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A Very Green Adventure
EhecatlDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 1:23 AM | Message # 1
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
The ground beneath the pair seemed to flash by, the ground and grass nothing but a wide blur of various colors, mostly blue. Trees whizzing past them at an incredible rate. For the namekian, it would almost he difficult, if not painful, to try and see where they were going. AREU himself, however, had no problem with this. The intense winds blowing against his bare eyeball did nothing to hinder him, for his eyes were purely synthetic. All the while, the green skinned android made certain to keep a strong hold on his passenger, holding the namekian close to his chest so as to make certain he did not fall out of his arms and plummet to the ground. At speeds like this, it may not kill the man, but it would certainly be painful. “You should really consider learning this technique yourself, Ander. It is a highly efficient means of travel.”

Almost the second AREU’s words were complete, he stopped suddenly, the massive momentum coming to a sudden halt, all but hurling the namekian forward. If the namekian was not holding on tight, he would almost certainly be sent flying off and to the ground. In a very painful manner at that. “We are near a dragon ball.” AREU stated bluntly, the small dragon radar in his lab coat pocket beginning to beep. Whether Ander was still in his possession or not, AREU would reach into his coat with his left hand and pull the radar out, examining it intently. “It seems it is a little further down below us… In that large pond no doubt. Are namekians capable of surviving underwater?” the researcher finally asked, noting that this mission would require the namekian to go swimming.

words: 288

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
JezDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 3:17 AM | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 74
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The first reaction that sprinted through Ander’s mind as he was picked up by the cold one was instantly to struggle to regain control. But it all happened so quickly that he did not actually have time to register it in his mind. He found himself completely outraged that he was being ‘namek handled’ by the green skinned one. After a little bit of a struggle he decided that it was actually a pretty cool feeling, flying through the air, faster than he could run. He relaxed for a while as the landscape of his gorgeous home country raced past him. In the distance off to the east he saw the small lick of smoke rising from the country side where his village once stood. A small pang of emotion twisted his stomach into a knot as he realised that he had actually failed in protecting the village, but it will not happen again, he had the power to protect those close to him and nothing. Forcing his eyes away from the sight of his lost village, he resumed enjoying the flight until very suddenly the cold one stopped dead in mid air, also forgetting to grab on to his passenger so he does not fall to a very painful meeting with the floor. Luckily the warrior namek was both quick in mind and body for as soon as he found himself falling out of the cold arms and flipping in mid air, his arm stretched out and grabbed the androids ankle. In the same motion he swung forward and pulled his arm back to its normal size, pulling himself up onto the cold one’s shoulders. Whilst sitting on the cold shoulders he listened intently to what he was saying, hoping for the reason why he stopped. He politely informed Ander that flight was a much more efficient method of travel, rather than being carried. He also mentioned something about being near a dragon ball, that was in the water below them. If Ander had not been so quick with his reactions then he would have definitely plunged straight into it.
“Cold one, I would learn to fly... But riding you is so much more fun!”
With that he tapped coldie on the cheek, stood up straight on the cold one’s shoulders and dived straight down in to the water, making a tiny splash as he entered.

ooc: words - 397

EhecatlDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 3:53 AM | Message # 3
Less of a Noob
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Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
Suspended there in the air, AREU blinked. Having been tapped on the cheek and told he was fun to ride. He had been used as a primary mode of transportation. “Perhaps this is what Slyph feels like every day…” He mused quietly to himself, before casually removing his glasses, folding them up, and tucking them into his coat pocket before rising up several feet. And finally letting himself come diving down beneath the green waters with his namekian friend.

Beneath the water, AREU looked around. The water made it fairly hard for him to see correctly, but thanks to his mechanical eyes he was fully capable of keeping them open under water. ~It was a good idea that I made myself water resistant.~ He thought to himself, thankful for his forethought. And also, for that matter, that he hadn’t just dove into an ocean of acid. Only now did he even consider that terrible possibility. Of course, seeing the namekian go in first made it seem like it was perfectly safe. However, he forgot one important thing. He was metal. Immediately, AREU shot down. Delving deeper and deeper beneath the water’s surface. His metallic mass sinking like an anchor. Finally, the android hit a solid mass, presumably the floor. But he had gone to deep to really see where he was.

