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Running from the past
SemiDate: Tuesday, 2010-03-09, 2:19 AM | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
As the wind blew though the trees the small Silver wolf ran quickly and silently making sure not to hit a leaf or break a twig keeping her senses open as to make sure she was not caught off guard. Amber stopped deep in the forest and looked at the night sky her eyes flashing and her nose flaring. She slowly shifted human her silver hair flowing down her back and her Fir shifting to clothing. She shifted the dagger on her thigh because the stupid thing had gotten caught on a bush. She kept her silver eyes scanning the woods for any movement fear that she would get caught.

As soon as she scanned the area carefully she jumped up into a tree to get some rest knowing that with this position no one could sneak up on her. She smiled and shifted into a white tiger settling in the tree dozing keeping her ears open for any sound.

OOC: 160 words

TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 5:11 PM | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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"Fuck!" yelled Kensei, probobly approxomitely 10 yards away, but behind a bush. If she'd hear him, she'd probobly feel utter shock! How could one get so close without her sensing him? The answer was simple: Her sensing was much too low, and although he didnt know it, he couldnt sense her either. Because of his ability, he was able to know she was there, but her aura at the present felt so much like a wild animals it went by without noticing. After all, why would one such as he fear a mere woodland creature, even if it was one of the woods dreaded bears? Simple: Unlike a bear, he could punch clear through a boulder. One with that strength had very little to fear. "Those bastards kept shooting at me" he grumbled, cracking his knuckles. As he had been coming through the woods, he ran into about four or five men, one of them having shot at him thinking he was a deer or something. Kensei was able to dodge the bullets, but whoever they were told him to leave their woods or they'd kill him. Kensei, being the understanding guy, asked in a very polite way why. (Flashback) WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? (End Flashback). They, apparently, didnt take kindly to his polite question and proceded to attack him, forcing Kensei to procede to defend himself and knock unconcious all those who attacked him. So now he was, complaining, yelling the F bomb in the middle of the woods. Why? Simple... he was thirsty and could find no water. "Where the hell am I to go for that? I dont even know the way out of these accursed woods!

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 6:30 PM | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Amber’s ear turned at the sound of the man’s cursing. She had picked up a sent of him before he made the sound but she really thought nothing of it. Getting on all fours she looked down from the tree her tail keeping her balanced. Amber loved being in tiger form she was graceful and she could see well in the dark and was able to get up trees fast. She looked from the branch she was sitting on and saw the man. Jumping down she stalked over to him silently her ears just visible above the bushes and plants. She shifted to a chipmunk and squirmed under the bush looking at the man and wondering why he was using those words. She could not really understand what they meant but he appeared to be angry. She looked around before coming out from under the bush barely her little tail twitching and her body tensed to run at the slightest attack towards her. Though she was in a different form her silver eyes were still wolf like she kept those eyes no matter the shape she was in. She walked up to him and sniffed his foot she could smell a fight on him, she was not sure if there was blood or not but there was defiantly a weird smell like burnt metal. She looked up at him and slowly backed away not sure of what to think of the man.

OOC: word count 242

Message edited by Semi - Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 6:44 PM
TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 7:19 PM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kensei turned, looking down and grinning. "Hey little fella... or little lady" he said, chuckling. "Finally, a companion around who isn't a complete dumbass" he said, reaching his hand down for her to get a better smell, thinking he was just communicating with nature. Guessing she didnt run, he proceeded to use his finger to gently scratch the center of her head, a little behind her ears, then standing. "Cute thing, arn't you?" he said aloud, laughing. "Well you get goin', there are hunters out'n'about" he said, knowing the animal couldnt hear him, but talking to it anyways as though the thought of someone around who WASNT a dumb ass, even if it was an animal, was comforting. Kensei yawned, falling back and putting his hands behind his head, eyes slightly closed, but keeping an eye on the small animal, or atleast where it was when he pet it, wondering what that energy he felt from it was...
(462 words total)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 7:29 PM | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Amber looked the man over a little startled at the pet but realized that he did not think of her as anything more then a real chipmunk. Deciding she wanted a better look at him she ran over and jumped onto his chest looking him over her silver eyes intense and far too keen to be a normal rodents. She sniffed his clothing trying to figure out the strange smell of burnt metal. ~ How do you burn metal~ she though to herself still sniffing him and running around his chest but making sure to keep an eye half on his hands so he could not grab her. She kept sniffing him moving from his clothing to his skin. He had run a bit she could smell the hint of sweat on him but that other smell bothered her she could not place it. She looked up at him debating on whether or not to shift wolf to get a better sniff. But thinking better she decided to just stay like this he might freak out a little if she shifted on top of him.

OOC: word count 185
oh and the word count thing is just for that post lol not total

Message edited by Semi - Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 7:31 PM
TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 7:57 PM | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kensei opened one eye, staring at the rodant. "Your a persistant little creature, ain't ya?" he asked, closing his eye and sighing. "Ah well, make yourself at home. As long as I'm here some company would be nice" he said, yawning. His mind was racing. Although on the outside, it seemed as though he knew it was just a normal creature, he really knew much differently. He, infact, knew the truth. Or atleast part of it. This was no normal chipmunk. No, it was too conincidental. One: No normal earth creature would have silver eyes: Grey, possible, but sure as hell not silver. Besides, it seemed too... Intelligent. Although it ran and sniffed, he saw it's eyes constantly glancing at his face and arms for any trace of an unfriendly move, while a real chipmunk would be lost in the scents, or more realistically never have even come up, and would still be hiding from him. No, he knew something was wierd about this one, but he would not make it obvious... Not yet, atleast.

