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Recovery, of Asheron and the next Dragonball
BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 0:18 AM | Message # 16
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Coughing up a lot of half frozen water Ash smiled as he opened his eyes and looked at her “I knew you actually cared…” was all he said before lying his head down with nearly a grin on his face. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I thought last night was fun; we just have to… control things if we go too far. Or I could try to enter your dreams; anything you wish for can happen in a dream, as long as you know it is one.” He said as he stared up at the clouds and then a question bubbled to the surface, one of those age old questions that always sounded dumb when you asked them.

“You ever wonder what’s out there?” he said in a rather goofy way with a slight blush on his face “And I know you are gonna call me silly but really, there can only be so many planets that can be inhabited that are within appropriate reach, but could there be a more intelligent, or more menacing life out there? Or even could there be a race that knows how to solve our little issue…” he said as he looked to her still bulged stomach with another smile.

OOC: 208 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 1:17 AM | Message # 17
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From above, the changeling woman smirked at his comments, choosing to say nothing. ~I'm just glad I didn't have to bury him~ She thought, her smirk changing to a slight smile at the realization he wouldn't really believe her. "Lets not rush things Asheron, just take some time and handle this one piece at a time, and the first piece, is gathering the rest of the dragon balls and making our wish."

Reaching a hand down, she gripped onto one of his, tugging him up to his feet. "Speaking of dragon balls, I seem to remember a certain someone saying that he knew more about the dragon balls than I did." As she pulled him up towards her, she would swallow her pride, wrapping him up in a hug, grateful for the punk to still be alive. "Come on Ashley, we've got work to do." Planting a soft kiss on his cheek apologetically, she flashed him a smile, the best she could manage being a freak at least.

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 1:30 AM | Message # 18
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“I only said I knew something that you don’t. We are messing with a not so benevolent force that would kill us just as soon as grant us our wish. The only reason it does is because the people that created these were nice, you ever wonder if the one who created a set of dragon balls was evil? Or even if the one that created this set was? The dragon could kill us, or worse, after granting our wish, kill the entire planet.” He said as he slowly prepared to follow her. He couldn’t resist the act that had bubble up though and acting on instinct he slipped behind her and slapped her ass.

OOC: 115 words

Message edited by Beowulf - Saturday, 2010-03-13, 1:40 AM
Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 2:45 AM | Message # 19
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Shrugging casually, she glanced out in the direction of the ship. "Not like it matters. If we don't make the wish, sooner or later someone will. Hell I bet these things have already been wished on hundreds of times since their creation. If something like that was going to happen, it probably already has." Before she could say anymore, she felt a slap on her ass, causing the instant reaction of whipping her tail at high speed, snapping it such that only the tip would barely touch his own butt, cutting through the pants to leave a small welt on his ass. "In private only, private Ash, I said we were going to take this slow." Leaving the dragon ball in his spare arm, she snatched the radar from him, and checked the direction of the next ball, intrigued to see that it would take them past their ship. "Looks like we'll get to drop these off at the ship, come on Ashley, lets go." And with that she took off at a quick pace, setting it just right that he ought to be able to keep up, if barely.
BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 3:14 AM | Message # 20
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Smiling Ash quickly telepathically said ~you’re going to birth the child so soon?~ he asked with a slight chuckle and took off after her, struggling to keep pace due to the two near death expierences in one day, but it did put him in a relatively nice spot. Right where he liked to float when he was following her. Right where he could see her entire body move. Oh how fun it was to watch, but torture not being able to touch. ~and going slow also includes not leaving marks Captain Snow, but I guess I cant stop you from having fun like you can stop me…~ he trailed off the teasing thought there and continued on after her.

OOC: 121 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 4:34 AM | Message # 21
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Choosing to ignore his comments instead for the time being, Snow kept an eye on the dragon radar, making certain they would swing by the ship with the least possible lost ground. It would not be long before they reached she ship, and could drop off the two dragon balls in the relative security of the Slyph's care, and be on their way for the third. She had, in fact, told the others to return to the ship after gathering their balls anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem, right?

After at most twenty minutes she could see the beautiful, sleek hull of her ship on the horizon, shimmering lightly in the sun as if to greet her. ~Two dragon balls down, only a few to go.~ She thought to herself, wondering how her two green minions were faring in their tasks. When at last she reached the ship, the changeling woman came down for a landing, gliding gracefully up the gangway into the entrance, only to be greeted by the Slyph. "Welcome Mistress, how may I please you?" Inquired the mercurial holographic replica of herself, bowing submissively. "We've recovered two of the dragon balls, and we're leaving them in your care until we return with the rest."

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 12:46 PM | Message # 22
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Ash floated down behind Snow and smiled as he approached the ship and decided to speak with the thing for the first time. “Also, why don’t we make sure that only Snow can retrieve the balls from you… while I do enjoy the company of other creatures, I trust that android as far as I can throw him. And the Namekian, well he has lived on this planet all his life, he is sure to know how to use the dragon balls and probably would as soon as he has them all.” He said as he walked up to the ship alongside Snow.

From there he proceeded to set the dragon ball on the ground and await orders on what to do, thinking about the night before to keep his mind occupied. ~you know snow, if you are so afraid to hurt me and yet you still want those things, there is always the dreamscape…~ he teased ever so carefully so as not to upset her anymore than she actually was.