Feeling around, the android noted to himself how soft the ground was. Almost rubbery in the way it responded to pressure. Rubbery or… Fleshy… But that wouldn’t be possible. Why would the ground he fleshy? At that moment, a light shimmer caught his mechanical eye. A shiny object in the otherwise dark depths. Pulling out his dragon radar, AREU checked the map, the dim glow of the screen lighting the area just enough to see a dragon ball wedged between two large, white constructs. ~Perfect.~ AREU thought, standing up and doing a sort of underwater moonwalk for the ball. ~This was quicker than I expected.~

Suddenly, as if without warning the ground began to shake as a low growl escaped the floor beneath him. With a sense of astonishment, AREU gazed downward, holding the dragon radar up to use the screen as a light. Slowly, a strange chasm seemed to form beneath him, slowly growing wider and wider. A jet of warm water blasting out with such force as to send the dragon ball and the android scientist shooting upward. A low, bellowing roar ushered from the depths, blasting the android into the light, the dragon ball just happening to fly up and slow down, gently rising up in front of Ander as if it wanted him to grab it. The one star dragon ball.

“We have a complication..” AREU said lowly, the sound from his mouth largely muffled by the water. At that same moment, a tremendous, fifty foot long behemoth of a demonic fish came up from the depths, teeth larger than most trees. It’s scales shimmered in the new light, a bright crimson glow radiating from the reflective hide. “… This will not end well.” AREU said, waiting for Ander’s move.

words: 515
Got the one star dragonball

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
JezDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 4:47 AM | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 74
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Status: Offline
As soon as his head broke the surface of the water, Ander looked for his companion and saw him rocketing down towards him. He dived under the water to see the most comical thing he’d seen in a while. The cold one was obviously made of something much heavier than he was because he started to sink at a very rapid rate. He even flailed a little bit on his way down. The namekian knew it was definitely a bad idea to expel the oxygen in his lungs but he could not help laughing while under water, it was just too funny. He looked under once more, with a fresh set of air in his lungs but he could not see a thing. The cold one was way too far under the surface for the namekian’s eyes to catch anything. He waited a while, wondering how he would know if his companion died if he did not float to the surface. Suddenly something completely unexpected happened, the ground started to shake. Now usually if the ground was shaking the water would absorb most of it, but this time the water shook more than the ground. This meant that it was coming from the water.
Just as he was about to put his head under the water again the dragon ball flew gently up in front of his face. He raised a hand and snatched it out of the air. He held the ball tightly in his right hand and stuck his head back under the water and saw a sight even funnier than before. The cold one had angered a giant eel and it was curled around him, mouth open and about to eat him whole. Pushing his head above water once more he barked a quick laugh and dived under to save the cold one.
With very little time he made a split second decision and threw the ball as fast as he could at the eel. If they were not surrounded by dense water the ball would have hit the eel within a split second, but the water slowed the ball down dramatically. It will still hit the eel, but at a much slower rate, giving the eel enough time to react. It’s antennae twitched as it felt the water compress from the direction the ball was coming in and instinct took over as it turned its head and opened its mouth, swallowing the ball without even a second thought. Ander broke the surface once more, swore, took a breath and swam down to his heat resistant friend. This was going to be very interesting.

ooc: words = 437
lost the first star dragonball

Message edited by Jez - Thursday, 2010-03-11, 4:48 AM
EhecatlDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 5:14 AM | Message # 5
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
AREU found the giant eel coiling it’s massive, muscular body around him, compressing and attempting to squeeze the life out of him. Luckily, AREU was not alive. In fact, he didn’t even breath. However, the crushing pressure was slowly beginning to compress his body, bending the metal alloy he was composed of and squishing his internal gears and components. Just then, Ander acted quickly to save AREU! Hurling the dragon ball a- wait… WHAT!? Why would he throw the dragon ball? That was the entire reason they came down he- And the eel ate it… ~Perfect…~ AREU thought to himself, looking down at the tail that was tightening around him. Instantly, the water around the android’s eyes would superheat, bubbling up before two thin, green beams of condenses energy shot down, burning into the creature’s flesh.

