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Snow and Asheron's Namek adventure
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 0:24 AM | Message # 1
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~We're getting close now...~ she told the other mentally, at last slowing down so he could release her tail and come to a landing. Truth of the matter is, having her tail pulled like that was a new experience to the changeling woman, one that felt surprisingly pleasant. Not entirely unlike how many human women enjoy having their hair pulled. Standing in the middle of a mountain pass, the pair could see that they were looking down into a beautiful fertile valley, filled with plants of various sorts, with a large, no doubt prosperous village filling the center of the valley, bordering a large, crystal clean river.

"By the looks of it..." she began, speaking out loud now that they'd stopped moving and her voice would not have any wind interfering with it, "that down below us, is the location of the first dragon ball. Looks like this quest just might turn out to be easier than I thought it'd be." Suddenly, the woman felt that same atmosphere press in on her and jumped back in surprise, slamming her back against the wall and sending a wave of debris falling downwards towards them. Reacting instinctively, Captain Snow threw her hands up, channeling her full strength through them and out into the air above, knocking the stones to either side of them, sending them falling down both sides of the pass. Turning, she smiled at the boy accompanying her, careful to keep any surprise out of her mind. "Are you alright?"

OOC: 250 words, learned Kaiho.

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 0:33 AM | Message # 2
Less of a Noob
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Smirking at her he said “I’m fine, you?” the answer was obvious but he felt it was a worthwhile question to be asked and so he did. He paused and thought about the move she just did “something new no?” he didn’t wait for an answer, the positioning of her hands and the sudden and jerky movements had given it away but he would let her play it off as something she had known all along and just hiding it. He looked to her and then to the sky above, making sure he wouldn’t harm anything if he were to release such a blast. If he did things just right he would be able to completely copy what she just did and learn the exact move that she just pulled.

Channeling the energies around him and in his body to his arms he steadily built up more and more power but only within a breadth of a second. And then with great force he released the blast of power, watching the air almost ripple because he had focused far too much energy and not enough physical strength. But it would have to do for him, he wasn’t really a fighter, and he could really use learning just about everything within his power so he would be able to defend himself, and maybe eventually a significant other. Yes, that would be nice, a woman with which to grow old and die with… if it was possible to grow old and die with the universe in turmoil. Suddenly his face flushed as he realized that he had yet to cut the link of telepathy and she could hear all of the recent, wandering thoughts.

OOC: 282 words, also learned kaiho

Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 0:56 AM | Message # 3
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~Well well well, looks like the kid doesn't have full control over these powers either,~ she thought, laughing quietly to herself. "It's a noble goal Ashley. Not particularly something I've ever been interested in, but noble none the less. You don't consider yourself a fighter, but I see potential in you. Not many humans are able to fly or hurl energy blasts, and you seem to have learned both pretty easily, without even really trying."

Leaning closely, she brought her lips near to his left ear, her body pressing against him through their clothing as she rose onto her toes, balancing with the aid of her tail, to whisper in his ear. "Your Captain has faith in you Asheron, have faith in yourself. You have it in you to be great, if you will only get your own mind out of the way, and believe in what you can do." Moving her lips from the ear, she planted a soft, gentle kiss on his cheek, leaving just a trace of her presence with him as she returned to a proper standing position, snaking her tail into his hand, almost as though she were holding hands with him, and started casually walking towards the village.

"Well come on now Ashley, we've got a lot of work to do, we'd better get down there and find this thing. And mayyybe, if we're lucky and the ball really IS down there, we can manage to find us a soft bed for the night." As she walked away though, she found herself pondering how soft she had become. ~Back on Icer we usually slept on snow packs, inside the house kept a hair below freezing, but here... I've gotten in the habit of soft and weak earthling beds, filled with soft and fluffy feathers. Besides, this is Namek, the ship was built on Namek. I don't think any beds we find here are going to be any softer. Your just going to have to get harder Snow, if you expect to be able to accomplish anything back home, yes Snow, you must be strong indeed.~

OOC: 350 words.

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 1:09 AM | Message # 4
Less of a Noob
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~you are always thinking about becoming stronger, but at what cost? Which world would you rather have to your will? The soft earth where people seem to genuinely care about you or this Icer place where every step you take is likely to kill you?~ he said, through the link and still not fully understanding the situation. His hand gently squeezed her tail as a person would squeeze another’s hand as reassurance. Gently holding her tail within his hands he smiled at the feel of her presence and then began to think about her words. A couple moments passed when he just felt the passion behind the words, the sheer truth.