OOC: 171 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 3:33 PM | Message # 23
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"Very well Mistress, give me a moment to calculate the densest hiding place, with a little luck it will disrupt any radars trying to pinpoint the balls." After a moment of silence, the Slyph's silver form directed them to the manufacturing bay. The area was sealed in lead for the times when various radiation was required to achieve the various effects, and, if these balls were like the ones on earth, that would force any wishing to steal the balls to search every nook and cranny on the ship. And it was a fairly big ship, with bedrooms for four people and all.

~You keep bringing up that dream crap don't you Ash, just give me some time to think about this alright? On earth if you were pressuring a girl she'd dump your ass, don't think you can get away with pushing me just because I'm not human.~ She thought, beginning to grow a bit annoyed by the constant presence in her head. Oh sure it was nice to have when it was needed, and useful from time to time, but to be nagged and pressured in her own mind? That way lies the road to insanity. Morphing into her great, bestial third form hidden within the walls of the Slyph from any would be passersby, she brought the ball back up, spitting it on the floor before walking over it. "Take them this way please." She instructed her companion, walking towards the manufacturing bay.

Truth of the matter is, Snow hadn't even thought about how impossibly strong a changeling's stomach acid was, designed to digest anything edible found on Icer's harsh terrain, from bone to wood to enamel. The small amount covering the ball wouldn't do any serious harm, but it would burn some small amount, and perhaps leave light scarring on Asheron's arms, were he to pick it up. Fortunately for him though, there was a light greenish film on the ball, sizzling with the acid's strength, indication enough to proceed with caution if he was paying attention to more than just his captain's swaying hips from behind.

OOC: 350 words.

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 3:53 PM | Message # 24
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Reaching out purposefully grabbing the ball beyond the film of green he winced in pain as the stomach acid steadily ate away at his skin. He quickly went intangible as he grabbed the ball and the film slid right off. Tears of pain came to his eyes as he picked up the balls with raw flesh and then started to walk off towards Snow. Still he winced in pain as he kept going until finally he dropped the balls with a loud thud as his endurance reached its limit.

OOC: 89 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 4:02 PM | Message # 25
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At the sound of the thud, Snow spun, only to see smoke coming off Asheron's hands. "Oh shit..." was she could say as she ran through the possibilities in her mind. "Slyph, do we have any major basic compounds on board?" As soon as she'd finished the statement a compartment opened, revealing a large jug of bleach. "I.. don't think that will be necessary," she said, realizing that the acid had slid off and was fizzling on the metal floor instead, "but I will need some healing ointment, for burns. Chilled if possible."

"Right away Mistress." And the compartment closed, a mechanical sound could be heard, and then it opened again with a strange, ice blue substance, with a label that read Burn Away ~Lets hope this works...~ She thought to herself as she stepped forwards, gingerly applying the substance to his hands, using a single finger on each hand to gently rub the chilling relief on. "Are you sure you still like the idea of having a kid with me?" She inquired, almost laughing inside at the irony. "Babies puke just as much on icer as they do on earth, but it burns like this." From what little she could see, it seemed like whatever this Burn Away stuff was, it was good at it.

If she'd taken the time to read the label she would have seen that it was designed to react with human skin, chilling away any burning pain from any source, as cold as necessary to remove, or at least numb the pain, and would then soak into the flesh, beginning the healing process at an accelerated rate. According to the label, as long as his hands sustained no further injury, they would be as good as new in twenty-four hours, assuming he got a good night's rest. Longer without it, of course. "How does that feel Ash, are your hands feeling any better? I'm sorry I didn't think about it before I let you pick it up, it seems I still have some learning to do about being a captain and being responsible for my men."

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 4:26 PM | Message # 26
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“By the time you bore my child I will have learned to phase different parts of my body at a time… wait a second was that a hint?” he said joking, attempting to ignore the pain that was still there, his body was trying to adapt to the gel but at the same time it was trying to reject it. He winced slightly each time pressure was applied. Steadily his hand was healing but the gel burned more than anything even though the label said it would cool to the touch.

OOC: 91 words (sorry for low count)

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 4:43 PM | Message # 27
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This time, Snow simply opted to ignore him, finishing the application into the wound before capping the bottle and shoving it into one of the pockets in the breast of her training clothing, turning and grabbing the dragon balls, laying them into the manufacturing chamber. "I'm going after the next ball, you can stay here and rest if you like." As her body glided beyond him, her tail slid up, comfortingly gripping his shoulder before she reached the exit, stepping back out into the Namekian sun, ready to find another dragon ball.

After a quick glance behind to see if he was coming or not, she turned her eyes to the radar, finding the nearest ball, and headed northwards, intent on finishing this adventure and getting back to what she had really got the ship for.

OOC: No sweat, I'm running a little low on inspiration at the moment too lol.

BeowulfDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 6:16 PM | Message # 28
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“You know I wouldn’t leave your side, even for an entire worlds worth of knowledge.” He said as he came up behind her, getting ready to take off and follow her again. “Plus my hand is healed enough to function. Oh and any idea how many of these there are for this planet? I know earth had seven, but what are the chances there are more?” he said as he slowly took off and followed after her, hoping not to have a third near death experience today… or ever again. Though it was rather interesting how she poured her heart out every time she came to his rescue.

OOC: 108 words

Kyrt_RyderDate: Saturday, 2010-03-13, 11:11 PM | Message # 29
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EDIT:Story Continued Here

Message edited by Kyrt_Ryder - Saturday, 2010-03-13, 11:26 PM
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