The massive beast roared again, releasing the android and flailing around. It’s massive tail bashing the poor, metal man with overwhelming strength, and sending him down to the darkest depths of the waters. With a fit of rage, the creature turned it’s body around. The massive coiling form lashing out in a brutal attempt at slamming the gargantuan tail into Ander’s body. Roaring widely, the beast seeked only to devour it’s assailants.

AREU himself continued down, hurtling through the water like a green torpedo made of lead. Finally, he came crashing into the sandy ground, leaving a skidding trail behind him. ~That was unpleasant…~ He thought to himself, slowly rising and dusting the wet sand off. Though under water, it really didn’t make a difference. Gazing upward, he casually tried to think of a way to get the ball from the monstrous sea beast. Ultimately, he held his hand out, forming a small green energy ball in the center to illuminate the darkened area. Almost the exact moment he did so, he found himself staring at another pair of massive jaws…

~….. What could I have done to avoid this?~ He asked himself silently, musing about how tremendously unfortunate this was. And with that, the second sea beast lunged forward, bringing the giant fangs down on the android and biting deeply, flailing his body around like an oversized dog who just found a new chew toy. ”Aaaaaahh” AREU called out in his bland, monotone voice. Although there was no hint of emotion it in, almost like he was just joking, AREU was truly in danger. His mechanical vocal cords unable to create a sound large enough to fully express his fear. Luckily his metal body was not pierced by the giant fangs, but that didn’t make it any easier to regain control of the situation.

words: 441

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
JezDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 6:05 AM | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 74
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Status: Offline
Ander watched the monster consume the dragon ball without a second thought and then continue on to devour its former prey. So much for trying to distract it so that it didn’t eat the cold one. Then the cold one actually did something surprising, it shot what looked like, energy out of its eyes to burn the creature. The creature roared and let go of his friend and in the same moment, sent its tail flying towards the namekian at an insane speed. He would definitely be crushed if this attack hit him at full force. Thinking quickly, Ander turned around and shot out both of his hands with his palms wide open, in front of him, releasing his energy in the form of a kaiho attack. This moved him barely out of the way of the tail and catapulted him towards the gargantuan mouth of the creature. The creature watched stupidly as the namekian threw himself into its mouth and opened it obligingly, waiting to accept its next small meal. Unfortunately for the namekian the tail had clipped his right leg as he was on his way towards the mouth, breaking it instantly and sending him spinning in the water. Concentrating intently, he regained a sense of where he was and managed to throw his arm out to grip one of the creatures teeth just before he was digested down the throat. Hanging there for dear life until the mouth closed, Ander also realised that on his way into the mouth of the being, he had expelled all the air in his lungs. Having no idea which way up was, and no real way out of his situation he began doing what any real sentient being would do.

Somehow in his flailing his head broke the surface of a random air bubble that had been trapped inside the creatures mouth. The air smelt very stale so it seemed it had been there for quiet a while, but still it was breathable. He held himself there with one hand on a tooth and the other on the roof of the mouth while he devised a way out of his current situation. He looked around and saw that little hanging bit coming down from the roof of its throat. It was actually shaped like a massive joystick. Ander snickered a laugh, wasting more of the precious stale air, as he realised just how not plausible the idea was. But anything was worth a try in his current state, it was either that or accept dying by digestion, or drowning. He took one last deep breath, dove under the surface and swam over to the joystick and grabbed it with both hands, planting his feet on the roof of the creatures mouth for leverage so that he was effectively upside down. Luckily gravity did not matter much this far under water.