And then, almost as if called forth by the word truth he felt a warmth down inside his body, down to the very core of his being and then the energy build up began again. Power built up more and more, spreading through the core of his being and sharing the warm energy of Ki with the rest of his body and then just as the warmth nearly reached unbearable levels it manifested in his open palm which he had been staring at. The energy was not large but he stared at it in amazement. Sitting within his hand was a black and gray energy ball that seemed to swirl and just as he got ready to fire it out from his hand, it dissipated. The energy he had was gone because he had waited too long to use it. But now, he knew that he could summon it, and use such a move to his advantage in any regular brawl.

OOC: 272 words, learned ki shot.

Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 1:30 AM | Message # 5
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~At what cost indeed my friend, but it's my home, or at least, the place where I grew up. I have to go back, for a time at least, to settle unresolved issues. My MOTHER, if you can call the bitch that, for one. I have things that I need to... discuss with her, and there are other things that I need to tend to on Icer. I won't force you to come with me if you don't want to. It's a hard place Ash. Very cold and hard.~ She thought, as she began down towards the village, setting off at a casual jog, slow enough he could run behind her, with that comforting, gentle grip on her tail.

~The temperature never rises above the temperature in the ship, ever. That's what it feels like during a sunny day on Icer, at night it can drop well below zero degrees, and the snow and wind, it's almost like they are alive in their efforts to crush any life on their surface. The only reason our people can live is because of all the creatures on the planet, with the bulk of them, the prey, needing only liquid to survive, which they get by eating snow. Then we eat them, and the other things that eat them. It's a vicious cycle, that occurs on earth as much as Icer.~

Banishing the thoughts, she turned her mind to him, to how it felt to have such gentle contact with a living being, the way her lips felt against his skin. She would need to make sure they slept in seperately tonight, or things could develop rather strongly, and that would not be wise. No, now was not the time for such relationships, not yet. Of course, it was a good thing the changeling woman had a strong grip over her mental processes, and was not thinking of WHY it would be such a bad idea, instead leaving the comment un-followed, the mind reader would have to come to his own conclusion on the subject.

Soon, the pair came to the village, and made their way to the village center, only for the dragon radar to tell her that the ball was inside the building, surrounded by guards. "Shit... I don't want to have to kill those guys to get the ball... do you think... can you sneak in and get it Asheron?"

~This place is crawling with guards, even if I can kill them all, it would not be pretty. I'd rather my new friend not have to see something so messy.... but there might be no help for it. With so many guards protecting that building, and who knows how many are inside, we'd just have to do the deed and get away. Oh the poor children we'd be leaving without fathers.... Dammit your listening aren't you Ash. Well, can you or can't you get the ball out from under their noses. We've gotta get that ball, one way or another.~

OOC: 500 words, found the three star dragonball (but it will be RP'd over the next post or two)

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Friday, 2010-03-12, 11:50 AM
BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 9:30 AM | Message # 6
Less of a Noob
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~say no more, I will be right back~ Asheron said through the link just before he completely disappeared from sight, going completely intangible. Quickly moving forward he slipped literally through one of the guard. After that he paused for just a second and looked around hoping not to run into too much trouble but it seemed like he would, letting out a breath and flying up he braced himself into a curve of the building and let his body recharge in order to go intangible again. ~I suggest you get out into the trees as quickly as you can without attracting attention my dear captain, because the alarm is about to be raised~

OOC: 113 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 9:44 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 9:56 AM | Message # 7
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Snow found herself surprised once more.She hadn't realized he could turn invisible as well. That, was an interesting young man indeed. ~Thanks for the heads up, I'll be slipping back the way we came.~ She thought back to her private little thief, skirting casually around the guards, and back into the main thoroughfare, walking at a slow pace, expecting the young man to find her on his own. Not as though that should be difficult in this village, even if his telepathy didn't give him any insight into a person's location. After all, here she was, on the main... wagon path... and... well... a changeling stuck out like a sore thumb just about anyplace other than Icer.

As she walked, Captain snow made a point of looking at the shops on the sides of the road, various vendors selling their wares and such, though there weren't many restaurants, and the few places that were selling food seemed to only be selling plants. This place was not going to be pleasant for a carnivore such has her, that much was certain. Before too long though, she found a what looked like a comfy inn, a cute little two story building that was well cared for, with a sign on the front indicating it had vacant rooms. "Separate rooms for the two of us. The closer the better, in case something should happen, but definitely separate." She told herself, nodding in affirmation as she turned to pan her gaze across the street, waiting for Asheron to arrive.

