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Landing on Namek
EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 8:16 PM | Message # 16
Less of a Noob
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As the namekian pulled his hand away, AREU blinked. Noting the new nickname. Cold one? This was a name that on Earth referred to the beverage known as beer by men who had abnormally large stomachs. Did AREU remind the namekian of beer in some way? Of course, this was all made even stranger when the namek mentioned racing, and then darted off at an obscene speed, even for a more powerful individual. But just as he went dashing off, Snow came up to introduce herself. And BAM! The two collided, falling down and entangling themselves together like some odd organic ball of yarn. It was clearly an embarrassing situation for the both of them. Of course, he did not know the gender of this newcomer, so he wasn’t sure whether or not to believe this was all highly intentional or not. After all, such a tangled situation with a female seemed to be the desired effect most males were after.

At that moment he felt on odd buzzing in his head. Like something was trying to telepathically contact him. Soon, of course, the strange sound and sensation would disperse, as AREU has no mind to read. At least not a biological one. His mind was fully mechanical, designed specifically to process information considerably faster than a human mind. Ultimately, he did not mind the fact he was essentially being hailed but could not respond. Because in the end, he was far to interested in what the captain and the new broccoli man were doing on the ground together.

words: 259

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 8:48 PM | Message # 17
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As she approached, Snow could see the Namek speaking more to Areu, though what it was he said she still couldn't tell at this point. Shortly after, he broke off from the handshake, running towards her at high speed. ~What the hell is that fool doing?~ She cursed mentally, seeing that the namekian 'warrior' was not watching where he was going. ~Do I want to reveal what I'm capable of... or should I just let him hit me?~ ponderred the woman, watching the green creature carreen towards her. ~It's not worth the hassle, I'll just take it. Wouldn't be the first time...~ and with that, the green man slipped, flying up into the ar and slamming sideways into her with a jarring impact that caught her off guard, sending her crashing to the ground in a heap with the namek sprawled above her.

~Ugh....~ She groaned in her mind, looking around from the ground, noting the namekian had ended up splayed between her thighs. ~Quite convenient of him...~ Suspician would get her nowhere, (and was pointless, considering the namekian anatomy) however, so instead she made an effort to appear weakened by the impact. "Nnnnh" she groaned, putting emphasis into the false pain as she stretched her arms out and laying her palms against the ground. In that moment, she glanced aside to where Asheron had been working, only to find he had disappeared from sight. "Um... Ander... do you think you could let go of my boob now?"

~And more importantly, what the hell happened to that damn stowaway. He doesn't know this planet, he could end up getting killed before I manage to find his ass and bring it back into my protection. Come on Asheron, I know I'm a hard assed bitch, but your not safe out there.~

OOC: 300 words

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 11:18 PM
JezDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 9:11 PM | Message # 18
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His fit of laughter quietened down a little bit as he was told to get off of captain Snow’s boob. Not wanting to make things awkward he quickly removed his hand, and slowly untangled himself from on top of her. He rose to his feet and extended a hand ready to help the captain up off her feet.
He began to speak between small giggles, still not fully able to control his laughter at what had just happened. “Greetings captain, I am Ander. I, uhhh, hope I did not hurt you?”
He stayed there with his hand extended, looking like a child that had just gotten in trouble for the best practical joke they had ever concocted. It was only in his current position that he actually took note of the appearance of the captain. She was unlike any other being he had ever seen, white skin with red pads? littered around her figure. He also noted the tail that was curled under her lying down.
Ander felt the need to fill the silence with more conversation and said, “Your ‘cold one’ over there said that you had come here by mistake, and I was wondering if you would allow me to join your ‘crew’? In fact, I was just on my way to race ‘Coldsie’ back to your ship when... well, you know the rest.”
Ander could not help but glance back at his hand, and where it was resting before, he began snickering at a joke inside his head, hoping they would not be insulted. It was just laughter after all.

ooc: words = 263

Message edited by Jez - Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 9:45 PM
EhecatlDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 9:35 PM | Message # 19
Less of a Noob
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AREU watched the spectacle as the namekian man had planted himself thoroughly between Snow’s legs, and a hand on her breast. This reminded AREU of a similar position he had seen two females in on the cover of one of Master Shen’s magazines. Was this an organic interaction similar to others? A display of affection that Slyph would be more understanding of? Perhaps, but he never knew the Captain was so forward with such dealings. But then the name king stood up and apologized. Apparently this was not nearly as planned as it seemed…. Or was it?

Tilting his head, AREU stared at the green man who was not, in fact, made of broccoli. “Coldsie?” He questioned, not entirely sure where the named originated from. Was he really so similar to a namekian alcoholic drink? Of course, he was not. But perhaps the namekian could shed some light on the situation at hand.

words: 153

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
Kyrt_RyderDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 9:53 PM | Message # 20
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On her back, Snow watched as the Namekian warrior rose, extending a hand to her, which she reached up and gripped, letting him pull her up, only pushing upwards slightly with her tail to keep herself balanced as she rose back to her feet once more. "That depends, Warrior Ander. You see, I need my crew to be prepared to obey my commands, to do otherwise could very well mean the difference between life and death while travelling in space. Do you have the necessary discipline? Are you prepared to submit to my authority?"