As soon as his grip was tight, the creature opened his mouth and let out a roar of immense pain and the namekian used this opportunity to properly orientate himself to the outside world once more. He was close enough to coldie that he could see another of the massive creatures bite down on him and shake him around quiet hard. Hopefully he was still alive, but even if he was, there was not much time to save him. Ander angled the stick in the direction away from his friend and just as he planned, the creature endeavored to get away from the pain and swam towards the android. Within seconds the creature that was being controlled slammed its open mouth into the side of the other creature’s long cylindrical body, taking a massive chunk out of it with it’s teeth. One of the teeth broke off in the impact and Ander saw the opportunity, quickly grabbing it out of mid air... or water, and holding it ready for use no matter what would happen next.

ooc: words = 656

EhecatlDate: Thursday, 2010-03-11, 6:21 PM | Message # 7
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
The tremendous beast floated there for a moment, it’s inner body trying to swallow the namekian meal, only to feel a rough tug on it’s uvula and a tremendous amount of pain. With a bellowing, submerged roar the creature started forward, swimming at top speeds. Just as Ander had planned, the beast rammed full force into the second creature, causing it’s body to contort and flail in pain, and release the metal man. But only for an instant. In retaliation the second monster reared it’s head up to bite down on the first, catching the floating AREU in it’s mouth and bashing him against the beast’s side.

As the two monstrous sea beasts entangled and fought viciously, AREU’s small frame was jumbled and tossed around like a rag doll. Every time he managed to stabilize his position, one of the beasts slapped him with it’s tail or rammed it’s head into him. Finally, with one more powerful blow AREU was sent crashing down against the murky earth once more.

Rising again, AREU shook his head and attempted to dust off his clothing. Brushing away the wet sand and mud, and noting the severe damage to his clothing. His white lab coat was littered with tears and teeth holes, and what little exposed “flesh” he had was partially peeled off to expose a very metallic body beneath it. It was mostly external damage, but AREU was all the more annoyed that it had come to this.

AREU turned around and looked upward, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening above him. But what he saw was one of the massive beast’s backs. Pausing, the android let out a muffled, metallic sigh as the tremendous beast came crashing down on top of him. Forcing his body beneath the sands and burying him under a mountain of rough scales and muscled flesh.

Meanwhile, the beast that had Ander inside it floated up above it’s newly vanquished foe, watching the second monster collapse on top of the green skinned android. Yet it still had the a large namek in it’s throat. All that tugging and pulling on it’s uvula had finally trigged what that particular part of the anatomy was suppose to trigger. A gag reflex. Almost immediately afterward, the namekian would hear a strange gurgling deep within the monster’s bowls. A terrible taste and smell filling the water, before a sudden wave of purplish slime came erupting from it’s throat. A disgusting mixture of grim, half digested flesh, stomach acid, and various other bacteria filled substances rushing out of the mouth with such force as to try and send the namekian flying from the creature’s mouth, enveloped in a floating pool of demon fish regurgitation.

words: 454

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
JezDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 5:06 PM | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 74
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Apparently, the events that followed had no need for the massive tooth weapon that Ander had acquired for the monster stopped and convulsed a few times. Big convulsions involving most of its fifty foot long body. Ander wondered what was happening for a moment and then a light bulb turned on in his head. The creature was about to throw up the contents of its stomach and the namekian was still in its mouth. In a moment of desperation Ander stabbed the giant tooth into the side wall of the giant mouth, using it as a steady point to hold on to when the flood came. And then the flood came, it was the single grossest thing that the namekian had ever smelt, let alone been completely submerged in. Luckily at the last moment he had remembered to close both his eyes and mouth so he would not actually ingest any of the stuff. It had taken all of his strength to hold on to the tooth, but some how he had managed it, and when the flood was finally over, the namekian knew that he had to end this, and fast. He took one last breath from the air pocket that was in the top of the creatures mouth and cringed, for now it smelt like the contents of the recently thrown up stomach.
With his lungs filled once more with smelly air, he swam down into the beast’s throat hoping to trigger the swallow reflex. It took him a little longer than he thought he needed but finally he he felt the throat close around him and ingest him, pushing Ander deep into the long and windy stomach. After about three seconds of being digested, he decided it was now time to finish this fight off, closing his eyes so that he could concentrate, Ander’s body started to grow. First it doubled in size and then tripled. From this point he was basically squeezing against all sides of the creature and a bulge could be seen about a quarter of the way down the body from the outside. It was hard to force his body to grow any more against the weight of the giant fish but he knew he had to, or he would certainly die. Ander put all of his mental strength into the effort and his body grew even more. Little tears started to form around the bulge in the creature, they started to grow little by little and a massive roar escaped from it’s mouth. Writhing in pain, but with no way to escape, the sea beast started to swim in random directions, trying in vain to get away. Ander’s power level spiked for a second as he put all his effort in to his final push and finally he burst through the skin, tearing the monster in two pieces. The effort required to kill his foe had almost knocked him out and he could feel the blackness starting to creep into the sides of his vision. Ander knew that he should be now looking for the dragon ball that was previously being ingested in the monster, but the survival instincts kicked in and he could be seen weakly kicking his legs, trying to get some air into his burning lungs.