~You had better not get yourself into trouble you can't get yourself out of.~ She thought to herself, for a moment forgetting his ability before mentally chiding herself. If he was in danger any distraction could be fatal, and here she was providing him with ample cause for distraction. She would just have to settle for relaxing and waiting patiently for him, trusting him not to get himself killed.

Leaning back and stretching, the changeling woman found her resolve to not think a weak one, and found herself pondering the dragon balls, wondering what the ones here looked like. ~I hope they aren't too big...~ She thought, suddenly visualizing Ash running away from alerted guards with a basketball sized orb of gold, phasing through buildings and trying to keep the big bulky think in his arms.

~Come back to me safe Ashley, with your objective.~

OOC: 400 words.

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 10:06 AM | Message # 8
Less of a Noob
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Dropping from the ceiling Ash quickly grabbed the dragon ball but he had moved far too slow and one of the guards spotted him. As suddenly as he had dropped he quickly took flight and going completely intangible again, this time with the ball doing so with him. He flew high, very high, as high as he could go and then dive bombed for the woods, quickly weaving between them and then into the water after a deep breath.

Diving as deep as he could go and then moving quickly through he was gone from the guards sight and then he floated up to the surface and let out the stale air in his lungs, taking in the sweet fresh air he needed so much in order to stay alive. Floating up from the water he quickly spun, causing the molecules to detach from his clothing and flesh and then he seemingly walked on water until he got back to town. He took off his shirt and placed the dragon ball inside of it and then some of the local flora all around it, making it look like he was just collecting herbs and food for a long trip and he had managed to get a good haul. Walking back into town as casually as possible he then contacted captain snow ~so beautiful, where can I find ya?~ he thought to her with a slight chuckle ~I have a gift for a fare lady and I believe she would absolutely love the size of this gem of a stone~

OOC: 259 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 10:21 AM | Message # 9
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At the "sound" of his mind, Snow spun, looking up and down the road until at last she found him, walking in her general direction with a huge bulge in his stomach... ~Almost like he's pregenant~ she laughed in her mind, grateful he'd come up with a way to hide the thing, which was indeed of an order larger than those on earth. ~Just keep coming the way your coming and look for something white against the backdrop of these buildings, you can't miss me.~

Watching him approach, she swept her gaze through the street, making certain none suspected anything, carefully checking to be certain he had no one following him. ~I think I found us a place to sleep for the night, if they'll take off worlders that is.... and no... we are not sharing a bed, or a room for that matter. It wouldn't be proper and would only get in the way of our responsibilities. Be patient Ash.~ She cautioned mentally, thinking she caught his head turning down at her statement. ~If it is meant to happen, then sooner or later it will.~

Strange as it was, these feelings of concern were genuine, in part at least.

OOC 200 words

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 10:34 AM | Message # 10
Less of a Noob
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He smiled mentally at her last comment as he continued walking down the road, the shirt bag in his hand, reeking of a few plants that he hadn’t meant to grab. He knew he would have to soak his shirt to get rid of this stench and finally said in his mind ~you know, if they charge an astronomical price and we can only afford one room, I am willing to sleep outside, not like I haven’t done that before~ at that moment he had a vivid flash back of him falling through the wall of his home, smacking his freshly cracked open head on the cement outside and laying there unconscious for the entire night. The mental vision crept through the mental link but he quickly attempted to banish it before it would get to Snow. The way things were going, it was starting to seem like she didn’t even want to know about his past, so he wouldn’t tell her. ~if they only have second floor and up for rooms I am going to have to sleep outside anyway.~

OOD: 181 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 10:58 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 10:53 AM | Message # 11
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~Lets hope you don't have to my friend. Knowing our luck somebody saw you during your little... jewel heist... and we don't want you being outside and exposed. No Ashley, I would much prefer you had the room next to mine.~ She teased, snaking her tail out to greet him as he reached her, it's soft, smooth skin gliding softly over his exposed back as she realized she'd been mistaken of how he'd hidden the ball.

