tactics” book. “Yes I am Kakashi, thank you for agreeing to help me with this.” Neji had spoke in a soft tone of Voice. “It’s not a problem but why didn’t you want Gai to help you with this?” Kakashi had asked. “Do you really need to ask?” Neji had replied. “Alright then show we begin.” Kakashi had avoided with asking anymore questions as he already knew that Neji got annoyed with Gai’s antics. “Alright now we shall begin by combining not only your Juken Style to a lesser extent as I’m sure that your body isn’t ready for it as you lack the chakra to control it but this will help you, when your on your way to controlling it. Already I want you to focus your chakra into your palms and release it knocking over those buckets that I’ve placed there.” Kakashi had in showed Neji how to do it as he had demonstrated what it was that he wanted Neji to do as he had knocked over one of the buckets.
Neji had watched and took mental notes as he had watched as it was his turn now. So he had stood where he was as he had focused and begun to channel his chakra to his hands. With a brief moment something had just clicked inside Neji’s mind as he had gotten better at channeling and focusing his chakra as he had dashed towards the remaining buckets pushing his chakra outwards to the point where each palm thrust that he had done it had easily knocked the buckets over. Once he had finished with the final bucket had set them up once more just to do it once more just so that he’d get better at it until the point where he was knocking the buckets over even without having to go near them as he had created a circle around as he had knocked them over one after another with effortless ease. “Well done Neji, now I think it’s time to focus your Chakra a bit more so that it’s more of a stable and seen.” Kakashi had said as he had quickly re-set the placement of the buckets and shown him what it was that he had been talking about.
Kakashi had focused his chakra into one of his hands but at that same time he had used his other hand and wrapped it around that hand’s wrist. Though he didn’t channel the full extent of his Chakra he could have focused into it as he had made a weaker version of his Chidori (translated to Lightning Cutter or Lightning Blade) as it had made only a whisper of sounds of birds chirping compared to what it could have been like. He had held it in his hand before he had ran with it towards the closest bucket before he had released it causing pretty much to slightly melt it and warp it’s shape. “That is the first or it the orb shape of it the second part of it is creating it again but releasing it into a beam like attack. Such as this…” Kakashi had shown him as he had hit the same bucket again causing the shape of it to change once again. Neji had stood where he was for moment as he had to think about how he was going to pull this over. Something had just clicked inside his mind once again, All he had created the first back of it the orb version of it then once he was comfortable with that he had turned the orb into a beam and worked on that for a while onto he had been comfortable with controlling his energy to that point of this training/re-education progress with his sensei Kakashi. “That is Good, I think it’s time for you to take a bit of a break and let your chakra recharge itself a bit.” Neji had nodded as he had turned and started to walk towards the nearest bench so that he could sit down for a short bit before he had gone back to training what he had learned so far from Kakashi. Neji had gone to sit down Kakashi had upped and vanished though when Neji had turned to look he had an idea where it was that he had gone to do and it was to read more of his book while Neji had rested a bit from the lessions that he had done already.
Neji couldn’t sit around as he had a long way to go before he was ever going to be prepared enough to go on missions again. Though his memories about his teachings that he had learned had seemingly vanished from his memory he’d just have to make do until things had slowly pieced themselves back together once again. How long it would take for him to piece his memories about what he had once possesed before he lost his memories of his long studies into his martial arts style.
Having had enough of sitting around he had figured that it would be time for him to go back to training until Kakashi had desided to return and teach him more of what it was that he needed to relearn for now atleast what he could currently.