words - 547
ooc: sorry about the delay dude, Life is shit sometimes.

Message edited by Jez - Saturday, 2010-03-13, 5:07 PM
EhecatlDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 5:57 PM | Message # 9
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
The massive beast flailed as Ander impaled it with it’s own tooth, the body twisting and contorting in pain. Finally, it felt something go down it’s throat. At last, if had it’s meal. Unfortunately it tasted like it’s own vomit. And even more unfortunate that the meal began to expand. Outside of the fish thing, it’s stomach would swell up, almost like a pregnant woman. With slight twitch, the creature began to look around, unsure of how to handle this. Not like it was exactly common. Again, there was a sudden growth inside it, bulging it’s stomach out even further. Pain swelling up inside it. Again, the bulge grew, now pushing the thing’s limbs outward as the body began to swell up like a strange demon fish balloon. Again, it swelled more. And more. Until the outer skin began to tear open, blood rising up from the newly opened wounds. And finally, with a wail of pain and agony, the creature erupted, bursting open and letting it’s entrails spill out into the ocean.

Down below, the other beast now dead began to shift. Moving slightly and rising up from the sands. Slowly, it’s body came up, as if to life, only to suddenly shift to the side and fall back down, revealing AREU beneath it. A clear feeling of annoyance about him, and a small stream of bubbles rising up from his left shoulder. With a quick glance to the source of the bubbles, he could see a very small hole from where one of the fangs had punctured. ~Now I’m leaking…. Perfect.~ He thought to himself, looking up at the mass of purple water. The namek was in it, desperately trying to reach the surface of the water. His body weakened from the struggle. Almost dead from lack of oxygen and overexertion of his body.

Knowing the namekian would not last long, the android decided to forget about his small leakage issue, he rose up from the murky sand. Quickly gliding up through the water and into the purple mist. It was harder to see, but his mechanical eyes were strong enough to make out the basic form of a namekian. Gliding gently over to him, AREU wrapped an arm around his upper waist, pressing the man against his metallic form so that the namekian’s arms were slung over his shoulder. At the same moment, a small shimmer of light caught the android’s attention. A glimmer of orange. Turning to face it, he could plainly see it was the dragon ball. Reaching out with one hand, AREU scooped the ball up and brought it to his chest securely. “Finally.” He muttered, his voice garbled by the water. And with that, he shot up into the air, bursting up from the water surface and slowing down to a gently glide, eventually touching down by the water’s edge.

Laying the namekian on the warm, sandy beach, AREU examined his person. He was weakened, and seemed to have a severe need of oxygen. Placing the dragon ball on the ground beside him, AREU brought both arms to the center of the namekian’s chest and applied pressure, hoping to force any liquid within his body out of the lungs to allow air passage. Unfortunately, because of the android’s mechanical form, normal CPR was impossible. He had no lungs or breathing apparatus to breath new air into the namek. And so, it was almost entirely up to the namekian himself to inhale.

words: 578

Have the dragon ball in our posession. We'll officially gather it after the thread ends.