Without waiting for response, she led him inside, sliding her tail across his arm, giving him the chance to grip it once more as she made her way to the front desk. "Well this is a surprise. It's not often we have off worlders, what can I do for the two of you?" Inquired the namek behind the desk, a friendly smile on his face. "Well you see...." Snow began, glancing back towards her companion, whether he'd followed her or stayed at the doorway being shy. "My fiance and I need a couple of rooms for the night. We were told this place was a beautiful one to visit for a wedding, and so here we are. And yes, I'm sure you have a fine couple's suite, but like I said, we're not married yet, and we've made the decision to wait."

Laughing, the changeling woman leaned in a bit over the desk, whispering to the Namek. "I'm sure you understand young love, we've made a commitment but it's still so hard to keep our hands off each other." Flashing a secretive smile and slipping the man a wink, she slid a few hundred zennie across the desk. "Just two humble rooms, next to each other if it's at all possible. On the ground floor ok? My lover has a terrible fear of heights."

OOC: 300 words.

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 11:06 AM | Message # 12
Less of a Noob
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~nice trick~ he said in her mind from the doorway, and once again an interesting thought came to mind. He quickly made his way inside and up to her side, filling in the role of a fiancé and wrapping an arm around her waist as he approached “Never afraid of the height itself, just the fall.” He said with a chuckle. “I have never been coordinated enough to be able to stay away from the fall either.” His voice was unwavering and his mind was full of ideas right now, luckily he had managed to burry those thoughts deep so unless she could drive a wedge into his mind she wouldn’t hear them. Once again another interesting thought he would have to attempt, but to do so on her would be insulting, and may prove to have some… undesired responses. And that was the end of his thoughts for now… should they go upstairs and speak or if they went into separate rooms and use the mental link he would speak with her, and in this moment of rest, attempt to get to know her.

OOC: 185 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 11:49 AM | Message # 13
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The Namekian inn keeper stared at the pair, having scarcely any idea at all what the hell they were blathering about. After all, Nameks do not reproduce that way, so the matter was one that had nothing to do with them. Fortunately, however, these were not his first off world guests, the last being a married couple, so he knew a bit about marriage itself, though not the reason that the female mentioned "Young Love" and "being unable to keep their hand's off each other" but, based on the way she had smiled and winked, he judged it to be a personal, private matter, and decided not to comment on it, instead palming the significant payment she offered for the rooms.

"Thank you miss, just down that hall" he said, pointing towards one of the two hallways that shot off from the main desk, forming a corner with it "are a pair of good rooms, clean and well tended to, right next to each other." Reaching into the desk with his other hand, the man grabbed a pair of numbered keys, handing them to Snow. "The room numbers match the keys. The door behind me opens to the dining room, but you can access that from the hall as well. Your welcome to come in and eat whatever you like at any time." As the woman took the keys from him, the businessman flashed her a practiced smile. "Enjoy your stay lovebirds."

Once she had the keys, Snow grabbed her "lover" 's hand, leading him away from the desk and the slimy old slug, tugging Asheron after her towards their rooms. Choosing the door corresponding to the first key she looked at, she popped the door open, shoving him in and closing the door after her, locking it in her wake before she spun, opening her mouth to speak before remembering his ability, and choosing the more discrete method of communication. ~I don't trust him. That guy is too smooth, too polished. If anybody comes looking for us, he'll send them right to us without a second thought. We need to be careful Ash, this is dangerous business.~ And with that she immediately made certain the window was closed, locked, and shuttered.

Pacing back and forth, Snow's mind poured over some ideas, different ways to handle the situation, before she came to a conclusion. ~I'll hide the ball. These people don't seem to be very technologically inclined, with luck they won't have a radar and will just be making manual searches, here, give me the ball.~ Without waiting for answer or permission she reached into the bag, grasping the large orb in her hands, feeling it's smooth surface fill her palms, this one orange, unlike the golden ones on earth. ~Ash, there is something you need to know about me. With your mind reading powers you'd have learned it sooner or later anyway, it's better that I tell you on purpose.~

Setting the ball on the bed, she slowly peeled out of her weighted training gi, leaving the snug clothing behind to reveal her figure in it's full form for the first time, right in front of the man. ~You see Ash, my people are called changelings for a reason. We have the ability to change our shape into a few pre-designated forms, all of them except the one you see now are hideous freaks that are ugly and monstrous. And you are about to see the worst of them. Please forgive me my friend, but this is something I must do. Believe me, I would spare it from you if I could, but as I said, sooner or later you would have learned.~

And with that, Snow closed her eyes, as her body began to mutate, swelling and reshaping, reforming itself. Over the course of the next... ten seconds or so she grew into a great beast, long and lizard-like, with a massive head and a large, gaping beak that looked as though it could crush stone. Once it was finally completed, were she to stand on her hind legs she would likely be pushing 15 feet tall, on all fours as she was her horns barely cleared the ceiling. Bending down towards the bed, she opened her large maw, encapsulating the dragon ball in her beak before swallowing it hole, using her tail and one "hand" to maneuver it into the position necessary, before she reverted back into her natural state.