Words: 1200 {current} /2 = +600
New pl: 1.600
Quest Move's Learned: Kaiho, Ki Shot

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Monday, 2010-03-01, 5:34 AM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Neji had been bored while he was on his break so he wanted to do something to pass the time while he waited for Kakashi to return so he had figured that he’d walk around the training area and see what his family had been doing perhaps he’d get an idea as to what he could do to pass the time. So he had walked around and noticed one of his cousins from the main branch training, so he had figured he’d see what they were up to, who knows he might get something that might click again within his memory once again. Once he had gotten close enough his cousin had sorta messed up a bit in a palm strike or wasn’t paying much attention to what they had been doing as they had almost struck him if Neji hadn’t side stepped the palm strike as he had also not really grabbed but more along the lines of pushing the arm away from him as his cousin had really messed up in that attack that they had been doing and gone towards him rather then the sparring doll. “Lady Hanabi, we don’t need to hurt anyone even one of our own durring a training session.” Neji had said with a calm yet soft tone to his voice as he had spoke to Hanabi. “Brother Neji, I didn’t mean to just was trying to practice something new that I saw father teaching sister.” Hanabi had replied back kinda nervously to him.
Though Hanabi calls neji brother a lot seeing that her and her sister Hinata pretty much grow up together they were close to the point where they had been consitered brother and Sister in their relationship. Though growing up she knew that Neji didn’t really care for the Main Branch of the Clan back when they had been growing up but now that he had seen the light so to speak durring a match durring the Chunin Final’s way back when. “Lady Hanabi why are you here, is your family on a mission or something, also would you mind if I hang around and watch while you train then or perhaps a sparring session so I can see what you have learned from your father’s teachings?” Neji had kinda asked within his reply back to her. “Yes they have been sent on another mission but before father had left he had assigned Ko to watch over me while they were away, I wouldn’t mind a small sparring match just go easy on me I’ve still got a lot of training before I’ve even close to you or Sister.” She had said kinda with a sad tone to her voice.
“You will get there Lady Hanabi, its taken me this far to learn what I’ve learned from what I’ve been tolded about before that mission I had been on, so I’m still learning but in this case I’ve gotta relearn everything over again but I will get back everything that I once had teachings wise as I had pretty much taught myself how to fight in the Juken Style.” He had continued to talk to her in a calm and soft tone. “Perhaps your right, Brother Neji shall we begin then.” She had said with a bright cheerful smile on her face as she had finished as she had came to enjoy being around her Big Brother/Cousin as he had been very supportive more so now that he’s put his differences with Main Branch family compared to earlier years before now.
So with that the two had figured that it was now time do this little sparring session and get it underway. Neji had allowed for Hanabi to make the first attack as he had been more interested in the main branches teachings so that he could go about pretty much re-teaching himself what it was that he needed to know but had forgotten because of whatever it had been from that last mission that he had been on that forced him to pretty much having to relearn everything over again. But it was needed in order for him to learn what ever the reason was that caused him to forget or whatever it was that had happened to him. So Hanabi had ran at him with her hands charged with chakra as it had been flowing and focused to that those parts of her body which had been her hands. Neji focusing his chakra as well but not to the point like Hanabi had as he didn’t want to do something that he would later regret as there had been times which in his earlier years he wouldn’t hold back he’d go all out but for the sake and well being of Hanabi he had only show a small portion of his chakra as he had tried to lower his to match hers for this sparring session.
Neji had defected her attacks by knocking them away from him as he had did it by instinct as it had been seems to just happen without him realizing it at first but he had clued in when his he was going to thrust his right palm but Hanabi had had sped up rapidly as she had rapidly came at him with a fury of palm strikes which had been directed at his abdominals. Hanabi wasn’t holding back even at her level of skill that she had been displaying now. She had been keeping up with him and then some with this attack that she had been using. With a surge of swift motion she had not only struck him but she had knocked him backwards as he had started to spit up blood now from that attack but it still wasn’t going to stop from from going about seeing everything that he had wanted to bare witness and perhaps aquire the things that he had required to relearn from what it was that he had onced learned one his own after only witnessing a small portion of what could be done with the Juken as he had once profected and even gone beyond what it was that the from what he had witnessed back then so long ago.
Neji had struggled getting back up but he didn’t want to go over board with all of this with a sudden surge of chakra had over welmed him as he had yelled “Hanabi don’t come near I don’t know what’s going on.” Hanabi could see it in his face as he had yelled for her to not come near him as he didn’t look like himself from the looks of it. In away she kind of blamed herself a bit as she didn’t mean to go all out like that as she was still a bit unsettled about what had happened to him when he had been away durring his last mission.
Neji’s skin had darkened slightly as if he was just getting over being sunburned or something by the looks of it or even what had appeared to look like something that his old team mate Rock Lee had the appearance of after he had open the forbidden teachings of the life gates but Neji’s current appearance was no where near like what Lee’s was. Neji’s chakra flow had increased to an extrodinary level which had been more then that of what he had felt at least from what he could recall anyway as his body had a clear chakra aura of sorts around his body now as he had tried to control it to the best that he could anyway. Several Moments had past as it had gotten extremely easier for him no as he could feel the changes in this new increase, though he was certain that it wasn’t going to last for a extended time but still he had dealt with what it was that he could deal with now and he knew that he was going to have to work on it until he was more comfortable with all of this that he had happened to him in this super charged state that he had learned now. All that was really needed now was to control it. Neji had stood where he was for a short while as he had begun to work on increasing and decreasing his chakra flow by the means of this physical transformational state.