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
JezDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 1:51 AM | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 74
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Status: Offline
Ander awoke from what was a very strange dream. He was lying on the nice sunny beach, checking out a few random female namekians wearing very little in the way of formal clothing. He lay back, enjoying the feeling of the sun combined with sea spray on his face. It was a very good day on plant namek and since he was now free of his training obligations, he now had the free time to enjoy it. For a second he was confused as to why his training obligations were over, but soon enough he forgot about it and just enjoyed the feeling of the beach once more. To make things even better, the very pretty namekian he had been covertly checking out was now almost staring in his direction. He closed his eyes once more and flexed his black tinted muscles, wondering if she was impressed enough to come over and see what he was all about. He took another peek at the girl by opening his eyes just a tiny bit and saw that she was on her way towards him, with a very suggestive sway to her hips. She came and knelt down beside him and placed her hands on his chest, one over the other. He only got the chance to wonder at just how forward this girl was before she started pushing down on his chest multiple times. About the rhythm of one push per two seconds. He opened his eyes wide again to look at the girl, she was not pushing down hard enough to hurt him, but definitely hard enough for it to be uncomfortable. Instinct took over on the third push and he kicked his legs out to gain his balance, while whipping his arm around to grab the hands on his chest. All in all the move was just meant to give him the dominant position, but seeing as she was just a girl, he managed to throw her a couple meters away.

It was at that point that the dream started to dissolve and real life really began to come into proper focus. There was no gorgeous and scantily clad namekian female, the only life around him was the cold one who was beating down on his chest. He tried to throw him off while still asleep but only ended up rolling over and tangling them both around each other.
“Well, this has been fun cold one, but i do think we should get that dragon ball back to the ship.”
Not waiting for the android to reply he found the void inside his mind and tried to remember and repeat exactly what the cold one did with his energy to allow him to fly. Within a second he had the theory of the technique down pat inside his head and he pushed off the floor with his arms and legs using his energy as a spring board to launch into his first real flight. The theories in his head were not as perfect as he thought and the ground came back at him, fast and hard. Ander flipped in mid air, orientating himself so that his legs were the first to hit off the floor and charging his energy once more into his legs. As soon as his feet touched the ground he wanted to bounce up into flight once more.
He ‘hopped’ like this for a few seconds until finally he managed a form of shaky flight.
Looking over to where the android was he yelled out “I am going to beat you back to the ship coldie!”

words: 600
learned: flight!!

Message edited by Jez - Sunday, 2010-03-14, 2:04 AM
EhecatlDate: Sunday, 2010-03-14, 5:00 AM | Message # 11
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
The android felt the namekian’s legs swing upward, attempting to knock him down and off. Of course, after what AREU had been through he posed very little resistance, and fell down backward, a loud swishing sound resonating from in side his body. Laying down on his back, the android looked towards the sky, idly muttering, “That can’t be a good sign..” Under his breath. Or whatever his equivalent to such a thing would be. Needless to say, the android was tired. His body beaten and damaged. And worst of all, his clothing was torn. But perhaps Slyph would have a means to repair them.

Reading into his lab coat pocket, AREU produced his usual pair of glasses, now missing their lenses and crooked. With a heavy metallic sigh, the android placed the broken frames on his face. Clearly upset by his loss. Gently, he rose up into a floating position just over the sands, even his flight shaky and wobbly. His eyes met the namekian, examining him and his energy. “How can you not be tired?” He said, floating up to match the namekian’s height.

words: 185

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
JezDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 0:38 AM | Message # 12
Group: Users
Messages: 74
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline
Ander looked back, he finally had the hand of this whole flying thing, and replied to coldie's stupid question.
"Tired?? How can you be tired? We just completely owned a couple massive monsters and got the ball. Our quest is over! AND... i learned to fly" The last part was accompanied by a cheeky grin.
"And now, its race on. Lets see how fast those cold bones can take you."
As soon as he finished his little antagonistic spiel a look of intense concentration took over the namekian's face as he flew as fast as he could back to the ship. The one good thing about being a native to this planet was that he would never get lost. The ship was straight ahead and he would be there first!

ooc: words 130

EhecatlDate: Monday, 2010-03-15, 0:43 AM | Message # 13
Less of a Noob
Group: Users
Messages: 114
Reputation: 3
Status: Offline
As the namekian shot off, the android floated up into the air after him. A light swishing sound inside his body as the water shifted back and forth inside him. Not wanting to fall behind and get attacked by another fish, AREU shot forward as well. Flying behind the namekian and letting him lead the way.

words: 56

I will not back
a step away
from that hoard-guardian.
We two shall end
as fate decrees.
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