When at last she was herself again, she smiled at the ingenuity of her plot. There, in her stomach, was a bulge, not unlike that of a mother on earth of perhaps... four months or so. "You have been a very very naughty alien in this good man's inn Asheron..." she teased out loud, careful to make sure any eavesdroppers could hear her as she gently patted her stomach. "Your going to be a daddy." ~And I guess that makes me a mother...~

Of course, if the changeling woman weren't so focused on the ruse they were pulling, there was another thing to which her mind would wander, something her subconscious almost certainly was experiencing at that very moment. What kind of a mother could she be? She was cold, and ruthless. She hated her own mother who had, for the most part, been kind and loving, and who had only ever had her best interest at heart.

No, no matter how hard she might like to pretend she cared. No matter how much she thought she loved children, and the pain she believed she felt when she saw them in suffering, Snow was no different from any other changeling. She was a monster. A freak born out of the need to survive a planet like Icer. She wasn't capable of real love, or of a real family. Even the love she had experienced from her mother was false. It simply wasn't possible. Nor was the kindness she was being given now. Everything was done for a reason.

OOC: 1,000 words

BeowulfDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 12:15 PM | Message # 14
Less of a Noob
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~you know, apparently you haven’t had to travel through the wastelands of earth. There are monstrous dinosaurs that look way worse than your monster. But that’s beside the point, I don’t really care how you look, its how you act that entices me. And whether or not you believe it, your kindness and the kindness to you is genuine, at least from me. And by the way I love your look without the training gi.~ his hands cupped her face and looked her in the eyes and finally leaned forward, kissing her forehead, a symbol of caring for one without intimate feelings being shown.

~everyone is capable of kindness, even those who were raised to be domineering and out for blood. They just need to be showed enough kindness in the first place.~ he finished his thoughts there as he ran a hand down to her shoulders, gently rubbing them.

OOC: 150 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 12:16 PM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 12:31 PM | Message # 15
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A sense of shock ran through Snow, as she was told he wasn't frightened, not even grossed out by her ugly monstrous form. ~That's... nice...~ she thought, feeling the tender intent as he kissed her forhead. "Oooo..." she cooed, relaxing as he began to rub her shoulders, feeling the tension, the stress, the tightness that had been building in her since she summoned the dragon at last beginning to dissipate, only to be replaced by that same feral, predatory lust that she had always possessed, rising to take hold of her, even as she tried to fight it off.

Reaching forwards, she gripped his shirt, lifting as she pressed forward, sliding his feet along the floor before pinning him against the wall, reaching up to kiss his lips violently, biting and pressing his head roughly into the wall as her claws scraped deeply down his sides, drawing sweet, oh such sweet blood, the scent of it drawing her wild with need to watch his life ripped out of him. But even then, she was fighting her urges, struggling to get them under control. "I..." she paused, breaking the kiss off and looking at what she had done. "I warned you we couldn't sleep together." And with that she turned and began to run out, her tail trailing behind her.

~What is happening to me!?~ She cursed in her mind, realizing full well that she could have gotten away with it, but chose to spare him instead. ~I only want to use him for his abilities, yeah, that's it. He means nothing to me, nothing.~ She tried to persuade herself, and yet, she knew that if he really had meant nothing she wouldn't have needed to stop herself. She was gathering the dragon balls, after all, she could have just wished him back from the dead. But something in her didn't want to kill him, wanted to spare this foolish earthling the pain that she could so easily have inflicted on him. ~Perhaps...~ She thought, once again forgetting his ability to hear her thoughts. ~Perhaps it's because of how freely he's accepted me. Not even Papa welcomed me into his arms so easily.~ Yes, yes, of course, that had to be it. She wasn't feeling affection, or caring. No, she was using him for his foolish love, to be accepted, it was all so clear to her now! Or was it....

OOC: 400 words.

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