Words: 1400 {current} /2 = +700
Previous pl: 1.600
New pl: 2.300

Also did meditation for this as I had been inactive long enough for Febuary's med's which will be added when I finish the last bit of training for this thread.

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-02, 4:37 AM | Message # 3
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Hanabi had been concerned about her big brother as he had gone back to normal as his skin had faded back to normal once again. Neji had regained his composer as he had just walked over to Hanabi sa he had just smiled down at her as he had just raised his hand as he had placed it onto her head. “I’m fine now Lady Hanabi, I guess all that was needed was just a little incentive and focus to go about learning that jutsu…” Neji had spoke with a bit of a laugh within his voice as he didn’t want to scare her as he when he had learned that chakra jutsu but still he had a ways to go he knew that much as he had figured that it was time for him to take a short break and get something to eat. “How about we go get something to eat before we go about continuing on okay.” Hanabi had just smiled and nodded as she had felt abit hungry herself.
So the two had gone to get something eat. Once they had finished eatting they had gone back to the training grounds. Once the two had gotten back there Kakashi had been waiting. “I see that you’ve been doing a bit of training durring our break. I couldn’t help but watch when you had been sparring with young Hanabi…” Kakashi has paused before he had continued on. “Lady Hanabi would you like to join in while I help re-teach the basic’s.” He had fnished as she had smiled and nodded. “Alright then, I want you to focus your chakra and focus it to the bottoms of your feet and walk up that wall over there until your able to stand on the roof.” He had said as Neji had watched as Kakashi had shown them what it was that they were to do.
Neji had brought his hands together as he had concenrated his chakra to the bottoms of his feet as he had walked over to the wall and started to walk up it with little to no problems with the control as he had reached the top of the roof and walked back down with no problems what so ever. So he had waited for Hanabi to get it over with and under control. Once she had gotten the hang of it though it had taken sometime to do but she had did it. “Very good now is perhaps the hardest part of this as the final test is Walking on the Surface of Water, it’s ever so changing so you’d have to maintain the flow of your chakra or else you’d fall into the water and get yourself wet. Neji your up lets see if you can do it just watch what I do and go from there.” Kakashi had said as he had walked over to the pond which had been on the east side of the training grounds court yard. Kakashi was well versed in performing this skill as he had just casually walked onto the surface of the pond with utter ease as he had then walked back onto the ground itself as he had awaited for both Neji and Hanabi to preform this as well as it would end the session that he had said that he’d teach Neji and even this with Hanabi which he figured was going to help Neji and his drive to re-learn what he had once learned to begin with.
So Neji and Hanabi had fallowed Kakashi when he had headed towards the pond. So Neji had watched what Kakashi had done as it had then been his turn to perform it. So Neji had walked to the water as he had placed one foot onto the water as he had channeled his chakra before he had done so with his other foot as he had started off slowly as he had tested what it was that he had needed to do as it hadn’t been long before he had gotten the hang of it and he was running across the water’s surface without any problems what so ever as if he had been doing it for a long time or to the point that he hadn’t forgotten how to preform it after all. But he didn’t say anything about Neji’s proformance as it had been an enjoyment just to see him preform them in without even making the slighted of errors even now as it had been so interesting to see as it was, none the less it had been Hanabi’s turn to do this though it had taken her sometime to get the right amount of chakra to maintain it Neji had been standing by her side regardless if she had failed to get it and helping her get it. Though it had taken some time for it to finally get finished but it had been done and all that had been really left was to put it to the test as they had run from one end of the pond and back again several times just so that they could get a better feel of the control that had been needing to be done. With that the two Hyuuga’s had walked off the surface of the water as they had finished with the lession. “You to did well I have to go but we’ll see each other again until next time.” With that Kakashi had wondered off as he had other things to do as the two Hyuuga’s had figured it was time to take a break for a while before they had gone back to training. Neji Knew that he wasn’t finished with his training but he didn’t want to worry Hanabi so much by over doing it more in front of her so he had taken her into inside to get a snack to eat while they took there break for a bit and rested a bit before continuing on.