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 8:04 PM | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Amber looked up at him and could feel his muscles under her paws tensing and relaxing. She could tell he was not calm but nervous. She hesitated and jumped off him her tail fir poofed because she caught a weird sent. She looked around running around the man and smelling the air, She looked around knowing something was not right.

OOC: sorry my post is so short could not think of anything. Word count 60

TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 8:20 PM | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 56
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Kensei stood slowly, looking around, then looking back at the creature. "I wish I knew what the hell was up with this wierd feeling im getting from you..." he said, and noticing it looking around, trying to find something. "odd.. I dont understand you at all rodent" he complained, yawning. Kensei's eyes darted around. He thought he sensed something, but... But what? His sensing, sadly, was not enough to check exactly how strong the creature was, but what it COULD do was tell which direction it was in, and it was coming from the North... If he only he knew how strong it was! He could then tell whether to be worried, not care, sit back, react, or whatever else was needed for him to live and escape whatever it was that sense was coming from. The only thing he could think of, though... What if it was stronger than him? "If only you were stronger than a damn hampster" he grumbled, glaring at the chipmunk, not in anger or annoyance, but rather in a indifference, possibly even contemplating on whether or not it was, indeed, more powerful than just a normal hampster, or whether it was really a hampster/chipmunk at all!
(total words: 682 words)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 8:27 PM | Message # 9
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Amber glared back at the man shifting to a silver wolf and she dashes back to the tree she had been setting in and shifts human-like and picks up her dagger strapping her dragger to her thigh as her silver fir turns from fir to a blue t-shirt and black jeans. She tucked her long silver hair out from in front of her face and looked back towards the direction the man was debating on whether to run or go back her silver eyes flashing. She started to head towards him but though better of it. She did not know this man and even though he smelled ok she still did not trust him. Amber sighed and sat right where she stood her mind trying to figure out how to use some f the words he had used.

OOC: word count 138

TenshiDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 9:03 PM | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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Status: Offline
Kensei watched the chipunk run, then shortly... A wolf? Not just any wolf, this little wanker made it into a tree! How the HELL did a wolf get into a tree!? Needless to say, even with Kensei's limited knowledge of this world and its creatures, other than humans and basic names, he did know wolves were meant to stay on the ground. So how the hell did this o- WHAT THE HELL!? It turned into a human! It all made sense now... How the chipmunk seemed so knowledgeable, how it moved so quickly compared to most rodants... It wasnt just a simple woodland animal, it was an intelligent being! He was right! "So... How are you today?" he asked up to her.

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 2:54 AM | Message # 11
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Amber looked back at him and tried to remember all the conversations she had heard in the town and remember how to use those words. It was a real pain not knowing how to properly speak in human form but she would eventually learn. She looked at him trying to think and slowly, and unsurely responded. “ I …am ….alright” she looked around making sure that nothing could sneak up on her the smell of the metal still strong in her nose and she still did not know what it was. Her silver eyes flashed as she let her eyes wonder. She stood from her crouch and looked the man over now that she was at least the same form as her she could get a better perspective on him. She kept her hand by her thigh ready to grab her dagger at any time and kept a good three feet in-between him and her, just to make sure because she knew nothing of this man or if he would not do something the moment he could. Her eyes scanned over him taking in every detail of him and her eyes were cold and untrusting but they had a slight spark of curiosity. She looked back up to his face and spoke slowly “ Who … are … you?”

OOC: word count 219

TenshiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 2:46 PM | Message # 12
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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Status: Offline
Kensei looked up at this girl. What he saw shocked him. She was a girl, silver hair and silver eyes, and seemed to be human, and obviously from her transformations had been living on Earth atleast long enough to mimic their appearences. However, this humanoid quite obviously was lacking something: The abilitity to fluently and quickly speak the language in which this area was acustomed to. "I am Kensei" he said, smiling gently. "And I am whats known as a 'Vizard' " he said. What he said struck him as odd. Before, when he was first banished, he was ashamed on being a Vizard, ashamed of being considered human, ashamed of ANYTHING that was not Shinigami. But now... Now, he was slightly offended when called a Shinigami, and took on the title of Vizard, sometimes even Human, with pride and dignity, though in reality all he was now was a Vizard: Short and sweet, a breed of it's own which could have only been the cause of a sick twist of fate... And with the power it brought with him, it forced him to abandon all his old friends. Maybe this girl could be a new comrade?

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 3:19 PM | Message # 13
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
Amber listened carefully. She was starting to get out to do this speaking thing. She smiled softly and faced him fully “ I ..Am Amber” she paused trying to remember what the humans had called her “ I am a ……shape shifter, but now you see my …..true… from.” She brushed her hair out of her face and backed up a half a step feeling like she was far to close to the man. She felt just like she did at home, threatened and in a vary bad place. Something about this man was vary different but she could not place it. “ you don’t smell human what are you?” Her speech was getting better as all the words she had listened to in town started coming together hearing this man talk directly to her. She looked around the woods and shifted into a small tiger trying to listen better she stood there lesening and hearing nothing she shifted back to her true form. “ I don’t think that it is wise to stay here. Something doesn’t feel right” She looked around again and tightened the dagger on her thigh and started walking deeper into the woods. Pausing to look back to see if he was coming.

OOC: word count 207

TenshiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 4:16 PM | Message # 14
Group: Users
Messages: 56
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(Real quick: Want me to rp the thing we fight against? It could be a hollow! Lol Whcih is basically a demon if you dont know Bleach)

As Hell opened its gates before me,
It was not to welcome in its next victim,
But to invite in its new ruler
SemiDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 6:17 PM | Message # 15
Group: Users
Messages: 73
Reputation: 1
Status: Offline
( sure that will work idc lol and yah i watch bleach)
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