It was at that moment that Asheron returned, unnoticed behind her as he floated near, hovering slightly off the ground and transmitting his message into her mind. ~Well your just full of surprises.~ She responded mentally, taking care not allow herself to be shocked by the strange power. There were many strange things out there in the universe, she'd seen others that were stranger. ~For your information, the dragon balls were hidden from you for several reasons. Ask me verbally later, alone, and I'll tell you.~

Considering the fact that Asheron had known about the dragon balls anyway, and realizing that it would be neither easy nor wise to try to keep their task from this Namekian, Snow withdrew her dragon radar. "We did indeed come here by mistake, but when we got here, this device told us that there were artifacts here, capable of conjuring a dragon. On earth we call them dragon balls. Would you happen to know if it's right? Are there dragonballs here? And if there are, would you be willing to accompany us while we gather them? It would make a fine first mission as part of the Slyph crew, guiding us across your planet while we gather the dragon balls."

OOC: 300 words

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 11:24 PM
JezDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 10:06 PM | Message # 21
Group: Users
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ooc: i gotta go but i'll make this quick.

Ander looked back at Captain snow, "Yeah, i'll help you out, and i'm good enough to come with you. I have nothing here that really requires me to stay."
The namekian shot a sneaky glance back at the cold one, "Yeah, Coldie. It fits"

BeowulfDate: Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 11:33 PM | Message # 22
Less of a Noob
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~there was no true reason as to why you would hide any data from me, and just to let you know, you don’t have to think at me in order for me to read your mind snow. Every little thought that bubbles to the top, whether you like it or not, I can hear. Even if you were on the opposite side of the planet I could pick your brain for the tiniest of details…~ he trailed off has he looked at her. He quickly shut the connection of telepathy and simply listened. His eyes had managed to wander the female’s figure and if he wasn’t careful his mind may betray the tongue who had worked so hard to keep itself still. He knew he had to be careful because his abilities could so easily back fire right now.

OOC: 139 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Wednesday, 2010-03-10, 11:33 PM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 0:04 AM | Message # 23
Group: Checked
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Casually swinging her tail behind her, the changeling woman felt something solid against it and spun to meet the contact, coming face to face with Asheron, only to see his eyes staring right where her ass had been. "Well well well, look who came running home." She said aloud, smirking playfully as she placed a single hand on her hip, bending slightly into the pose. ~Also, you will address me as captain Snow, do you understand?~ She thought to him, letting her eyes wander up and down him, taking in his form for the first time, feeling her predatory lust rise up for the first time in nearly a week, before crushing it. There were more important matters to attend to first.

"AREU, you can take the Namek with you, go in the opposite direction from us until you get a new blip, and proceed to collect them as usual. Once we have all seven we should rendezvous here to make the wish. I don't completely trust this place, something about it makes me nervous, I want to be able to leave immediately after our wish is made. And you..." She smiled, reaching out to gently grip Asheron's wrist with her tail, hoping he would remain tangible for the contact and tug him after her, well aware of the way his eyes followed the swish of her figure. "Are coming with me. Lets go Ash." And with that she took running in the direction the dragon radar indicated, her long, powerful legs carrying her at a quick clip, though one she felt confident that her charge could keep up with. ~Don't slow me down Ash, I might have to leave you behind.~ She teased in her mind, taking full advantage of the mental line of communication, rather than reject it.

OOC: 300 words, snow left the thread.

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 0:05 AM
BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 0:12 AM | Message # 24
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 152
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~oh trust me, I should keep up at this pace, and by all means speed up to get to the dragon ball, I will catch up when you stop. And it just gives me a better view…~ he added in that last little bit out of sheer impulse. Running at top speed to keep up he suddenly realized that he could be weightless and if she was pulling him, she could move at any speed and he would be able to keep up.

All the while he was only a few steps behind her, being careful to not let his thoughts slip through the telepathic connection too much, and also careful not to let his eyes wander too much if he didn’t want to lose his focus and say the wrong thing or trip over a random rock.

OOC: 138 words

EhecatlDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 1:02 AM | Message # 25
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 114
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AREU sat back and watched the whole happening. Eventually the teams were decided, and he himself was to be paired with the overly giddy namekian male. He watched as his Captain hauled the humanoid known as Ash off with her tail like he was some puppy on a leash. And not without a mild satisfaction, I might add. It was true, AREU had little like of that male. Whether it was intentional or not, he offended AREU on their first meeting. And he would have to do something to make the android think of him as anything but a nuisance. Perhaps it was a grudge, perhaps not. Either way, it was an illogical disdain. ~What is happening to me..? Why have I been so impulsive lately..?~ The android questioned to himself, wondering what was happening to cause such bizarre changes in his programming. Perhaps this was the personality that his creator had promised? An angry, impulsive creature who is quick tempered and easily annoyed… Oh, how AREU hoped that were not his fate.

Eventually the android turned to Ander, staring at him for a moment before speaking. “It looks like you and I will be working together. I do not know if you are capable of flight, but we don’t have time to discuss it. Come with me.” And with that, AREU scooped the full grown namekian up in his arms, much like a handsome prince might pick up his dazzling princess before rushing off with her to the bed chamber. Only they were not a couple, and they certainly were not going to a bed chamber.

Bending his knees slightly, AREU kicked off, leaving behind a powerful gust of wind as his and his passenger’s bodies were enveloped in a green aura, flying through the namekian skies at an incredible speed.

words: 302

((ooc: Gonna start us a new thread Jez, For now, up Up and AWAY!))

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.

Message edited by Ehecatl - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 1:51 AM
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