Words: 1000 {current} /2 = +500
Previous pl: 2.300
New pl: +2.800
Moves Learned: Bukujutsu

Hyuuga-NejiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-17, 7:46 PM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 158
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Neji had woken up sometime in the middle of the night not being able to sleep so he had figured that he’d get some training in seeing that he couldn’t sleep. So he had figured that he’d go out to the training yard to see if he could expend some energy that he has seeing that its causing him issues so he had gotten up from his room as he had opened up his door and walked out into the hallway and made his way through the branch estate to the training yard. Once he had gotten to the training site he had gotten to work once he had stepped onto the grounds he had he had rushed towards a training doll but as he had he had focused his chakra into his hands as he had suddenly stopped ten feet from the nearest doll as he had spun around as he had begun palm striking the air in front of him with his hands had glowed with his chakra. Neji had continued on over and over as if he had never stopped as things hadn’t stopped as he something had just came to him when he had realized had he was now in the beginnings of the hyuuga style of the Hakke Rokujuyon Sho.
With every passing moment his movements had gotten sharper and sharper to the point as if he had been performing it for years as he had continued over and over again. Neji had continued more and more as his movements had continued to get even more refined as he had continued but he still had a ways to go when it came to going about actually getting tired but he had continued on to pass the time as there really wasn’t a whole lot else left for him to really do until he as tired of refining his movements with the Hakke Rokujuyon Sho. But still he had to deal with it for now until he was able to tired himself out so he had continued to palm thrust the air over and over again with more and more swifter moments as he had continued as if his quickness had continued to increase more and more. Though things still hadn’t helped as it hadn’t helped much so he had continued to move about the training grounds as he had gotten to the point where he had expanded his radius in which he had been moving about. Still he had continued to move about the grounds as his movements had been sharper and a lot more refined then that of which when he had first started to train as he had been practicing to use Hakke Rokujuyon Sho.
Things still had continued to work it’s self around over and over again but still he wasn’t tired but he had continued on more and more though now he had continued to get tired as he had continued more so then he had before but now he was getting more tired now as time had pressed on but he had eventually finished up his training as he had stopped and figured that he had go take a bath and go to sleep for now as he had nothing else for him to do so he had headed off to take his bath and eventually go back to sleep.

Words: 560 {current} /2 = +280
Previous pl: 2.800
New pl: +3.080
Moves Learned: Adept

I was inactive for more then 3 days before this post was started.
- Med for Febuary: pl x1.5.
I was inactive for more then 3 days this month.
- Med for March: pl x1.5.

New Base PL: 6.930

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